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苏州拙政园导游词范文 篇1
























苏州拙政园导游词范文 篇2

  大家早上好,很高兴和大家相约美丽的苏州园林,我是此次苏州园林之旅的导游,我姓窦,大家叫我小窦好了。我身边的这位师傅姓陈,是此行的'司机,在接下来的旅途中就由我和陈师傅为大家提供服务。在整个游览过程中,各位有什么问题,请随时提出,我将尽力为各位解答。祝愿大家都能不虚此行,玩得尽兴。 今天我们要游览的是苏州园林中最大的名园“拙政园”。它与北京颐和园、承德避暑山庄、苏州留园合称为中国“四大名园”,被誉为“天下园林之母”。5h3易文君-文库范文网















  各位游客朋友们:现在我们来到中部花园的中心池边,这里四面环水,三面植柳,围绕水面,有荷风四面亭、香洲、见山楼、倚玉轩、小飞虹、小沧浪 和远香堂等众多景点,我就不一一讲解了,大家可以慢慢欣赏,有不清楚的地方可以问我。5h3易文君-文库范文网

  从中花园穿过“别有洞天”的圆洞门后,就来到了西花园。 西花园的主体建筑 “卅六鸳鸯馆”和“十八曼陀罗花馆”是鸳鸯厅结构。外面看是一个屋顶,里面是四个屋面;外面看是一个大厅,里边分为两个客厅,北面客厅是夏天纳凉用的,南面客厅是冬天取暖用的。北厅“卅六鸳鸯馆”馆名为清代状元洪钧所书,南厅的“十八曼陀罗花馆”馆名出自清代状元陆润庠的手笔。这里四面窗格上都嵌有菱形蓝白相间的玻璃,构成美丽的图案,每当剩下烈日时,阳光5h3易文君-文库范文网






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苏州拙政园导游词范文 篇6

  尊敬的游客,今天我们来到的是苏州古典园林之一 ——拙政园。拙政园有着非常悠久的历史。占地78亩,全园分东、中、西三部分,始建于明代正德四年。相传王献臣以晋代潘岳自比,潘岳的《闲居赋》中有这样一段文字:“庶浮云之志,筑室种树,逍遥自得。池沼足以渔钓,春税足以代耕。灌园粥蔬,以供朝夕之膳;牧羊酤酪,以俟伏腊之费。孝乎惟孝,友于兄弟,此亦拙者之为政也。”王献臣取其中“拙政”二字为园名,借以发泄胸中之郁愤。这样美丽的环境,请游客们注意卫生、保持清洁。5h3易文君-文库范文网





苏州拙政园导游词范文 篇7


  拙政园占地面积520xx平方米,又分东园、中园、西园三部分。东园山池相间,点缀有秫香馆、兰雪堂等建筑。西部水面迂回,布局紧凑,依山傍水建以亭阁,其中主体建筑鸳鸯厅是当时园主人宴请宾客和听曲的场所,厅内陈设考究。中园是拙政园的精华部分,其总体布局以水池为中心,亭台楼榭皆临水而建,有的亭榭则直出水中,具有江 南水乡的特色。主体建筑远香堂位于水池南岸,隔池与主景东西两山岛相望,池水清澈广阔,遍植荷花,山岛上林荫匝地,水岸藤萝纷披,两山溪谷 间架有小桥 山岛上各建一亭,西为雪香云蔚亭,东为待霜亭,四季景色因时而异。远香堂之西的“倚玉轩”与其西面船舫形的“香洲”遥遥相对,两者与其北面的“荷风四面 亭”成三足鼎立之势,都可随势赏荷。5h3易文君-文库范文网

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苏州拙政园导游词范文 篇10


  大家早上好,很高兴和大家相约美丽的苏州园林,我是此次苏州园林之旅的导游,我姓窦,大家叫我小窦好了。我身边的这位师傅姓陈,是此行的司机,在接下来的旅途中就由我和陈师傅为大家提供服务。在整个游览过程中,各位有什么问题,请随时提出,我将尽力为各位解答。祝愿大家都能不虚此行,玩得尽兴。 今天我们要游览的是苏州园林中最大的名园“拙政园”。它与北京颐和园、承德避暑山庄、苏州留园合称为中国“四大名园”,被誉为“天下园林之母”。5h3易文君-文库范文网















