
高考英语第一轮单元知识点复习Unit 5-Unit

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高考英语第一轮单元知识点复习Unit 5-Unit(精选3篇)DqO易文君-文库范文网

高考英语第一轮单元知识点复习Unit 5-Unit 篇1

  unit 7-unit 8DqO易文君-文库范文网


  单  元DqO易文君-文库范文网


  unit 7DqO易文君-文库范文网


  powder  standard  nephew  frost  handwriting  overcoat  wage  anyway  god  admit  foolish  clap  partner  warmth  taxpayer  personally  occupy  constant  welfare  clerk  composer  novelist  firm  shadow  noble  gain  bond  indeed  goose  selfish  bishop  choirDqO易文君-文库范文网


  care for  leave alone  in want of  close up  piles ofDqO易文君-文库范文网



  unit 8DqO易文君-文库范文网


  motivation  dictation  alphabet  stick  awful  instruct  data  comprehension  anxious  secure  translator  interpreter  everyday  patience  adopt  pile  tyre  overweight  operation  level  junior  senior  postcodeDqO易文君-文库范文网


  make sense of  in other words  take risks/a risk  experiment with  knock down  fall behindDqO易文君-文库范文网


  1.先行词为way的定语从句结构2.with 引出的介词短语DqO易文君-文库范文网

  unit 7理解:要点诠释DqO易文君-文库范文网

  单词1.anyway=anyhow adv.讲:adv.无论如何;无论怎样,可以位于句首,也可以用于句尾。例:it’s too late now,anyhow/anyway.无论如何现在已经太迟了。the house was empty and i couldn’t get in anyway.屋子里没有人,我无论怎样都进不去。anyway,you can try,even if there’s not much chance of success.至少你可以试试,纵然没有多少成功的机会。练:(山东济南统考) i’m not sure what will happen to me in the future._______,i will try to carry on my study.a.even though                b.anyhow             c.if so             d.instead提示:本题考查副词的用法。句意为“不知道将来会发生什么事,但不管怎样,我会尽力继续学习”。所以用anyhow表示“不管怎样,总之,反正”。even though为连词,应该引导状语从句。答案:b2.admit讲: vt.& vi.主要义项有“承认;准许进入”。表示“承认”时的用法有:①+名词或代词;②+动名词;③+从句。短语admit sb. as 的意思为“接纳某人为……”。例:now there was nothing he could do except admit defeat.现在他只有认输。while i admit his good points,i can see still his shortcomings.尽管我承认他有优点,我还是看到他的缺点的。he admitted not having done it as planned.他承认没有按计划做那件事。he admitted that he had taken my umbrella by mistake.他承认错拿了我的雨伞。our football team decided to admit him as one of the members.我们足球队决定吸收他为本队队员。my son will be admitted to the company this year.我儿子今年将进那家公司工作。mary opened the door and admitted me into her room.玛丽打开门,让我进了她的房间。链接·提示    admit后面跟动名词而不能跟动词不定式作宾语。练:(北京西城抽样测试) as a senior student,i am determined to work harder in order to  ________the desired university.a.admit by                                      b.be admitted byc.admit into                                     d.be admitted into提示:本题考查动词短语的意义辨析。根据短语的意思be admitted into“获准入学”和句子的语境得出答案。答案:d3.occupy讲:用作及物动词,主要义项有“占用;占有;占领;占据;担任”。短语occupy oneself in doing sth./with sth.的意思为“忙于做某事”。例:the family have occupied the farm for many years.这一家在农场已居住多年。the striking workers have occupied the whole building.罢工的工人占领了整个大楼。the speech occupied three hours.演讲占用了三个小时。her time is fully occupied with her three children.她的时间全部用在她的三个孩子身上。many problems occupied his mind.他脑子里装着许多问题。the child occupied himself in playing his flute.那个孩子只顾着吹笛子。my sister occupies an important position in the department of environment.我姐姐在环境部担任重要职务。链接·提示    occupied adj. 在使用中; 已占用;不空闲  如:this table is already occupied.这坐位已经有主了。    比较:take up占据空间;make up占据比例。练:(沈阳教学质量检测) my interest in surfing on internet has______ most of my spare time,but it has repaid me a great deal of enjoyment.a.taken off                                          b.taken downc.taken up                                           d.taken away提示:本题考查短语动词辨析。根据句子意思此处用take up表示“占据,充满”。相当于occupy。答案:cDqO易文君-文库范文网

  短语1.care for讲:care for喜欢;关心;照顾。和care about在表示此意时,意思和用法基本一样。在表示“介意、在乎”时,只用care about,特别在后跟v.-ing时,不用care for。但在表示比较客气、委婉的“要不要……”时,用care for。例:would you care for some tea?你想喝茶吗?i don’t care much for/about fine clothes.我对穿衣服不大讲究。who cares for/about the old man now?如今由谁来照顾这位老先生?he cares for her deeply.他深深地爱着她。i don’t care much for opera.我不太喜欢话剧。链接·提示    care about  忧虑;关切;关心;惦念  如:    i don’t care about what people think.    我不关心人们怎么想。    i don’t care about going or staying.    我才不在乎是留下还是离开呢。    don’t you care about this country’s future?    难道你不为国家的前途担忧吗?    all she cares about is her social life.    她关心的只是她的社交活动。练:i can hardly get interested in anything about music,so i don’t_______ jazz.a.agree with                                   b.care forc.keep up with                                 d.agree with提示:本题考查短语动词的辨析。第一句话已经说明了“我”对音乐方面的任何事情都没有兴趣,因此“我不喜欢爵士乐”,用care for表示like的意思。答案:b2.in want of讲:该短语的义项为价词,表示“需要”。同义词为:in need of。如:you look tired;you’re in need of a good rest.你看起来很疲劳,你需要好好休息。比较:in demand “需要”。如:oil is in great demand these days.近日很需要油。例:the house is in want of repair.=the house needs repairing/to be repaired.这房子需要修理了。he is in want of exercise.他需要锻炼。练:are you_________ money?i can lend you some.a.in the want of                               b.in want ofc.in the want                                 d.in want提示:in want of为固定短语,意为“需要”。答案:bDqO易文君-文库范文网

  句型where引导的地点状语从句讲:请观察下面教材原句:if i hear another word from you,you will go where it is really cold.要是再听到你说一个冷字,我就叫你到真正冷的地方去。where在此引导地点状语从句,修饰主句的谓语,表示“在……地方;到……地方;无论什么地方”。要注意和where引导定语从句的区别,引导定语从句时,修饰表示地点的先行词(名词)。例:he left the key where it lay.他把钥匙放在了原位置。the official policy encouraged people to stay where they were.政府的政策鼓励人们待在原处。please just sit where you want.你想坐哪里就坐哪里。链接·提示    (1)wherever和everywhere也可以用来引导地点状语从句。如:    he is kindly received wherever he goes.    everywhere i went,people were very happy.    (2)where和wherever可置于possible或necessary之前,其含义为when或whenever。如:    all the experts agree that,wherever possible,children should learn to read in their own way.练:(1)(浙江杭州质检) —where do you plan to work?—i’ve made up my mind to go_________ i’m most needed.a.to the place                                     b.to whichc.that                                           d.where提示:根据句子结构和句子的成分分析,此处用where引导地点状语从句,修饰谓语动词go。如果选a项,则为定语从句,引导词要用where且不能省略。答案:d(2)(北京西城抽样测试) i’d like to live somewhere_________ the sun shines all year long.a.which                     b.that              c.where                d.in which提示:因主句中没有可修饰的先行词,where 引导地点状语从句,进一步说明live的地点,并非定语从句。答案:cDqO易文君-文库范文网

