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包头市英语导游词2023 篇1

  Baotou, father's hometown, means "where there are deer" in Mongolian, soBaotou has the reputation of "Lucheng". Dad said that Baotou was once adepression, with few green plants on both sides of the road. Whenever there wasa sandstorm, there was no place for pedestrians to hide. Today, Baotou hasbecome a beautiful modern industrial city: "rare earth city" and "grasslandsteel city". There is also Saihantala Park, the only "Grassland in the city" inChina. It has also become a paradise for tourists. What attracts me most inBaotou is Nanhai Wetland Park.3Cc易文君-文库范文网

  This winter vacation, I went to Nanhai park to have a good play. Nanhaipark is located in Donghe District of Baotou, where the scenery is beautiful andit is a beautiful place. In Baotou in winter, the weather is cold and the groundis frozen. A pool of water in Nanhai park has become a sea of ice and a skiresort. There are many games that can't be played in the south, such as icebike, snow circle and ice bike. Every game is so fun. In winter, Nanhai wetlandscenic spot will become a ski resort, so Nanhai park will become a good placefor Baotou children to play and relax.3Cc易文君-文库范文网

  On the fifth day of the lunar new year, my father took my cousin and I toNanhai park. Baotou sky seems to be very close to our heads, it seems that ahand can pick the white clouds. I take a deep breath, the air is so fresh andsweet, it makes people feel comfortable. My father rented the snow circle andskis, and my sister and I happily started the thrilling and exciting play. Weput the snow circle on the conveyor belt, and then step by step, carefullyclimbed up the snow slope, chose a highest point, and slid down. My sister and Ilet out a exclamation, after a rampage, came to the end, we looked at each otherand laughed, did not wait to stay for half a moment, and ran toward the snowslope. The warm sun shining on the vast white ski resort, driving away the coldwinter, we did not feel tired.3Cc易文君-文库范文网

  After this play, I can't help but like Baotou in winter. Because winter canlet me make friends with Baotou snow; because winter I can enjoy differentbeautiful snow scenery, I love my hometown, also love to raise my father'shometown.3Cc易文君-文库范文网

包头市英语导游词2023 篇2

  Every time the sun goes down, every building in Baotou lights up. There areendless cars and colorful lights on the steel street. They shine brilliantly.It's very beautiful!3Cc易文君-文库范文网

  Every night when it comes, the lights in Aldin square are shining andresplendent. In summer, leisure people enjoy the cool and take photos beside thebeautiful fountain. White pigeons fly around. The children are chasing eachother in roller skates and playing happily. The grandfather sings Mongoliansongs and flies the luminous kite into the sky.3Cc易文君-文库范文网

  Many people come to watch the water curtain movie in the galaxy square.There are many sika deer dancing here. I believe many people like the galaxysquare very much. Children must come to visit it during the holidays!3Cc易文君-文库范文网

  After nightfall, the neon lights of the rare earth building are all on, andthe four characters of "China rare earth" are more eye-catching, and the wholebuilding is more magnificent. The ancient Bayi park has become a beautiful placewith beautiful scenery. There are many luxuriant trees around the park. Thereare many colorful light belts around the trees, just like little starstwinkling. It's very beautiful!3Cc易文君-文库范文网

  The lights of the science and technology children's Palace also shine.Children come from all directions to learn their favorite extracurricularknowledge. In the building, the sound of piano and dancing are veryinteresting!3Cc易文君-文库范文网

  Baotou at night how lively, how bright, how beautiful, how brilliant!3Cc易文君-文库范文网


  Shiguai District of the ancient Great Wall Shiguai district is a miningarea under the jurisdiction of Baotou City, located in the northeast of thecity, with an area of more than 600 square kilometers and a population of about80000. It is the main coal and ceramic raw material base of Baotou city. Shiguaiis the transliteration of Mongolian "shiguitu", which means "a place withforest". The history of Shiguai district can be traced back to the WarringStates period, and the most ancient Great Wall of China, the Warring States ZhaoGreat Wall, runs through the whole territory. Before the Qing Dynasty, it was anomadic grassland in the Urad of Mongolian nationality, with abundant water andgrass and dense forest.3Cc易文君-文库范文网

  The history of Shiguai district is closely related to the developmenthistory of Daqingshan Coalfield, and Shiguai district is famous for itsunderground treasure. After decades of hard work, Daqingshan coal field hasformed a production scale with an annual output of 5 million tons of raw coal,and has become an important coal energy base in Baotou city. Coal tax accountsfor more than 85% of the financial revenue of the area, making a positivecontribution to the economic development of Baotou. With the adjustment of thenational coal industry policy, in the past two years, Shiguai district hasvigorously developed the Industrial Development Zone, forming a new industrialgroup that produces silicon alloys, industrial silicon and crude steel. It canproduce 1 million tons of silicon alloys and 100000 tons of copper annually,forming a world-class industrial silicon production base and the largest copperproduction base in northern China.3Cc易文君-文库范文网

