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贵州西江苗寨英语导游词 篇1

  Australian anthropologist Geddes wrote in his book mountain immigrants thatthere are two kinds of miserable immigrants in the world: the Jews who do nothave their own homes in the world, and the Chinese Miao people who have beenmigrating for thousands of years. Xijiang is the main gathering place of thefifth great migration of Miao nationality. Xijiang Miao people first moved hereabout the time of hanwendu in the Western Han Dynasty, and it has a history ofmore than 1800 years, so Xijiang can also be called the Millennium ancientvillage. So far, there are 1288 families in Xijiang, nearly 6000 people, so itis also called Qianhu Miao village. This is the largest Miao Nationality inChina and the largest Miao village in the world.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  I gave you a general introduction of Xijiang River. I think you can't waitto talk about it. The viewing platform is in front of us.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  Miao nationality is a solemn and stirring nationality. After fivemigrations, they finally fled to settle here. Xijiang Miao nationality came tothis valley surrounded by mountains. The terrain is dangerous, easy to defendand difficult to attack. So choosing to settle down here is also considering acertain strategic role. There is a saying among the Miao people that the biggerthe water bay, the more they can snipe wealth and talents. Let's see if XijiangRiver is in a big water bay. It's surrounded by water in the front, backed bymountains, left Qinglong and right Baihu. Here is a collection of the aura ofheaven and earth. It's really a geomantic treasure land!Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  It is said that "playing in Xijiang, watching in Xijiang, we should bedrunk in Xijiang." walking through the Miao village is like shuttling throughthe historical time and space of the ancient Miao culture!Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  In the village, the layers of wooden buildings with hanging feet spread outfrom both sides of the river in accordance with the mountains. In front of thehouse and behind the house, there are luxuriant bamboos; in the foot of thevillage, there are maple leaves on the top. It's so magnificent! Every evening,thousands of families light up their own lights. As the sky gets darker anddarker, the Miao village becomes a sea of lights, and the scene becomes brighterand more intoxicating!Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  When it comes to Diaojiao wooden building, it is the crystallization of thewisdom of the Miao people. Building close to the mountain not only saves land,but also can resist foreign enemies. The bottom floor is used for storingproduction tools, raising livestock or toilet. The second floor is used asliving room, main room, bedroom and kitchen. The third layer is used to storegrain, feed and other means of production and living. The most important featureof the stilted building is that on the spacious and bright corridor on thesecond floor, there is a typical kind of railing, which is called "meirenkui"and "douxiebai" in Miao language. It is a place for girls to embroider, dressand sing.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  Attention, friends. Now the bridge in front of us is Fengyu bridge. Fengyubridge means a bridge to keep out the wind and rain. It can provide a verycomfortable place for pedestrians and people who want to have a cool rest. Thereare many young men and women here at night. You may wonder what "Youfang" is.Let me tell you. "Youfang" means that young men and women of Miao nationalityfall in love. Young men and women who participate in Youfang will dress up toattract admirers. If you are interested in the place where Miao people fall inlove, you might as well invite your sweetheart to come here tonight to feel thewarm and romantic night.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  Careful friends may notice the tree at the end of the bridge. What is thetree used for? This is the maple tree in Xijiang. Old tree, let it die, rottento the ground. No one can cut or hurt. This worship of maple also implies thesad history of the Miao people. In the battle for the deer, the Yellow Emperor'senvoy planned to capture Chi you and use Maple to make shackles, so he killedhim. In order to avoid the war, the ancestors of Miao nationality migrated.Everywhere they went, they had to see whether there were Liquidambar trees orancestors.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  In Xijiang, there is a saying that "big festival is 369, small festival isevery year", which shows that the folk festivals of Miao people are rich andcolorful. Among them, the most ceremonious is the guzang Festival, also known asthe Drum Festival, which is the most ceremonious ancestor worship ceremony ofthe Miao nationality. Once every 13 years, once in a row for three years. Thesecond is the year of Miao, which is divided into three periods: the first year,the first year and the last year. The year of Miao is a festival for the Miaopeople to celebrate a bumper harvest. They have to eat a "long table banquet"with plenty of food on the table. In addition, "long table banquet" is a grandway for the Miao family to treat guests, so we will have a good time later!Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  Before Yongzheng of Qing Dynasty, local affairs were mostly managed bynatural leaders. The natural leaders of Miao Nationality in Xijiang mainlyincluded "Fanglao", "Zhailao", "gucangtou", "huolutou", etc. "Fang Lao" is thehighest leader of the natural place; "Zhailao" is the highest leader of eachMiao village; "gucangtou" is responsible for convening and hosting theactivities of sacrifice and ancestor worship. The bronze drum used for sacrificeis placed in gucangtou's home; "huolutou" is responsible for arrangingagricultural production and is the Minister of agriculture of Miao village.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  Tourists, now we can see that the Diaojiaolou with national characteristicsis our Miao Museum in Xijiang. The items on display here show Miao culture,customs, arts, cultural relics, etc. it is a medium-sized Miao Museumintegrating academic exchanges and performances. Here, you can listen to thefootprints of the Miao ancestors and see the past of the Miao people throughtime and space. Let's go in and feel the magic culture together!Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  My friends, our journey is coming to an end. Walking through the ancientand mysterious Xijiang Miao village, it seems that our mind has been baptizedand our mind has been purified. At this time of parting, I would like to sendyou a sentence: "we often say that we can't lose our job because of our life. Onthe contrary, we can't lose our life because of our work. Don't forget to leavea space for ourselves after this busy work." Finally, I wish you all the best onyour way home.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

贵州西江苗寨英语导游词 篇2

  Welcome to Qiandongnan, Guizhou Province, which is called "the state ofsinging and dancing", "the magical state" and "the town of hundred Festivals".I'm Zhang Qin, your guide today. You can directly call me Zhang Dao. Now we'regoing into the national 4A tourist scenic spot - Xijiang Miao village.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  Wine is the most important hospitality for the Miao family. The Miaocompatriots will greet us with their highest reception etiquette, twelve ways ofwine. There are so many ways to drink, only here is the most special. As long asyour hand touches the ox horn wine cup, you have to finish it. So our friendswho are slightly poor in drinking, just take a sip of the ox horn wine cup onthe hands of Miao girls.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  Xijiang Miao village is located in the northeast of Leishan County, 37kilometers away from the county seat and 39 kilometers away from Kaili, thestate capital. There are 1288 families in the village, with nearly 6000residents. It is the largest and most typical Miao village in China, so it iscalled "thousand families Miao village". Xijiang is the Chinese translation ofMiao language "jishuo", which means the place where the West Branch of Miaonationality lives. The original national culture and natural ecology arepreserved here.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  Xijiang Qianhu Miao village is located in the river valley. It originatesfrom Baishui River in leigongping and passes through the village. This is theFengyu bridge of the Miao family. In order to improve the Fengshui conditions ofthe villages and facilitate the life of the residents, most of the Miao villageshave built Fengyu bridges near their own villages to close the wind, store theair and block the wind and rain.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  The buildings here are mainly wooden stilted buildings, which are of thestructure of passing through the bucket and resting on the top of the mountain.The bottom floor is used for storing production tools, livestock and poultry;the second floor is used for living room, main room, bedroom and kitchen. Do yousee a special armchair built outside the main hall? It's called "beauty seat".It's mainly used for viewing and enjoying the cool. There's a saying that"beauty seat depends on beauty, not beauty's beauty"; the third floor is used tostore food and sundries.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  Xijiang Miao village is not short of festivals, especially the "Miao NewYear" and "Gu Zang Festival". "Long table banquet" is a happy way for Miaopeople to celebrate the new year of Miao. It is also the most ceremonioushospitality etiquette of Miao people. Every family will move out tables andbenches, like a Jielong strip, hundreds of meters long. On the table, there arebacon, pickled vegetables, sour soup fish and other Miao special dishes. After awhile, you can experience them personally. "Guzan Festival" is the biggestsacrificial activity of Miao people. It is generally a small sacrifice in sevenyears and a big sacrifice in thirteen years. At that time, a GuZi cow will bekilled, dressed in costumes, and Lusheng dance will be performed. Relatives andfriends will be invited to gather together to enhance their feelings and familyharmony.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  Miao nationality is a nation that "nourishes the heart by singing,nourishes the body by dancing and nourishes the spirit by drinking". We are nowat Lusheng stadium, where Miao people show their singing and dancing skills.Lusheng dance is one of the most popular dances of Miao nationality, whichintegrates dance, acrobatics, sports and music. When it comes to dance, the antipaimu dance, known as "Oriental disco", is even more passionate. What we arehearing now is the flying song of Miao nationality, which is the mostrepresentative form of Miao nationality song with high tone and powerfulmomentum. If you have time, you can often come to Xijiang Miao village to learnthe talents of the Miao family. The Miao people are still a hospitablepeople.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  Dear tourists, we can see the seven words "answer everything with beauty"carved on this stone tablet. It was written by Yu Qiuyu, a literary master, whenhe finished his tour of Xijiang Miao village. This street is called "YoufangStreet". Can you guess what "Youfang" means? "Youfang" means love in Miaolanguage. At 8-9 p.m. in the slack season, there are lots of Miao girls andstrong Miao boys. Their folk songs make Youfang Street lively.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  In history, Xijiang implemented independent management of internal affairs.After the Qing government implemented the policy of "changing the land to flow"in the Miao area, Xijiang Miao Village accepted the jurisdiction of the centralgovernment, and some natural leaders no longer existed. However, Gu zangtou, whowas in charge of sacrificial activities, and huolutou, who was in charge ofarranging agricultural production, were still inherited.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  Looking at the whole Xijiang Miao village from the observation platform, itlooks like a giant ox horn and a jade rabbit lying on its back.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  Miao costumes are various and colorful. They are known as "history bookswithout words" and "history embroidered on clothes".Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  Now we are going to Xijiang Miao Museum, the last stop of Xijiang tour. Itcovers an area of more than 3000 square meters and is a medium-sized Miao Museumintegrating academic research, visit and performance. There are 11 pavilions,including clothing, medicine, history and life. There are more than 300 culturalrelics in the museum. You can visit them slowly.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  Dear tourist friends, after tasting the twelve welcome bars of Miao familyand following the flying songs of Miao people, the journey of Xijiang Miaovillage is over. Thank you for your support and cooperation. Miao village hasmany stories, full of joy and happiness, and the realm of life is true, good andbeautiful. All of them are included here. Welcome to visit Miao village nexttime!Hjy易文君-文库范文网

