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小学暑假英语作文素材1:Traditional Game

  When Spring Festival comes, I will go back to my hometown and spend the time with my relatives. In my hometown, there will be the basketball game on the first and second days of the new year. There will be a lot of people watch. This is a very good tradition.QTM易文君-文库范文网


  For one thing, the basketball game makes people feel the atmosphere of the big festival. Unlike usually, there are not so many things happening in this town, life is simple here. When there is something different, it can tell people that interesting thing is happening in this town and the festival is coming.QTM易文君-文库范文网


  For another thing, the basketball game can bring people together. The first day of the new year is really a big day for Chinese people, they will go out and hang around. Many of my old friends will meet each other when we watch the basketball game. We talk so happily and say the new year’s wishes.QTM易文君-文库范文网


  The traditional game provide people a place to meet each other and have the communication. They are enjoying the game while talking to their friends.QTM易文君-文库范文网


小学暑假英语作文素材2:The Color of Youth

  College is the very amazing stage for students, they have gone through the hard time and finally come to their dream place. In this beautiful age, students are young and full of energy, their color of youth should be red, which means active.QTM易文君-文库范文网

  大学是学生非常美妙的阶段,他们已经度过了艰难的时期,最终来到他们梦想的地方。在这个美丽的年纪,学生是年轻和充满活力,青春的颜色应该是红色的,这意味着活跃。For college students, their main energy should be put on study. It is the age of fighting, they need to learn more knowledge, so that they can make some preparation for their future. What they learn will decide what kind of job they will do in the future. It is important to master the skills and find their own advantages.QTM易文君-文库范文网

  对大学生来说,他们的主要精力应该放在学习。这是奋斗的年纪,他们需要学习的知识,这样他们就可以为他们的未来做准备。他们学习什么将决定他们将来会做什么样的工作。重要的是要掌握技巧,找到自己的优势。Besides study, joining the activity is also part of their lives. They can learn how to get along with others and cooperate with other students. Cooperation is really important, the employers take special attention on this ability. So joining the activity can cultivate students’ practical skills.QTM易文君-文库范文网

  除了学习,参加活动也是他们生活的一部分。他们可以学习如何与他人相处和与其他学生合作。合作是非常重要的,雇主特别关注这一能力。所以参加活动可以培养学生的实践技能。The color of youth is red, it is full of energy, students store their knowledge and fight for their future.QTM易文君-文库范文网


小学暑假英语作文素材3:A Travel to Beihai

  As the winter vacation is so long for me this year, I have nothing to do, so I decide to make a trip to Beihai before the Spring Festival. I have been to Beihai once, it was the first time for me to see the beach, I felt so excited at that time and I told myself to come there again. I carry out my plan this year, but in different mood.QTM易文君-文库范文网

  今年,寒假对于我来说是如此的长,我没有事情可以做,因此我决定在春节前到北海旅游。我曾近去过北海,那是我第一次看到海滩,那是我很兴奋,告诉自己我会再去那里的。我今年就实行了这个计划,但是这次的心情却不一样。Since the last time I came to Beihai and saw the beautiful beach, I miss the seashore all the time. This year, besides watching the sea, I want to see the sunrise. I went to the silver beach, I sat under the trees, the breeze came across me and I just watched people walk on the beach. It was such a beautiful picture and I was enjoying it.QTM易文君-文库范文网

  自从我上次来到北海,看到了美丽的海滩,我一直都想念海岸。今年,除了看海,我还想要看日出。我走到银滩,坐在树底下,微风吹过我的脸,我看着人们在海滩上来来往往。这是幅多么美的画面啊,我享受着这个画面。I asked my friends to come with me, we rent a tent, sleeping on the beach. I listened to the sound from the sea water, I felt so peaceful. When it almost light, we woke up and sitting at the beach, we talked happily and waiting for the sunrise. Then we saw it, it was so wonderful and beautiful.QTM易文君-文库范文网

  我叫朋友和我一起去北海,我们租了一个帐篷,在沙滩上过夜。我听着海水的声音,感到平静。当天快亮了,我们起来,坐在海摊上,愉快地聊着天,等待着日出。然后我们看到了日出,那是多么的神奇和美丽。My trip to Beihai is unforgettable for me.QTM易文君-文库范文网




