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甘肃省英语导游词 篇1

  Gansu has a long history and is one of the cradles of the Chinese culture, the Chinese ancestor fu gossip, to teach fishing here, Marco Polo east swim when China had to stay here. Gansu ancient ganzhou (now zhang ye), against the state (now the jiuquan) both named acronym, abbreviation. And because most ShengJing in gansu mountain west, ancient county has west gansu and longyou Settings, it is also called the gansu. Now the province set up 11 cities (lanzhou, tianshui, jiayuguan, silver, jinchang, wuwei, jiuquan, zhang ye, dingxi, out, qingyang), 1 (gansu) and two autonomous prefecture (linxia hui autonomous prefecture, gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture).hcx易文君-文库范文网

  Southeast to the northwest of roads, han and tang dynasties in China's silk road, in gansu province on the earth, human landscape dotted with thousands of place, including the world grottoes mural art treasure trove of the most west of jiayuguan, dunhuang mogao grottoes, the Great Wall is famous for its clay sculpture in tianshui maijishan grottoes, etc.hcx易文君-文库范文网

  Gansu region vast, beautiful natural scenery, the boundless gobi, simplicity of the loess plateau, vast grasslands, jade-like stone embellish white glaciers constitute a vigorous picture scroll. The singing, the singular combination of crescent lake, to the mysterious heavy silk road trail added a relaxed and comfortable.hcx易文君-文库范文网

  Gansu is a multi-ethnic region, charming amorous feelings of Tibetan in gannan, against south yugur folk custom, many Chinese and foreign guests is novel.hcx易文君-文库范文网

  Grottoes in gansu, located in the hexi corridor on both sides, here is the silk road crossroads, that those who go vast and lonely human safety in the great silk road, in the land of the trek grotto statues, the calendar in one thousand and not destroyed the grottoes, is the crystallization of religion, culture, art, is also a witness to the history of the silk road. Hence the mogao grottoes of dunhuang, anxi county of yulin grotto, yumen chang ma grottoes, against the south of yugur autonomous county of manjusri and malatya beige mountain grottoes grottoes, yongjing bean ling temple grottoes, WuShan County water poon grotto, county of GanGu like mountain grottoes, tianshui maijishan grottoes, jingchuan county to the north of the house of the queen mother, grottoes, QingYang County grottoes, etc., is a grotto corridor.hcx易文君-文库范文网

  Here besides have an railway linking, county, township, city, city bus can reach, the traffic is quite convenient.hcx易文君-文库范文网

甘肃省英语导游词 篇2

  In western country, gansu province, is located in the upstream of the Yellow River, vast territory. Between 11 'north latitude 32 ° ~ 42 ° 57' 13 ', longitude 92 ° ~ 108 ° 46 '. Shaanxi province in the east, south sichuan, qinghai, xinjiang in the west, north of Inner Mongolia, ningxia and borders with the Mongolian People's Republic of China. Gansu landform is complex, mountain, plateau, would, valley, desert, gobi staggered distribution. Terrain tilt from southwest to northeast, the terrain is long and narrow, 1655 km long, north and south 530 kilometers wide. Gansu province is a mountainous province, the main mountains of qilian mountain, wuxiaoling, LiuPanShan, etc.hcx易文君-文库范文网

  Gansu has a long history and is one of the birthplace of the ancient culture of the Chinese nation. Chinese ancestor fu Ceng Dan was born, and made of words, the calendar, created the human civilization. More than three thousand years ago, were computed.in, wei river valley in the primitive agriculture to become the beginning of the Yellow River basin is bright agricultural civilization. Gansu was zhang qian to the western regions, to obtain buddhist scriptures and travelling genghis khan, le xuan zang, polo adventure travel through the land. Within the territory of the ancient silk road in gansu province winds of more than 1600 kilometers, with the cultural education of bright gems along the streets. Record of gansu is the ancient east and west, the Chinese and foreign friendly exchanges, the development history of human civilization, attracts more scholars and literati tourists sightseeing.hcx易文君-文库范文网

  Gansu province lanzhou, jiayuguan, jinchang, silver, tianshui, wuwei, zhang ye, jiuquan, out, qingyang, dingxi, longnan area, linxia hui autonomous prefecture, gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture. Lanzhou is the capital of gansu province, the western region of China is important political, economic, science and technology, culture, information center, one of in the oil industry is given priority to, the coordinated development of nonferrous metallurgical, mechanical and electrical, textile comprehensive industrial base.hcx易文君-文库范文网

  Gansu province, in the liberation for fifty years, especially since the reform and opening, has undergone earth-shaking changes, industrial and agricultural production, each enterprise vigorous development. In 20xx, the province's gross domestic product (GDP) completed 116.1 billion yuan, urban per capita disposable income reached 6151.42 yuan, per capita net income of farmers reached 1590.3 yuan. Of culture, education, sports, health, and scientific research career has great development, people's living standards have improved significantly.hcx易文君-文库范文网

  Uneven distribution of population in gansu province at the end of 20xx the province's total population of 25.9258 million people, the year birth population of 340100 people, the birth rate of 13.16 per thousand. Annual deaths of 166700 people, the population mortality rate was 6.45 per thousand. Is a multi-ethnic province, gansu province. 54 ethnic composition, the province's existing minority population of 2.199 million, accounting for 8.7% of the total population in the province. Localized in gansu minority have hui, Tibetan, dongxiang, earth, abundant solid, security, Mongolia, Sarah, kazak, manchu and other 16 ethnic minorities. Among them, dongxiang, yugur, not only for gansu unique nation.hcx易文君-文库范文网

  Tourism resources in gansu province on the silk road culture, ancient ancestor culture, the Yellow River culture, The Three Kingdoms culture, the Great Wall culture, politics, culture, cultural relics have stone temple, the Great Wall pass, castle in the memorial tower, ancient city sites, historical relics and various types. Gansu with unique natural scenery, not only has attractive green mountains, mountain grassland, desert and gobi, more powerful of the loess plateau, danxia wonders, snow mountain glaciers. Han, Tibetan, hui, abundant solid, security, dongxiang, etc more than ten national amorous feedings, the charm. Gansu tour, can roam the silk road, back to the history.hcx易文君-文库范文网

甘肃省英语导游词 篇3





  甘肃的石窟分布于河西走廊两侧,这里原是丝绸之路的要冲,当年那些远走漠漠塞外丝路的人为保平安, 纷纷在这个艰辛跋涉之地开窟造像,这些历千年而不毁的石窟,既是宗教、文化、艺术的结晶,也是丝路历史的见证。于是有了敦煌的莫高窟、安西县的榆林窟、玉门的昌马石窟、肃南裕固族自治县的文殊山石窟和马蹄寺石窟、永靖县的炳灵寺石窟、武山县的水濂洞石窟、甘谷县的大像山石窟、天水的麦积山石窟、泾川县的王母宫石窟、庆阳县的北石窟寺等,简直是一条石窟走廊。hcx易文君-文库范文网



