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崆峒山英语导游词 篇1

  Kongtong mountain is located 12 kilometers west of Pingliang City, GansuProvince, overlooking Xi'an in the East, Lanzhou in the west, Baoji in the Southand Yinchuan in the north. It is the fortress of the ancient silk road going outof Guanzhong in the West.duY易文君-文库范文网

  With an area of 84 square kilometers and an elevation of 2123 meters, themain peak of Kongtong mountain scenic area is a combination of natural landscapeand cultural landscape. It is of high ornamental, cultural and scientific value.Since ancient times, it has been known as "the first mountain from the west","the wonder of Xizhen" and "the holy land of Daoyuan".duY易文君-文库范文网

  Kongtong mountain is a branch of Liupan Mountain. It is a natural kingdomof animals and plants. There are more than 1000 kinds of plants and more than300 kinds of animals. The forest coverage rate is more than 90%. During thisperiod, the mountains and cliffs stand like miraculous work; the vast forest andsea, smoke cage and fog lock, like an ethereal fairyland; the high gorge andflat lake, the same color of water and sky, have the charm of Lijiang River. Itis rich in the magnificence of the mountains in the north and the beauty of thescenery in the south. The dignified and elegant 42 building complex of Batai,Jiugong and 12yuan, with 72 stone caves, is magnificent and rich in details.duY易文君-文库范文网

  Since ancient times, Kongtong mountain has attracted many talented people.Emperor Xuanyuan, who is regarded as the ancestor of the Chinese people,personally visited Kongtong mountain and asked the wise man guangchengzi foradvice on the way of governing the country and the art of keeping in goodhealth; Sima Qian, Wang Fu, Du Fu, Bai Juyi, Zhao Shichun, Lin Zexu, Tan Si andother scholars also left a large number of poems, Huazhang, steles andinscriptions. Kongtong Wushu is famous in China with Shaolin, Wudang, Emei,Kunlun and other Wushu schools.duY易文君-文库范文网

崆峒山英语导游词 篇2

  In the morning, my father told me that my family was going to visitKongtong mountain. Suddenly, my mood is particularly excited. Put on yourclothes and trousers. When I opened the curtain, I saw that the sky was clearand sunny, which made me even more excited. After we packed our bags together,we sang and laughed in the car. We really wanted to get to our destination. Timepassed in the laughter, we finally came to the long-awaited Kongtongmountain.duY易文君-文库范文网

  We came to the gate of Kongtong mountain. First of all, the three powerfulcharacters "Kongtong mountain" glittered in the sunlight. At the gate is a largesquare with a sea of people and tourists from all over the world. There is a bigTV in the center of the square, which introduces the scenery of the scenicspot.duY易文君-文库范文网

  Entering the gate, we took the cableway to the scenic spot on the hillside- Zhongtai. The scene in front of me made me marvel. Looking around, the steepstone wall is full of trees. There are straight pine trees, tall and straightbirch trees, and many unknown trees. They are really colorful! Some are golden;some are red like fire; and some are green. They are so beautiful!duY易文君-文库范文网

  We continued to walk up the ladder and looked at the trees in front of us.We decided to collect different leaves. My mother and sister also decided totake part in the leaf collecting activities. We'll collect this one and thatone. Some of these leaves are like chicken feet, some are like lotus leaves, andothers are not sure what they look like. Their different shapes make us dazzledand overwhelmed.duY易文君-文库范文网

  In the evening, we went down the mountain. Although we didn't climb to thetop of the mountain this time, we were happy. I believe that in the near future,my family will go to Kongtong mountain and take my sister to climb to the top ofthe mountain.duY易文君-文库范文网

崆峒山英语导游词 篇3

  Taking a breath of the fresh air after the rain, we drove West fromPingliang City for more than ten kilometers and finally came to Kongtongmountain, which is known as "the first mountain in the west". Looking up at themountains, layers of trees for the mountains covered with spring new clothes,rolling mountains such as green waves rolling. Several pavilions and pavilionsare on the cliff, where the ancient trees are towering, adding a bit of simpleand exquisite cultural landscape to the mountain.duY易文君-文库范文网

