最初的联系信1Jiao Dianshi
Dept. of Entertainment
Tsinghua University
Beijing 111001
People’s Republic of China
Sept. 31, 1998
Graduate Admissions Committee
Department of Fancy Discipline
Nice & Beautiful University
101 Hollywood Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 10090
United States of America
Dear Sir or Madam:
I am a lecturer teaching video production at the Tsinghua University of China, one of the country’s leading institutions of higher learning. I now wish to scale higher intellectual heights by pursuing advanced studies in a quality graduate program at an American university. Towards that end, I am writing to ask for a package of your application documents. Your timely assistance will be greatly appreciated.
I did my undergraduate studies at the Tsinghua University, where I now teach, and obtained a Master’s Degree in 1996 at the Beijing Institute of Broadcasting, the best higher-learning institution of its kind in China. In the past two years, I have been serving as a popular teacher of television shooting and the making of documentary films. In this capacity, I have publis
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