  各位游客朋友们:现在我们来到中部花园的中心池边,这里四面环水,三面植柳,围绕水面,有荷风四面亭、香洲、见山楼、倚玉轩、小飞虹、小沧浪 和远香堂等众多景点,我就不一一讲解了,大家可以慢慢欣赏,有不清楚的地方可以问我。5h3易文君-文库范文网

  从中花园穿过“别有洞天”的圆洞门后,就来到了西花园。 西花园的主体建筑 “卅六鸳鸯馆”和“十八曼陀罗花馆”是鸳鸯厅结构。外面看是一个屋顶,里面是四个屋面;外面看是一个大厅,里边分为两个客厅,北面客厅是夏天纳凉用的,南面客厅是冬天取暖用的。北厅“卅六鸳鸯馆”馆名为清代状元洪钧所书,南厅的“十八曼陀罗花馆”馆名出自清代状元陆润庠的手笔。这里四面窗格上都嵌有菱形蓝白相间的玻璃,构成美丽的图案,每当剩下烈日时,阳光5h3易文君-文库范文网






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苏州拙政园导游词范文 篇14



  好,现在就让我们走进园林。拙政园分为三部分,其中精华部分在中间一部分。为什么取名为拙政园呢?因为拙政园的主人是王献臣,他的意思就是说:我不适合当官,当官的我是个傻傻的人。 经过拙政园的墙门和“通幽”“入胜”腰门,我们就来到了拙政园的东部。东部花园的南部有一座三开间的堂屋,名为“兰雪堂”。“兰雪”两字出自李白“春风洒兰雪”之句,象征着主人潇洒如春风,洁净如兰雪的高尚情操。除了“兰雪堂”,还有"秫香馆"、"天泉阁"、"芙蓉榭"等。5h3易文君-文库范文网



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苏州拙政园导游词范文 篇17





苏州拙政园导游词范文 篇18

  Humble Administrator's garden. Humble Administrator's garden was built inMing Dynasty, and Wang Xianchen was the first owner of the garden. In Jiajingand Zhengde years, he lived as an official censor. In his later years, he wasnot satisfied with his official career. He returned from office and bought landto build a garden. The main scenic spots in the park are: Lanxue hall, FurongPavilion, Shuxiang Pavilion, Guangyan Pavilion, Yuanxiang hall, xiaocanglangPavilion, Liuting Pavilion, Fucui Pavilion, etc.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  The whole garden is divided into four parts: East, middle, West andresidence. The residence is a typical Suzhou residence, which is now arranged asa garden Museum exhibition hall. The eastern part is bright and cheerful, withPinggang Yuanshan, Songlin lawn and Zhuwu Qushui as the main parts. The mainscenic spots are: Lanxue hall, zhuoyun peak, Furong Pavilion, Tianquan Pavilion,Shuxiang Pavilion, etc. The central part is the essence of HumbleAdministrator's Garden. The area of the pool is 1/3. Water is the main form. Thepool is wide and luxuriant. The scenery is natural. There are differentbuildings with different shapes and sizes. The main attractions are: Yuanxianghall, Xiangzhou, Hefeng Pavilion, jianshanlou, xiaofeihong, Pipa garden, etc.The main building in the west is the 36 Yuanyang hall, which is close to theside of the residence. The pool is in the shape of a curved ruler. It ischaracterized by the separation of the platform and the hall, the undulatingcorridor, the reflection of the water wave, the unique taste, and the gorgeousand exquisite decoration. The main scenic spots are: 36 Yuanyang hall, invertedphoto studio, who to sit with, water Gallery, etc.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Introduction to Dongyuan5h3易文君-文库范文网

  LanXue Hall: it is the main hall in the East. The name of the hall comesfrom Li Bai's poem "independent between heaven and earth, the breeze sprinklesLanxue". It was first built in the eighth year of Chongzhen (1635) of the MingDynasty. According to the records of the garden owner Wang Xinyi's"guiyuantianju", Lanxue hall is a five Ying thatched cottage, "the East and Westosmanthus trees are screens, and then there are mountains like a sheet, withplum blossoms growing vertically and horizontally. There is bamboo outside theplum. Bamboo is near the monk's house. The sound of Buddhism comes from bambooat dusk. "The environment is secluded. In front of the hall, the two white pinesare vigorous and clumsy, the bamboo on the wall is green, the Lake stone isexquisite, the green grass is in the path, and the East and West courtyard wallsare connected. The hall has three rooms facing south. The plaque of "Lan XueTang" is high, and the long window is on the ground. There is a screen door inthe middle of the hall. The south side of the screen door is a lacquer carvingpanorama of Humble Administrator's garden, and the north side of the screen dooris a picture of green bamboo. All of them adopt the traditional Suzhou lacquercarving process. The two sides of the screen door are carved with figures andlandscapes on the partition skirts.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Zhuiyun peak: in the north of lanxuetang, the peak is towering in the shadeof green trees and bamboos. In the north of Shanxi, two peaks stand side byside, named "Lianbi". Jieyun peak and Lianbi peak are the scenic spots ofguiyuantianju. According to Wang Xinyi's guiyuantianjuji, there is a pool infront of lanxuetang, "there are peaks in the south of the pool, and the treesare decorated with clouds, which is called zhuiyun peak. The two peaks on theleft side of the pool stand side by side, like palms and sails, which is calledLianbi peak. " The two peaks are the works of Chen Siyun, a famous stone foldingartist in the late Ming Dynasty. The lake stones used are exquisite anddelicate, taking Zhao Songxue's landscape paintings in the late Yuan Dynasty asthe model. From bottom to top, the shape of Jieyun peak is gradually larger, andits top is as big as a cloud, standing upright and independent, without support.On the summer night of 1943, zhuiyun peak suddenly collapsed. Later, under theguidance of Wang Xingbo, a landscape expert, this exquisite peak was builtagain. Today, the peak is mottled with moss and covered with vines.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Furong Pavilion: the pavilion is a very beautiful architectural form inancient China. It is made up of the surrounding scenery and its form isflexible. The roof of Furong Pavilion is the top of the mountain. The fourcorners fly up. Half of the pavilion is built on the shore, and the other halfis extended to the water. The sky stands on the water, standing at the edge ofthe water. This pavilion faces a wide pool with clear water, which is a goodplace to enjoy lotus in summer. Walking along the hibiscus Pavilion and lookingaround on the fence, you can see that the pool is full of green, pink and blackwater, elegant and elegant, like a graceful fairy looking forward to the bluewaves. The breeze rises suddenly, setting off a green wave, sending bursts oflotus fragrance Enjoy the beauty, elegance and noble character of lotus.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Tianquan Pavilion: it is an octagonal pavilion with double eaves. The eavesare high and the outside is a cloister. It is solemn and simple. There is a sillbetween the pillars for sitting and enjoying. Surrounded by lawns, flowers andtrees. The small slope of Pinggang in the north of the pavilion is lush withtrees. The pavilion is named "Tianquan" because there is a well under it. Thewell does not dry up all the year round and the water quality is sweet, so it iscalled "Tianquan". According to the records of Qianlong Changzhou county annals,during the Dade period of the Yuan Dynasty, there was a temple called Dahongtemple. After another hundred years, monk Yuze lived here and built a"Dongzhai". There is a well before Zhai, which is called "Tianquan". Suzhou is aland of water, with many rivers, bridges and wells, but few of them are recordedin history. As soon as Wang Xin built "guiyuantianju", he kept the well, whichalso added some pastoral scenery to the garden.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Shuxiang Pavilion: Shuxiang refers to the fragrance of rice. In the past,there were farmland outside the walls. During the harvest season, the autumnwind sent gusts of rice fragrance, which made people intoxicated. Hence the nameof the pavilion. Shuxiang hall is the main building in the East, facing waterand mountains. It is a single eaves structure. The room is spacious and bright.There are 48 pieces of boxwood carvings on the long window skirt. According tothe experts' research, one is the romance of the west chamber, and the other isJinyu Ruyi. Among them, there are scenes such as "Zhang Sheng jumps over thewall to meet mandarin ducks", "copy red" and "long pavilion to see off" in theromance of the Western chamber, which are exquisitely carved, rich and lifelike.At sunset, a touch of afterglow fell on the long window of Shuxiang Pavilion.With the exquisite wood carving of skirt board, the Shuxiang Pavilion isdecorated with simple elegance and unique taste.