  All the way up the mountain, we enjoy the perfect masterpiece of nature.You see, all kinds of trees grow on both sides of the path. Some of them havebecome towering trees; some of them are just small saplings with a few tenderleaves; some of them have straight trunks and straight crowns; some of them havecrooked branches, like a hunched old man. The grass and flowers swing with thewind, as if to welcome the arrival of distant visitors. We passed a path pavedwith cobblestones and came to the bottom of a straight and high stone step. Ilook up, what a long ladder! It's just like leading to the sky. No wonder it'scalled "ladder to heaven". I cheer myself up and go up. But just halfway up, Iwas out of breath. The moss in the stone cracks on the stairs is so slipperythat my feet are a little disobedient. It's a dilemma to look down and up. Ican't help it. I finally got on the ladder of heaven. After all, where there isa will, there is a way!duY易文君-文库范文网

  Encouraged by the singing of birds all the way, we climbed the Kongtongmountain. The joy of success filled my heart. "Shasha..." The breeze blowing thelush trees in the mountains, this wonderful sound and the clear bird song likedew together play a vibrant nature Concerto. The first feeling of climbingKongtong mountain is so wonderful that my mood is as bright as the sunshine.Looking down at the foot of the mountain, there are many peaks and cliffsstanding up. It seems that the mountains are smiling at me. Vast forest, smokecage fog lock, such as ethereal fairyland. However, the green of the mountainsgives people a very different aesthetic feeling: deep green, fresh green, livelygreen crisscross together, woven into a soft blanket. In the middle of themountains, there is a vast lake, which is pure, elegant and intoxicating. Greenboat lakeside, sporadic a few Qionglouyuyu, appears more elegant and quiet, fullof poetic. This lake is called tanzheng lake. It's ethereal. A melodious tunecomes from the pavilion and lingers in my ears. This beautiful Kongtong mountainreally makes me feel the wonderful feeling of "people swimming inpaintings".duY易文君-文库范文网

崆峒山英语导游词 篇4

  Friends, Kongtong mountain is known as the religious holy land of Taoismand Buddhism in Northwest China. It has 42 buildings and 72 stone caves.According to historical records, after the unification of the Sui Dynasty,Kongtong mountain gained a stable period, so in the Tang Dynasty, monks andTaoists successively created temples and palaces. Later, it was built or rebuiltin the song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties and even in the Republic of China.According to historical records, in its heyday, there were 42 fanchas and morethan 650 houses. The prominent ones are "eight platforms, nine palaces andtwelve courtyards". It is difficult to find out how many buildings there were inthe heyday, but the old saying of "eight platforms, nine palaces and twelvecourtyards" actually means something. Batai refers to the East, West, South,North and middle five stations, as well as the Baxian station, Linggui stationand Zhao Shichun reading station. Nine palaces refer to Wen Wen palace, Wang Mupalace, Zixiao palace, feisheng palace, Nanya palace, jingle palace, Taiqingpalace, Yuzhen palace and descendants palace. Twelve courtyards refer to Shuhuatemple, Falun temple, Baoqing temple, Chengxin temple, cha'an temple, Shelitemple, Qiyun temple, Xiangshan temple, Lianhua temple, haijue temple, Wenshutemple and Mituo temple. Shifu cave refers to Xuanhe cave, Guangcheng cave,zuanyang cave, Chaoyang cave, Laojun cave, Jinyin cave, Guiyun cave, Yunnu cave,Lingguan cave, Sanjiao cave and so on. We are now in the middle of the platform,which is surrounded by other courtyards. They are like a blooming lotus,stretching out in all directions, very beautiful. It is more than 1800 metersabove sea level, with flat terrain and wide vision. If you are interested, youmay as well take a picture here. You should pay attention to the "Kongtongmountain" monument behind me. It was inscribed by Comrade Hu Yaobang, formergeneral secretary of the CPC Central Committee, when he visited Pingliang on May19, 1986 (the monument was erected in 1992). Behind the monument is the majesticpeak of the Taoist holy land, Mazong mountain.duY易文君-文库范文网

  This two-story loft building is called sanhuanglou. It was built in 1911.There are three ancient emperors on the east side of the upper layer. As thesaying goes, the emperor Fuxi created eight trigrams, the emperor Shennongtasted herbs, and the man huangxuanyuan created civilization.duY易文君-文库范文网