  辨析1.standard,levelstandard n.标准;水准;规格;规范;业务水平  adj.标准的;符合标准的;公认为权威的level n.水平线;水平面;级别;水平  adj.水平的;平坦的;同等标准的  v.使平坦即时练习:(1)the mountain is 1000 meters above sea ________.(2)we always insist on a high________ when the students do fast reading.(3)the two pictures are not quite ________—that one is higher than the other.(4)this procedure is ________.(5)this is the ________textbook on the subject.(6)plenty of work has been done to improve the people’s living ________.(7)find________ ground for the picnic table.(8)his work does not reach the________ required.答案:(1)level  (2)standard  (3)level  (4)standard  (5)standard  (6)standard  (7)level (8)standard2.achieve,win,gainachieve完成;达到目的,赢得名声win打败对方;赢得胜利gain获得(奖项)=win;赢得(财富、经验);增加;改善即时练习:(1)he hopes to________ all his aims by the end of the year.(2)the car ________speed when it went down the hill.(3)each of the boys has________ a prize.(4)we shall________ greater victories in the future.(5)that invention ________him a medal.(6)he________ his wealth by printing works of famous writers.(7)in this way,i________ a lot of social experience and learn to work for the good of the society.(8)one thing is certain:if you eat more calories than your body needs,you will________ weight.答案:(1)achieve  (2)gained  (3)gained/won(4)win  (5)won  (6)gained  (7)gain  (8)gain诱思:实例点拨【例1】(福建模拟) father________ for london on business upon my arrival,so i didn’t see him.a.has left                 b.left              c.was leaving              d.had left提示:从“so i didn’t see him”中可知,没见到父亲这件事发生在过去,而父亲在“我”到之前就去了伦敦,很明显去伦敦这一动作发生在didn’t see him之前,即发生在过去的过去,故应该用过去完成时。答案:d讲评:此处根据语境来考查动词时态,因此在选择时不要仅仅看含有空白的那句话,另外的句子恰恰是得出正确答案的关键。【例2】(重庆模拟) —my family usually goes skating for vacation,i like skating,but i want to dry something different this year.—________a.let’s go.              b.cheer up.          c.like what?             d.take care.提示:对方提到今年要尝试除滑冰以外的事情,另一方自然会问:比如什么(之类的)?a项为应合别人的建议;cheer up干杯;take care小心;like what比如什么,故选c项。答案:c讲评:口语题目注意语境的要求。DqO易文君-文库范文网

高考英语第一轮单元知识点复习Unit 5-Unit 篇2

  unit 9-unit 10DqO易文君-文库范文网




  unit 9DqO易文君-文库范文网


  insurance  carpenter  income  hopeless  clinic  allowance  pressure  consult  chemist  fee  nationwide  unfortunate  tailor  incident  significance  bench  sink  jar  lid  devotionDqO易文君-文库范文网


  lay off  make matters worse  make ends meetDqO易文君-文库范文网



  unit 10DqO易文君-文库范文网


  garbage  maid  prince  outcome  penny  grocery  bakery  weep  furnish  shabby  mailbox  bell  rag  rare  garment  worn  carpet  barbershop  haircut  booklet  mutton  stove  baggage  pale  prayer  approve  anyhow  shave  comb  flash  simplifyDqO易文君-文库范文网


  attend to  take pride in  do up  let down  fix sth. on/upon  at length  search forDqO易文君-文库范文网



  unit 9理解:要点诠释DqO易文君-文库范文网

  单词1.consult讲: vt.咨询,请教;(与某人)商议,商量;查询,查阅,参看例:if the pain continues,consult your doctor.如果疼痛持续不消退,要请医生看看。have you consulted your lawyer about this?你就此事咨询过你的律师吗?you shouldn’t have done it without consulting me.你不该不和我商量就做了这件事。i need to consult with my colleagues on the proposals.我需要同我的同事商讨这些建议。he consulted the manual.他查阅了使用说明书。链接·提示    表示“查阅”时,相当于refer to;表示“商量”时,相当于discuss或talk about。练:you’d better________ the dictionary for the meaning of the word.a.look up                   b.refer              c.consult                d.check提示:本句表示“查阅词典”。而look up的宾语应该是所要查找的内容,refer后面应该跟to,check的意思为“核对”。答案:c2.destroy讲: vt.摧毁;毁灭;破坏;(因动物有病或不再需要而)杀死;消灭例:the building was completely destroyed by fire.这栋建筑物被大火彻底焚毁了。they have destroyed all the evidence.他们销毁了一切证据。heat gradually destroys vitamin c.加热会逐渐破坏维生素c。you have destroyed my hopes of happiness.你毁掉了我得到幸福的希望。failure was slowly destroying him(=making him less and less confident and happy).失败渐渐地把他毁了。the badly injured horse had to be destroyed.这匹马受了重伤,只好把它杀死了。链接·提示    destroy一般表示彻底破坏,而damage主要指对局部的破坏,其对象指物较多。动词ruin也可以指彻底破坏,成为废墟。练:a big fire_________ last night and many houses __________in the fire.a.took place;destroyed                           b.happened;destroyedc.was broken out;were destroyed                   d.broke out;were destroyed提示:短语break out为不及物动词,动词destroy为及物动词。答案:d3.devotion讲: n.[u]深爱;挚爱;献身;虔诚结构:devotion to sb./sth.例:the devotion of parents to their children父母对孩子的挚爱the devotion of too much time to sports花太多时间在运动上devotion to duty忠于职守a teacher’s devotion to her task教师全心全意投入其工作链接·提示    devote v. 贡献 devote...to (doing) sth.    devoted adj. 忠实的 be devoted to sb.对某人忠实练:—he failed again.—the ________of too much time to computer games leaves too little time for studying.a.use                  b.cost               c.devotion            d.expense提示:根据句子的意思和名词与后面介词to的搭配,此处应用devotion。答案:cDqO易文君-文库范文网