贵州西江苗寨英语导游词 篇3

  Welcome to Xijiang Qianhu Miao village, the largest Miao village in theworld. I'm Xiao Yang, today's Guide. You can also call me director Yang. I willshare all I know with you today. I hope you can have more harvest today and havea good trip.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  ① Xijiang Miao village is located at the foot of Leigong Mountain in thenortheast of Leishan County, Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture ofGuizhou Province. It is connected by more than ten natural villages built closeto the mountain. It is the largest Miao village in the world at present,according to 20 reports__ According to the annual statistics, there are 1288households in Xijiang Miao village, with a population of more than 6000, ofwhich the Miao population accounts for 99.5%. Therefore, we can say that thebase camp of the Miao people is in Guizhou, and the base camp of the Miao peoplein Guizhou is in Xijiang.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  ② Miao nationality is a hardworking nationality. It has a long history andis closely related to Jiuli, Sanmiao and Jinman in ancient times. They are in acontinuous line. Therefore, Miao nationality comes from Jiuli in emperor's timeand Sanmiao in Yao, Shun and Yu's time, while jingman in Shang and ZhouDynasties is a descendant of Sanmiao The second great migration finally arrivedin Guizhou, which is located in the southwest of China. They took root here andcreated the Miao culture with Guizhou characteristics. Guizhou is the placewhere the Miao people live and the area where the Miao culture is mostcompletely preserved. Guizhou has concentrated the main cultural characteristicsof the Miao people in China.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  ③ Miao people have always lived together to form different villages. Mostof them have one family name, and rarely live together. Now we see thetraditional architecture of Miao people, the stilted building, which is a symbolof Miao people's hard work. The construction technology of the stilted buildingin Xijiang thousand family Miao village is far from the Ganlan architecture ofsouth people's nest in Hemudu culture. It can be seen that the Miao stiltedbuilding has a long history Zhou is a place with green mountains and beautifulwaters. The Miao people's villages are mostly built close to the mountains,forming a unique living style. The houses are mainly of wood structure, most ofwhich are two-story and a few of which are three-story. On the hillside, most ofthem are stilted buildings, the front of which are buildings, the back of whichare bungalows, and the lower layer is piled with firewood and animals. Peoplelive on the second floor. If there is a third floor, it is used for stackinggrain and so on. On the second floor of the hanging feet, there is usually adistinctive chair, because the beautiful Miao girls like to sit on it withembroidery,Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  Therefore, it was named "meirenkao". The Miao people's stilted buildingconstruction technology was approved by the State Council and listed in thefirst batch of national intangible cultural heritage list.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

贵州西江苗寨英语导游词 篇4

  The big and small seven holes, Huangguoshu waterfall, I believe you arefamiliar with these scenic spots in Guizhou. But this time I'm going tointroduce Xijiang Qianhu Miao village, a national grade 4A scenic spot that canbe called together with them, but is not very famous. As we all know, Guizhou isthe province with the largest population of Miao people in China, and theproportion of Miao people in Xijiang accounts for more than 98%. There arethousands of unique stilted buildings of Miao people here, so it is calledQianhu Miao village.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  There are a lot of Customs of Miao people. Now I'll talk about a few. Thefirst is good luck. Is to eat long table rice before, first with a dyed red eggbeat a blessing. The second is long table rice. That is, people eat together ata long table that is tens of meters long. During the festival, the villagers ofthe village get together to have a long dinner. The scene is very spectacular.Third, eating without meat is OK, but not without wine. Miao people can'tentertain guests without wine. They have a special cup for drinking, which ismade of ox horn, called ox horn cup. Miao people make wine in their own home.It's not very strong, and children can drink it.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  There are many things to play in Miao village. It is recommended that yougo to the rice field to catch fish, which is cool and refreshing, and the"fruits" can be eaten. In Miao village, you can not only play, but also learn atthe same time, such as gage ancient lane, Miao Museum and other interestingplaces. There are many shops selling Xijiang Miao village's specialties, such asox horn, Miao silver, cherry blossom wine, Miao embroidery and so on. There aremany Miao myths and legends painted on the walls of the ancient lane. Forexample, the ancestor of the Miao people is mother butterfly. The museum showsyou the 5000 year history of the Miao people's migration. Miao people in Xijiangare very friendly to tourists. Even if their ancestor Chiyou and our ancestorHuangdi were mortal enemies, this is worth learning.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  The last thing to worry about is eating. Even after dinner, don't miss theroadside snacks, such as roast bacon, fried potato, hairy tofu, bamboo tuberice, glutinous rice, fish in sour soup, beef jerky, red ginseng fruit Mostrecommend you to eat black pork string, a string of money, delicious.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  If you want to ask me what is the best in Xijiang Miao village, I say thescenery is the best. The panoramic view of Miao village needs to be on theviewing platform. Every evening, all the stilted buildings light up. Overlookingthe mountains from the observation platform, thousands of Miao villages fall tothe ground like stars in the sky. The scene is very spectacular.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  In Xijiang Miao village, you can play, learn, eat, drink and live better.The journey to Xijiang Miao village is really enjoyable and memorable.Hjy易文君-文库范文网

  We must go to Qianhu Miao village in Xijiang, Guizhou.Hjy易文君-文库范文网