  Now, our car has been more than 20 kilometers away from the city. Throughthe window, you can clearly see a long earth built dragon winding along thehillside. This is the great wall of Zhao that we are going to visit. Thissection of the Great Wall is the oldest existing Great Wall in China. It wasbuilt by King Wuling, the leader of Zhao Guojun in the Warring States period, toconsolidate the border and prevent the invasion of the northern Hu people. It is20 years ago___ Years of history. It has a total length of more than 500kilometers. It starts from Xuanhua in Hebei Province in the East, enters WulateMiddle Banner in Inner Mongolia in the west, and meanders among the hills at thesouthern foot of Yinshan Mountain. It lies in the middle of Baotou, about 150kilometers in Baotou. According to the historical records of Xiongnu, after ZhaoWuling ascended the throne, in order to enrich the country and strengthen thearmy, he carried out a series of reforms, such as the familiar "Hufu riding andshooting". And in the "North broken Linhu, Lou fan" after "building the GreatWall, since the generation and Yinshan, to the high que for the plug.".3Cc易文君-文库范文网

  According to historians, Zhao Wuling built the Great Wall in 320 BC___ 320years ago___ It's between two years. The highest part of Zhao Great Wall isabout 5 meters high and the base is about 5 meters wide. It is built in astraight line as far as possible. The main part is rammed with soil and somesections are built with stone. If you look carefully, the level of ramming isstill clear. On the city wall, the traces of beacon towers can also beidentified, with a width of about 10 meters and a distance of about 1 km. At theimportant pass, there are barrier cities which are closely related to the GreatWall. Most of these barrier cities are rectangular, with an area of 800-1000square meters. Some of them are also connected with the Great Wall. The scaleand number of barrier cities are often related to the importance of the pass. Inancient times, the area to the south of Yinshan Mountain and the North Bank ofthe Yellow River was a fertile field with abundant water and grass. It was notonly a "garden of nomads", but also a springboard for them to enter the CentralPlains. As long as they occupied this place, they could enter the Fenhe River orthe Yellow River Valley and go directly to the hinterland of the Central Plains.If the Han people wanted to eliminate the threat, they had to guardyinshanyukou. Therefore, this place has become a must for military strategists.It is recorded in history that "the Xiongnu lost the land of Yin Mountain andnever passed without crying", which is the reason.3Cc易文君-文库范文网

  It can be seen that the significance of the Great Wall built by theancients here is so great. For more than two thousand years, Zhao Great Wall, asa historical witness at the foot of Yinshan Mountain, has quietly experiencedthe vicissitudes of this land, listened to the history and recorded many storiesand legends, leaving us endless reverie and thinking. It is no wonder that JianBozan, a famous historian in China, felt deeply after visiting the great wall ofZhao. He wrote a poem praising: "riding and shooting Hufu controls NorthernXinjiang. The hero is worthy of Wuling King..." Now, this section of the GreatWall has been listed as a patriotic education base in Baotou City, educatinggenerations of young people.3Cc易文君-文库范文网

包头市英语导游词2023 篇3

  Baotou Nanhai is located in the south of Baotou Donghe District. It used tobe an old section of the Jiuqu Yellow River. The water surface and beachgrassland were formed after the diversion of the river to the south. The totalarea of the development zone is 20 square kilometers___ The water area is 480hectares, which is divided into water activity area and lakeside sightseeingarea. The South China Sea is surrounded by green mountains in the north andYellow River jade belt in the south. The lake is rippling with green waves, thewater and grass are rich, the gulls are flying in the sky, and the scenery isunique. In 1985, it was turned into a tourism development zone. After carefulplanning and development in recent years, it has begun to take shape. TheDevelopment Zone integrates the natural beauty and artificial beauty here, whichmakes it not only have the characteristics of thick and rough outside the GreatWall, but also have the charm of Jiangnan Water Town. It enjoys the reputationof "West Lake outside the Great Wall" and becomes one of the unique touristscenic spots in grassland steel city. To travel here, you can not only goboating on the water, fish in the lake, explore pudang, have a rest in thegarden, and enjoy the pleasant scenery of the South China Sea.3Cc易文君-文库范文网

  Baotou Nanhai is one of the largest inland lake scenic spots in China,close to the Yellow River, covering an area of 1585 hectares, including 333hectares of water area and 15000 mu of wet grassland. More than 200 kinds ofwild animals and plants live here.3Cc易文君-文库范文网

  Baotou Nanhai is known as the "flood and drought wharf", among which thewater wharf is the Haizi wharf. It was a shipping port on the Bank of the YellowRiver during the reign of Kangxi. It has a history of more than 330 years. In1850, the Yellow river changed its course, and the town of nanhekou in Tuoketuocity was flooded. From then on, Nanhaizi ferry became a water transportation huband fur distribution center in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River.The economic status of laobaotou in Northwest China changed greatly. Theprosperity of economy made Nanhaizi ferry famous all over the world. The vastriver witnessed the prosperity of the "rafts" of Nanhaizi ferry in history andthe decline of the river.3Cc易文君-文库范文网

  Baotou Nanhai Park, formerly known as Baotou fish station, has a longhistory of fishery production. The varieties include wild yellow river carp,silver carp, silver carp, crucian carp, grass carp and other traditionalvarieties, as well as Chinese mitten crab, Yellow River catfish, blunt snoutbream (Wuchang fish), beautiful white shrimp and other valuable aquaticproducts. The rich aquatic products have attracted people who taste the "wholefish feast" in the South China Sea, and also attracted the majority of fishingenthusiasts.3Cc易文君-文库范文网