  短语1.lay off讲:该短语为及物动动词短语,表示“让某人停止做某事;别再打扰;(因工作不多而)解雇”。例:lay me off,will you—it’s nothing to do with me.别找我好不好——这事与我无关。i told you to lay off bothering my little brother!我告诉过你别再打扰我弟弟!i think you’d better lay off fatty foods for a while.我认为你最好暂时别吃油腻的食物。the company laid off 200 workers due to the poor economy.因为经济不景气,这个公司解雇了200名工人。链接·提示    (1)lay sth. aside 把……放在一边(或搁置一旁)。he laid aside his book and stood up.他把书放在一边站了起来。doctors have to lay their personal feelings aside.医生不得不把个人感情置之度外。(2)lay sth. down 放下;停止;中断(工作);辞(职);放弃 both sides were urged to lay down their arms(=stop fighting).双方都被敦促放下武器。练:_________him! can’t you see he’s badly hurt?a.lay off               b.lay aside             c.lay down             d.lay about提示:本句话的意思为:别碰他!你没看见他伤得很厉害吗?此处用lay off表示“别再打扰;别再做”。答案:a2.make matters worse讲:该短语的意思为“更糟糕的是”,用作谓语,而to make matters worse用作状语。例:her attempts to calm them down only made matters worse.她设法让他们平静下来,不想却适得其反。don’t do that.it will only make matters worse.不要那样做,那只会使情况变得更糟。it got dark,to make matters worse,it began to rain.天黑了,更糟的是,开始下起雨来。链接·提示    (1)make matters worse=what is worse=worse still    (2) go from bad to worse每况愈下    in some countries,economic conditions are going from bad to worse.    在有些国家,经济状况越来越糟。练:(湖北八校联考) they lost their way in the forest,and______.which of the following is wrong?a.what made matters worse was that night began to fallb.what was worse,it was getting darkc.to make matters worse that night was fallingd.worse still,night had fallen提示:本题考查句子结构。and连接前后两个并列成分, 而c项为动词不定式。答案:cDqO易文君-文库范文网

  句型as引导非限制性定语从句讲:请观察下面教材原句:if low-income families cannot afford to purchase medical insurance,as was the case with wang lin,other measures to reduce poverty will not succeed.假如低收入家庭买不起医疗保险,正如王林的情况那样,那么其他脱贫的措施是不能成功的。as在这里是关系代词,引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面整个句子。关系代词which也有此用法,它们的区别是:(1)which的先行词可以是单个名词,而as的先行词多为整个句子。(2)若主句与从句的内容不一致,或从句对主句内容起反对、排斥、否定等作用时,多用which;而as只能用于主句和从句内容一致时。(3)as引导的定语从句可以放在句首,而which不可以。例:the meeting,which was held in the park,was a success.在公园里召开的这次会议很成功。the meeting was a success,as was expected.正如所预期的那样,会议开得很成功。she has married again,as was expected.她又结婚了,这是大家意料之中的事。she has married again,which was unexpected.她又结婚了,真没想到。he came late for class today,which/as is often the case.=as is often the case,he was late for school.和平时一样,他今天上课又迟到了。链接·提示    在选择as还是which时,可以从句子的意思上分析,as表示“正如”。练:(1)these countries will join one another against terrorism,_______was agreed to at the international conference.a.as                    b.who               c.that                d.what提示:本题考查定语从句引导词的用法。首先这里为非限制性定语从句,另外引导词应该表示前面一句话的意思,所以使用as引导定语从句,表示“正如”的意思。答案:a(2)(江西南昌调研) the explosion,_______all newspapers showed,claimed more than 100 people.a.which                b.where              c.as                  d.what提示:从句子的意思”正如所有报纸报道的那样”得出答案,as引导非限制性定语从句,表示“正如”。which虽然也能用来引导非限制性定语从句,但它指的是前面一句话的意思,不能表示“正如”。答案:cDqO易文君-文库范文网

