1A Unit 7 Oxford English Book 1a Unit 7 Period 2
一.教学说明:1.学生对家庭成员的介绍已初步了解,并已勾起了他们的兴趣,他们已经会用:this is my ____. my ____ can ____. 等句型介绍人。并能用is this your ____?进行问答。
a.单词:cousin, point会认读运用;
b.能听懂,使用,并能作出相应的反应和回答:have you got a ___? yes, i have got a ___. no, i have got a ___.
c.能听懂并会说祈使句:point to ____!
a. 学生能根据自己家庭成员的实际情况用所学语句词汇表述,同时能进行适当的问答。
procedure contents methods purpose i.pre-task preparation: warming up 1.listen and try to sing the song: happy new year 2.have a new year party. who is coming? 3.enjoy the rhyme: listen and say what they hear. 创设情境,在传统过年和家团聚的气氛中让学生复习家庭成员的词汇,同时将儿歌的内容埋下伏笔。将教学难点分散。 ii.while-task procedure: 1.revision: words and expressions 1.show their family photos, teacher show some famous persons’ photos, encourage learners to introduce their family to the person he/she likes. 学生对名人,卡通明星特别感兴趣,利用他们的好奇心,来学习句型,让他们记得更牢,而且让学生们更形象地理解。 2.imitation: have you got a ___? 1.teacher ask: have you got a ____? while they are talking. to elicit the answer: yes, i have got a ____. no, i have got a ___. 2.encourage them to ask the famous persons: e.g: hi, mickey! have you got a sister? 3.ask and answer: have you got a ___? t-p, p-p, p-t 4.listen and read after the tape 将“名人效应”贯穿始终; 可以引导孩子问其他的内容; 3.listen and act: point to ___. 1.t ask: have you got a ___? ok! point to your ___. 2.say and act in pairs or groups. 3.quick response: e.g:point to your bag. point to the blackboard…. 将祈使句与问答相联系,更连贯。 让学生理解反应,并作适当拓展; iii.post-task activities: journalists and famous persons group work: act as a famous person you like, the others are journalists, ask questions 记者招待会形式比较新颖,学生乐于参与,将新旧知识结合。 iv.assignment: listening, speaking and drawing 1.listen to the tape and read after it. 2.ask your parents if they have brothers or sisters. 3.try to draw the whole family tree of their own. 巩固课堂所学; 促进他们更深一步了解家族成员之间关系,增进感情。共2页,当前第1页12
1A Unit 7 Oxford English Book 1a Unit 7 Period 2
1A Unit 7 Oxford English Book 1a Unit 7 Period 2 一.教学说明:1.学生对家庭成员的介绍已初步了解,并已勾起了他们的兴趣,他们已经会用:this is my ____. my ____ can ____. 等句型介绍人。并能用is this your ____?进行问答。。下面小编给大家分享1A Unit 7 Oxford English Book 1a Unit 7 Period 2,希望能帮助到大家。 1A Unit 7 Oxford English Book 1a Unit 7 Period 2文档下载网址链接:
