Body-building in recent years, more and more people spare no pains to join in the body-building group. people begin to take part in various fitness clubs or fitness centers in their spare time.
家庭健身记 我运动、我健康、我快乐看了这个标题,我的眼前又浮现出了两个月前的那件事。两个月前的一个晚上,家庭会议在餐厅举行,主要讨论的是一家人的身材问题。由于这一阵子我们一家三口胃口大开,导致渐渐形成了肥胖问题。
Doing exercises in the gym usually i would do some exercises on the weekend,because i thought keeping in a good health can help me study well. last weekend, it was rainning outside so i decided to do some exercises in the gym.
我家买来了健身椅 前几天,我家买来了一台健身椅。健身椅粗粗一看和普通的躺椅差不多,仔细看,椅子下面有六根弹力橡皮绳,普通躺椅可没有橡皮绳。健身椅的头部有手拉带,两旁有弯弯的扶手,前面是一付脚踏杠,脚踏杠向两边伸开,就像小羊头上的角。
热闹的健身广场 着日出,看着朝霞,我和哥哥来到了健身广场。哇广场可真热闹呀!有十几个老爷爷在打太极拳,他们的姿势有时好像在打麻将,有时好像白鹤展开翅膀,有时好像抱着大西瓜有二十几个阿姨在音乐中跳舞,他们的姿势有时像风车在转动,有时像天女
玩水上健身球 我玩过很多很多的球,如:足球、篮球、皮球、气球,但我从来没有玩过水上健身球。大年初四,温暖的太阳照耀着我们,我们一家和哥哥一家怀着兴奋得心情一起去沛县玩。
Fitness Plan in this plan you will be exercising for a whole week. on monday you will do 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups, 50 skipping ropes, and run 100 meter. you will need to repeat that for half an hour and record how many times you did
运动与健康 for thousands of years, physical activity has been associated with health. today, science has confirmed the link, with overwhelming evidence that people who lead active lifestyles are less likely to die early, or to