  The stone tablet in front of us is called "the monument of Qin Shihuang andHan Wudi visiting Kongtong in the west". According to historical records andHanshu, Qin Shihuang once visited Kongtong mountain, while Han Wudi visitedKongtong mountain twice in Pingliang. Why did the emperor like Kongtong mountainso much? One reason is that they were all good gods and admired what the YellowEmperor asked. Another reason is that in the Qin and Han Dynasties, Kongtongmountain was an important road connecting Guanzhong and Longyou, and itsgeographical location was very important. It was said that "Gaoling Kongtong,mountains and rivers, Xiongshi three passes, and controlling the five yuan"became the main target of various military forces. The two tall Chinese pinetrees behind the monument have a history of more than 1000 years. A poem praisesthem: "the general pine in the pavilion is better for rain than for wind. It'san open-minded way to get out of the ground. "duY易文君-文库范文网

  Where does the name of Kongtong mountain come from? There are manyexplanations from ancient times to modern times, but there are three kinds oftextual research: first, there are many caves in Kongtong mountain, the mostfamous of which are Xuanhe cave and Kongtong cave. These caves either lie on thesurface of the earth or on cliffs, because most of them are empty caves;Secondly, Kongtong mountain is the birthplace of Taoism, which emphasizes theempty and inaction philosophy of Taoism; thirdly, the word Kongtong is not aword of mountain in ancient times. It was originally a phonetic interpretationof the language of a clan tribe. It expresses the general concept of a locationor all tribes in this area. Erya, the first dictionary in China, records that"beidaidou is an empty tree." It means that the sky is just below the BigDipper. Another ancient book, Jizhong ZhouShu, further explains: "the lowertribes of Daxia, Shache, Yueshi, Kongtong and guzang in the north belong toKongtong." After the development and extinction of the tribes, the famousmountains in the central area were used to refer to the mountains. In fact, theancients had a very clear concept of this region. From Li Bai and Du Fu in theTang Dynasty, LV Daqi in the Ming Dynasty to Kongtong in Lin Zexu's poems in theQing Dynasty, this region generally refers to a large area, starting from Ruyangin Henan Province in the East and ending in Hexi in Gansu Province in the West.Pingliang, the central area, may be the residential area of the ten clans in theShang and Zhou dynasties, so it is called Kongtong.duY易文君-文库范文网

  Please keep up with the line. In front of you is the ticket office,Chaotian gate. We can see that there are four stone goats on both sides ofChaotian gate. Why? Because it was very difficult for people to transport thebuilding materials to the mountain by building palaces, temples and roads atfirst. So people found that goats had even hooves and were good at walking smallpaths. From then on, goats undertook the work of carrying materials. In order tocommemorate the contribution of goats to Kongtong mountain, later generationsmolded them Here it is.duY易文君-文库范文网

  Chaotianmen was built in the Ming Dynasty. The three characters"Chaotianmen" on the lintel were written by Mr. Zhang Xiumin, a famouscalligrapher in Pingliang. The three characters "Kongtongshan" were inscribed byMr. Qigong, a famous calligrapher in contemporary times. The couplets on bothsides of "Yunshan steps to the sky, Wuhai floats to Chayi daomen" were inscribedby Mr. Ouyang Zhongshi, vice chairman of China Calligrapher Association. Here isthe Taoist Dharma protector Wang Lingguan. Wang Lingguan is the Taoist Dharmaprotector. Wang Lingguan, formerly known as Wang Ye, is sa Shoujian, a discipleof Xujing immortal, the 30th generation of Heavenly Master in Xihe. He burnedWang Ye with fire. The king refused to accept the evil, and told the heavencourt. The Jade Emperor gave the wise eye and the Golden Whip.duY易文君-文库范文网

  As the saying goes: "Wang Lingguan, keep peace", then everyone hurrythrough Chaotian gate to seek peace!duY易文君-文库范文网