  辨析1.as a result(of),result from,result inas a result为介词短语,单独使用,作状语,表示“结果”的意思,as a result of后面跟名词,表示“由于……的原因”。he left school as a result of his father’s death.由于父亲去世,他离开了学校。i was late.as a result,i missed my train.我迟到了,结果误了火车。result from为动词短语,表示“因……的结果发生”。the terrible accident resulted from his carelessness.那桩可怕的事故是由于他粗心引起的。result in 为动词短语,表示“结果是……”。the talks resulted in reducing the number of the cars.谈判的结果是减少汽车的数量。即时练习:(1)illness often________ poverty.(2)she won the scholarship________ her hard work.(3)our efforts________ success.答案:(1)results from  (2)as a result of  (3)resulted in2.as well as,not only...but also...as well as连接并列成分,意思是“不但……而且……;既……又……”,和not only...but also...意思相近。但是,as well as强调的是前面部分,而not only...but also...强调的是后面部分。另外,还要注意主谓一致,as well as为插入语,主语为其前面的那个词,而not only...but also...所连接的部分作主语时应根据就近一致的原则。she is kind as well as beautiful.她不仅美丽而且善良。she is not only kind,but also beautiful.她不仅心地善良,长得也很漂亮。即时练习:some people think________ idioms is of great importance.a.not only grammar but also                     b.neither grammar norc.not grammar but                             d.grammar as well as提示:本题考查连词以及主谓一致的用法。从句子的意思分析,四个选项都能正确地表达各自的意思,但a、b、c三项中的并列连词所连接的主语均为后面的名词idioms,为复数形式,均和谓语is不相符合。答案:d诱思:实例点拨【例1】 (江西模拟) if you grow up in________ large family,you are more likely to develop ________ability to get on well with________ others.a./;an;the                 b.a;the;/           c.the;an;the            d.a;the;the提示:在句中family为可数名词,故用a;ability表示特指做具体事的能力,前加the;others相当于other people为“其他的人”,the others则为“其他的所有的人”。答案:b讲评:这里主要考查冠词的基本用法,第三处是通过语境得出的答案。【例2】 (福建模拟) mum is coming.what present________ for your birthday?a.you expect she has got                      b.you expect has she gotc.do you expect she has got                   d.do you expect has she got提示:what引导的句子为特殊疑问句,因此,其语序应该为疑问性语序。expect引导宾语从句,宾语从句应用陈述性语序。答案:c讲评:此处应该注意do you expect和do you think/believe一样为插入语。DqO易文君-文库范文网

高考英语第一轮单元知识点复习Unit 5-Unit 篇3

  unit 5-unit 6DqO易文君-文库范文网



  unit 5DqO易文君-文库范文网


  advertise  advertiser  brand  consideration  charge  loss  blame  broadcast  post  react  annoy  defender  frequent  salesman  saleswoman  figure  profit  campaign  policy  spokesman  spokeswoman  target  nowadays  waitress  bridegroom  attach  discount  bargainDqO易文君-文库范文网


  take sth. into consideration  in charge  get across  hand in hand  keep an eye out for sb./sth.  make senseDqO易文君-文库范文网


  on the one hand,...on the other hand...DqO易文君-文库范文网

  unit 6DqO易文君-文库范文网


  quit  apply  circumstance  survival  biscuit  goat  flour  nail  razor  bedding  ox  frontier  salty  pond  burden  beast  thirst  starvation  anxiety  tax  granddaughter  flu  throat  sickness  relief  deliver  arctic  tough  quilt  packet  ray  bark  memorial  retell  properlyDqO易文君-文库范文网


  add up  lose heart  take it easy  keep up  go for  common sense  lose one’s way  come to an end  live through  tie upDqO易文君-文库范文网