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Hanqing Pavilion: garden architecture, with Pavilion changes. Pavilion is akind of hut with only roof but no wall. It is exquisite and light. It isgenerally composed of roof, column body and platform base. In the garden, youcan point and view the scenery, and also provide people with rest, cool andshelter from the rain. The Humble Administrator's garden has many pavilions anddifferent forms. Hanqing Pavilion is located in a corner with narrow space.However, the gardener built a combined half pavilion with a tall white wall asthe base, one main Pavilion and two subordinate pavilions. The flat seat of themain Pavilion is above the water surface, just like a waterside pavilion. Theauxiliary pavilions on both sides are slightly backward and spread to the leftand right, just like a corridor. The main pavilion has two berms and theauxiliary pavilion has one berm. The whole pavilion is just like a phoenixspreading its wings, adding momentum to the originally flat and monotonous wall. Reclining on the edge of the pavilion, the beauty sits on the edge of thepavilion. In the sky, clouds and water, the koi roam and the lotus swings.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Introduction to Zhongyuan5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Yihong Pavilion: sitting on the straight corridor to the west of thecomplex corridor, facing the East and the west, the corridor meanders behind,and the water and trees are broad in front. It is an excellent viewing pointafter entering the central garden. On the right side of the pavilion is Wu Zhu'ssecluded residence. In front of the pavilion is a small blue stone bridge, namedYihong bridge. The fence and stone quality reflect the style of the MingDynasty, which seems to be a relic of the Humble Administrator's garden of theMing Dynasty. Standing in the pavilion, the open pool water in the middle andthe curved bridge divide the water. In midsummer, the lotus in the pool iscovered with red clothes, which is full of Jiangnan style. Deep in the shade, abeautiful and exquisite pagoda can be seen. This is a way of borrowing sceneryto borrow the Beisi pagoda, which is more than 1000 meters away from the garden.It is a good example of "Yuanjie" in "Jiejing".5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Wuzhu seclusion: wuzhu seclusion with unique architectural style andingenious design is a Square Pavilion, which is the main view in the east of thecentral pool. The pavilion is surrounded by corridors, red pillars and whitewalls, cornices and raised corners, backed by long corridors, facing the widepool, with Wutong shading and bamboo trees. The beauty of the pavilion is thatthere are four round openings on the white walls around the pavilion. The holesare round and the holes cover the holes. The four round openings are not onlytransparent, daylighting and elegant, but also form four beautiful frame scenesof flowers and windows, small bridges and flowing water, beautiful scenery oflakes and mountains, and the charm of bamboo. The plaque of "wuzhu secludedresidence" is in the style of Wen Zhengming. The couplet is written by ZhaoZhiqian, a famous calligrapher in the late Qing Dynasty. The first couplet usestwo loan words to point out the intimate relationship between human beings andthe wind, moon and nature. The second couplet uses movement, emptiness andreality to set off and contrast each other.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Snow fragrance cloud Pavilion: snow fragrance, refers to plum blossom.Yunwei refers to the flourishing of flowers and trees. This pavilion is suitablefor appreciating plum trees in early spring. Plum trees are planted beside thepavilion and the fragrance floats. Surrounded by green bamboos and lush trees,it is quite interesting to walk around the river. The pavilion is rectangular,on the earth mountain in the central and western part of the pool. Itsappearance is simple and light. The plaque "between mountain flowers and wildbirds" in the pavilion is written by Qian Juntao, a contemporary calligrapherand painter.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Jiashiting: many loquat trees are planted in the garden. Loquat trees havebuds in autumn, blossom in winter, bear fruit in spring and mature in summer. Itcontains the atmosphere of four seasons and forms a golden pill. Jiashi Pavilionis not only a praise of Jiangnan famous garden, but also a celebration ofharvest. There is a square window opening in the middle of the pavilion wall. Onone side of the window opening is the Taihu stone. Beside the stone, there arewintersweet and banana in summer, forming a natural three-dimensional picture.Through the entrance of the loquat garden, Jiashi Pavilion and Xuexiang YunweiPavilion form a group of scenery, which is one of the artistic techniques ofgardening.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Listen to Yuxuan5h3易文君-文库范文网