  There are two stone tablets on the cliff. On the left is a poem engraved byLi Ying, a county officer of Pingliang county during the reign of Emperor Kangxiof the Qing Dynasty, chanting Xuanhe, "the crane of Yuan Dynasty flies high andthe sky is clear. There are immortal birds left for thousands of years. What'sthe matter now?" it is said that Xuanhe is the immortal bird of Kongtongmountain. On the right is the portrait tablet of Guanyin presented by Mr. WuLengxi in 1994, which is called Guanyin Bodhisattva by Buddhism. Taoism isworshipped as Cihang Taoist, and is a venerable person worshipped by bothBuddhism and Taoism. This stone tablet is also the only blue stone tablet inKongtong mountain. From now on, we need to climb 669 steps to reach Huangcheng.Because there are many and steep steps, we must pay attention to safety. We canwalk without looking at the scenery.duY易文君-文库范文网

  This two-story three Ying grotto building is Yaowang cave, which was builtin the Ming Dynasty. It is dedicated to Sun Simiao (middle), Bian que (left) andHua Tuo (right). Sun Simiao was born in the first year of kaihuang of SuiDynasty and died in the first year of Yongchun of Tang Dynasty. He lived 102years (or 141 years). He is a famous medical scientist and pharmacist in thehistory of China and even the world. In history, it was regarded as the "king ofmedicine". Sun Simiao is a famous doctor of ancient and modern medical ethics,especially his emphasis on medical ethics, which is a good story for latergenerations. In his famous book qianjinfang, the medical ethics of "greatmedical sincerity" is also placed in an extremely important position, withspecial topics and discussions. Sun believes that "human life is very important,and there are thousands of gold. One side helps it, and the virtue is more thanthat." therefore, his two works are titled with the word "thousands of gold",which is called "thousands of gold Yaofang" and "thousands of gold Yifang".Qianjin Yaofang is the earliest medical encyclopedia in China. From basic theoryto clinical practice, there are all kinds of theories, methods, prescriptionsand medicines. One is ancient books and records, the other is folk prescription.Qianjin Yaofang has made a great contribution to dietotherapy, healthpreservation and pension. There are many stories about him. It is said that heonce went to Kongtong mountain to practice medicine for three years, where hetreated people's diseases, regardless of the poor, the rich and the poor. Hetreated people equally, and his medical ethics was very noble. He also cured thetumor on the back of the Dragon King of Jinghe and took out the broken bonestuck in the throat for the tiger. In order to thank Sun Simiao for hiskindness, the Dragon Tiger acted as his mount. The statue here is based on thelegend of "sitting tiger and needle dragon". Hua Tuo (about the second centuryto the beginning of the third century A.D.) was born in peiguo Qiao (today's HaoCounty, Anhui Province). When he was young, he went to Xuzhou to visit histeachers and study, "and he also knew how to cultivate his nature.". Cao Caooften suffered from head wind vertigo and was cured by Hua Tuo's acupuncture.However, Hua Tuo was honest and didn't want to serve Cao Cao, so he arrested himand killed him cruelly. Hua Tuo is also the first medical scientist who inventedand used Mabei powder for general anesthesia in the world medical history. Aftercompiling "Wuqinxi", he sorted out "qingnangjing" in prison.duY易文君-文库范文网

  Bian que was a medical scientist in the Warring States period. SurnamedQin, named Yue people, Qi Bohai mo (now Hebei Renqiu) people. Bian que is theoriginator of traditional Chinese medicine. Because of his excellent medicalskills, Bian que cured many diseases for the common people. The working peopleof Zhao state gave him the title of "Bian Que". On the basis of summing up themedical experience of predecessors, Bian que created and summed up the methodsof looking (looking at the complexion), smelling (listening to the voice),asking (asking about the condition) and cutting (according to the pulse) todiagnose the disease. Among the four diagnostic methods, bianque is especiallygood at inspection and palpation. At that time, bianque's pulse cutting skillswere superb and famous all over the world.duY易文君-文库范文网

  Along my right hand side, you can see this small mountain peak calledcandle peak. When winter snow melts in spring, the snow on the mountain peakslowly melts down like a candle, which is very beautiful. This scene is known asone of the twelve landscapes of Kongtong mountain - spring melting candle. LuoChao, a poet of the Ming Dynasty, wrote a poem praising: "if you don't travelearly in the mountains, you will be in good condition for your youth. I'm afraidthat the moonlight will move and the candle will be bright at night.".duY易文君-文库范文网