  unit 5理解:要点诠释DqO易文君-文库范文网

  单词1.blame讲: v.& n.归咎于;责怪;责任。作动词没有用语言责骂的意思。短语:blame sb.for...因某事责备某人blame sth.on sb.=put/lay the blame on sb.把某事归咎于某人be to blame(for...)注意该短语中的不定式to blame为主动形式表被动意思。bear/take/accept/get the blame for sth.(对某事)承担责任例:he blamed me for my carelessness.他责备我的疏忽大意。comrade li is not to blame for the accident.这次事故不能怨李同志。if you fail the exam you’ll only have yourself to blame.你若考试失败,只能怪自己。she blamed him for the failure of their marriage.她把婚姻的失败归咎于他。where does the blame for our failure lie?我们失败的症结在哪里?链接·提示    比较:scold表示唠唠叨叨地“数说”,而不是用肮脏语言骂人,一般多用于母亲对孩子,妻子对丈夫等情况。如:the mother scolded the boy for not cleaning up his room.这个孩子因没有整理房间而受到母亲的责备。练:________his age,he did it quite well,so don’t_________him any more.a.given;blame                                    b.considered;sayc.to regard;scold                                  d.considering;speak提示:given在此为介词,意思为:if one takes into account“考虑”。答案:a2.annoy讲: v.打扰;使烦恼短语:annoy...with sth./by doing sth.通过……打扰某人be annoyed with/at...对……生气/烦恼例:these flies are annoying me.这些苍蝇使我烦恼。don’t annoy your neighbours by singing loudly at night.夜晚不要大声唱歌,以免打扰邻居。she was annoyed with him because he was late.因为他迟到,她对他生气了。i was annoyed because i missed the bus.由于误了汽车,我感到很烦恼。链接·提示    同义词:trouble。比较:interrupt“打断某人的话”, disturb“打扰”。练:i’m extremely ________at the way he always stares at me in the office.a.troubled                b.worried           c.annoyed            d.anxious提示:本句话的意思为:他在办公室里老是目不转睛地盯着我,真把我气坏了。短语be annoyed at表示“对……生气”。答案:c3.profit讲: n.& v.收益;利润;赢利;益处;从……吸取教训;得益于某事物短语:earn/make a profit赢利gain profit 获益profit by/from doing sth.从……中获益例:there’s no profit in running a cinema in this town.这个镇的电影院是无利可图的。they’re only interested in a quick profit.他们急功近利。they make a profit of ten pence on every copy they sell.他们每售出一本赢利十便士。he is getting married again,after two divorces,so he obviously hasn’t profited by his experiences.他两次离婚之后又结婚,显然没有吸取以往的教训。he profited greatly from his year abroad.他在国外一年获益匪浅。i have profited from your advice.你的建议对我很有好处。链接·提示    用作名词,表示“利润;赢利”时,既可是可数名词也可是不可数名词;表示“益处”时,为不可数名词。练:their play enjoyed great success and brought in a large_______ to the theatre.a.advantage               b.profit             c.income             d.interest提示:演出大获成功,所以给剧院带来巨大的利润。income表示“定期的收入或所得”,interest可以表示“股份,利息”,advantage指的是“优势”。答案:b4.attach讲: v. 将某物系在;贴上;安装;依附;使隶属于;归于结构:attach sth.to sth.attach oneself toattach sb.to sb./sth.attach to sb.例:i attached a lamp to my bicycle.我在自行车上装了个灯。she attached a stamp to the envelope and mailed it.她在信封上贴上邮票然后寄了出去。attached to this letter you will find the contract.随信附上合同书。a young man attached himself to me at the party and i couldn’t get rid of him.聚会中有个小青年缠着我,我怎么也甩不开他。i attached myself to a group of tourists entering the museum.我随着一队游客混入了博物馆。you’ll be attached to this apartment until the end of the year.你在年底前将暂属于这一部门。链接·提示    attached adj. 依恋;爱慕 be attached to...;attachment n. 附件。    在表示“系、拴”的意思时,还可以用fasten和tie。表示“系在……的上面”,可用短语attach/fasten/tie...to...。练:i will______ a document to the letter.please sign it and mail it back to me as soon as possible.a.send                  b.attach               c.fix              d.follow提示:attach此处意为“随信附上”,句意为“我将随信附上一份文件,请签上名后尽快寄回”。答案:bDqO易文君-文库范文网

  短语1.in charge(of)讲:该短语的意思为“管理,即某人管理或负责……”。例:i’ll be in charge of the whole factory next week,when the director is away.下周董事离开,我将负责整个工厂。in the absence of the manager,mr smith is in charge of the business.经理不在期间由史密斯先生管理业务。链接·提示    (1)charge v.&n. 索价;收费;费用;价钱    (2)比较in the charge of ……在某人的管理下或由……负责,如:the patient is in the charge of that doctor.这位病人由那位医生负责。练:it is said that the company in_______charge of him is in________debt now.a.the;the                b./;/                 c./;the            d.the;/提示:短语in charge of...的意思为“某人负责……”,而...in the charge of sb.的意思为“……在某人的负责下”。短语be in debt“在负债”的意思。答案:d2.point out讲:该短语的意思为“指出”,如后面跟代词作宾语时,应该将代词置于中间。例: i’d like to point out a few spelling mistakes in the sentence.我想指出句子中的几个拼写错误。he pointed out that the project lacked one important thing.他指出那项计划有个严重的缺陷。练:i didn’t realize my mistake until he_________ to me.a.pointed to it                               b.pointed at itc.pointed out it                              d.pointed it out提示:point out指出,代词应放在中间;point to和point at指着。答案:dDqO易文君-文库范文网

  句型on the one hand,... on the other hand讲:请观察下面教材原句:on the other hand,critics sometimes accuse companies of using ads to mislead us by making us believe that a certain product is better than it really is or that we will be happier if we buy it.另一方面,批评者有时指责公司滥用广告,误导我们,让我们相信某种其实很一般的产品有多么好或购买某种产品会令人更加愉快等。if,on the other hand,we learn to analyse ads,we may be able to protect ourselves from false advertisements and make good choices.另一方面,我们要学会分析广告,这样我们就能够保护自己,避免虚假广告的影响,以便作出正确选择。on the other hand...另一方面……,该短语也可以和on (the) one hand...一起使用,连接两个句子,从两个方面对比说明问题,表示“一方面……另一方面……”。例:on the one hand,he is an able man,but on the other hand he demands too much of people.一方面,他是个能干的人,但另一方面,他对人要求太多了。i know this job of mine isn’t much,but on the other hand i don’t feel tied down.我知道我的这个活不太重要,但另一方面,我也没有感到很忙碌。练:if metal is heated and then cooled very quickly,________,by dipping in water,it will be very hard but will break easily.a.what’s more                                  b.for examplec.in general                                    d.on the other hand提示:本题考查介词短语作状语的用法,后面的插入语就是举出的例子用以说明这种情况。答案:bDqO易文君-文库范文网

  辨析1.make sense,make sense ofmake sense讲得通,有道理,有意义,是明智的,是合理的make sense of=understand 明白即时练习:(1)what he said ________.(2)can you ________what i said?(3)these words are jumbled up and don’t ________.(4)it doesn’t ________to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good.(5)it would _________to leave early.答案:(1)makes sense  (2)make sense of  (3)make sense  (4)make sense  (5)make sense2.figure,shapefigure n.数字;人像,肖像;图表;人影  v.出现;(out)计算出;理解;推想shape n.形状;(模糊的)人影=figure  v.做成某物的形状即时练习:(1)the earth is of the________ of an orange.(2)the child would like to ________the sand into a tower,but failed.(3)we bought the house at a high ________.(4)i saw a________ approaching in the darkness.(5)he________ in all the books on the subject.(6)i can’t________ that man out.(7)can you________ out that maths problem(=work out)?(8)these bags are of different sizes and ________.答案:(1)shape  (2)shape  (3)figure  (4)figure  (5)figures  (6)figure  (7)figure  (8)shapes诱思:实例点拨【例1】 (江西模拟) —shall i give you a ride as you live so far away?—thank you. ________.a.it couldn’t be better                             b.of coursec.if you like                                     d.it’s up to you提示:it couldn’t be better意为“那就再好不过了”;it’s up to you意为“由你决定”。分析句意可知a项合适。答案:a讲评:英语口语的考查要符合英语交际的习惯,不要受汉语意思或习惯的影响。【例2】 (辽宁模拟) —we’d like you to start work tomorrow if possible.—i’m sorry,but i can’t possibly start until monday. ________?a.do you agree with me                           b.is that a good ideac.do you think i’m right                           d.will that be all right提示:对第一个说话者的要求,第二个说话者先做了拒绝,并说星期一才能开始工作,接下来应该问这个时间合不合适,故选d项。答案:d讲评:对于口语考查题目要从语境要求和英语的习惯用法上去考虑。DqO易文君-文库范文网



