
精彩的乒乓球赛 A Wonderful Pingpong Match

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精彩的乒乓球赛 A Wonderful Pingpong MatchuHa易文君-文库范文网

  A Wonderful Pingpong MatchuHa易文君-文库范文网

  Turning on my TV set, I kept my eyes on the screen. A wonderful match was going on between the first rate ping pong players Deng Yaping and Chen Jing. Each was trying her best to show who is the queen in the kingdom of ping pong. The head coach was sitting them watching his two students fighting each other for the gold medal with a straight face. Maybe he was saying to himself in anger, "Chen Jing, what is in your mind? I have taught you how to play against rivals. Now you have turned against me."uHa易文君-文库范文网

  In the first two sets, Deng Yaping kept changing her tactics, attacking and blocking in turn forcefully. Chen Jing was quick in reaction and attacked and defended at high speed. After all, Deng Yaping is a cut above her and won the first two sets, at ease. In the third set things changed suddenly. Chen Jing's fans and Den Yaping's fans had, some unpleasant encounter, which disturbed Deng Yaping emotionally. Chen took advantage of this moment and won the third and fourth sets.uHa易文君-文库范文网

  Now the fifth set was the key to suecess. The hcad each told Deng Yaping to use their secret weapon which is unknown to Chen Jing. Deng Yaping calmed herself and attacked with overwhemlming foree and flashing speed and smashed Chen Jing's attacks. The more she fights, the braver she is. At last she again saved the honor of the Chinese ping pong team and captured the gold medal.uHa易文君-文库范文网

  She finished the last beat with tears running down her cheecks. I was crying too. It saddens me to see members of one nation fighting each other as rivals on opposing sides at international matches.uHa易文君-文库范文网

  Now the Chinese five star red flag is slowly rising accompanied by the national anthem. Deng Yaping, you are the pride of our country!uHa易文君-文库范文网