  In the east of the harvest Pavilion, it is connected with the curvedcorridor of the surrounding buildings. In front of the pavilion, there is a poolof clear water with lotus; beside the pool, there are plantains and greenbamboos; behind the pavilion, there are also plantains. In the Five Dynasties,Li Zhong, a poet of the Southern Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem: "listen to the raincoming into autumn bamboo, leave monks to cover old chess"; Yang Wanli, a poetof the Song Dynasty, wrote a poem "autumn rain sigh", which said: "banana leavesare half yellow, lotus leaves are green, two autumn rain families have onefamily voice"; Zhou qianjuan, a modern Suzhou horticulturist, wrote a poem"banana leaves are drizzling, but the sound of broken jade is still heard in hisdream." There are banana, green bamboo and lotus leaves here. No matter inspring, summer, autumn and winter, as long as it's rainy night, because the rainfalls on different plants, and people listen to the rain have differentattitudes, they can hear the sound of rain with different tastes. It's wonderfuland has a unique charm.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Haitangchunwu: it is a small independent courtyard separated by the flowerwall on the east side of Linglong hall. The book style brick forehead withunique shape is embedded in the south wall of the courtyard. There are severalbegonias in the hospital. In the early spring, the flowers are as beautiful asjasper in a small family. They are beautiful and beautiful. The literatieulogized it. The courtyard floor is inlaid with green, red and white pebbles toform Begonia pattern. The decorative patterns of tea table in the hospital areall Begonia patterns. There are scenic spots everywhere. Although the courtyardis small and quiet, it is an ideal place for reading and rest.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Yuanxiang Hall: Yuanxiang hall is a four side hall, which is the mainbuilding in the middle of Humble Administrator's garden. It was built inQianlong period of Qing Dynasty on the site of ruoshu hall in Zhengde of MingDynasty, and the base of bluestone house is the original thing at that time. Itis built on the surface of water, with a single eaves resting on the top of themountain and three rooms wide. The North platform of the hall is spacious andclear. The lotus pond is wide, with red clothes and green cover, and pleasantfragrance. The name of the hall is based on the famous sentence of "Xiang YuanYi Qing" in Zhou Dunyi's "Ai Lian Shuo". Lotus flowers are planted all over thewater, so it gets its name. In summer, the lotus leaf field in the pool, thelotus wind blowing on the face, and the fragrance sending far away, is a goodplace to appreciate the lotus. The garden owner borrows the flower from themetaphor, has expressed the garden owner noble sentiment. The hall is decoratedwith transparent and exquisite glass floor long windows with neatspecifications. Due to the emptiness of the long windows, there are variousinteresting scenery around, such as mountain light, water and shadow. You canhave a panoramic view, just like watching mountains and rivers. The interiorfurnishings are elegant and exquisite.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Xiaofeihong: Suzhou is a water town, Humble Administrator's garden is awater garden, where there is water, there is bridge. In the HumbleAdministrator's garden, there are stone slab bridges, stone arch bridges, etc.It is the only corridor bridge in Suzhou gardens. It is named after the poem"flying rainbow overlooking the Qin River, misty and light string" written byBao Zhao in the Song Dynasty. The scarlet bridge hurdles are reflected in thewater, and the water is sparkling, just like a rainbow, so it is named. Therainbow is a colorful bridge across the earth after the rain. The ancients usedthe rainbow to describe the bridge with a wonderful intention. It is not only achannel connecting water and land, but also a unique landscape centered on thebridge. Xiaofeihong bridge is a three span stone beam, slightly arched, in theshape of eight. Both sides of the bridge deck are equipped with ten thousandcharacter guardrails, three rooms and eight columns, covering the corridorhouse. The eaves are decorated with upside down lintels. The two ends of thebridge are connected with the curved corridor, which is a beautiful corridorbridge.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Xiaocanglang: xiaocanglang takes the name of "Canglang Pavilion" of SuShunqin in the Northern Song Dynasty as the name of the pavilion, implyingseclusion. The small pavilion is three rooms wide, with south windows and Northsills. It faces the water on both sides. Its shape is very unique. It looks likea house but not a house, like a boat but not a boat, like a bridge but not abridge. It is a water Pavilion on the water. Across the pool, the water Paviliondivides the water surface again, making the end of Zhongyuan Shuiwei seeminglycontinuous, with superb artistic techniques. Surrounded by pavilions andcorridors, it forms an open quiet water courtyard. Once upon a time, there weremany families of literati and officials in the ancient city of Suzhou. No matterthey were Chinese houses or ordinary houses, they all paid special attention tothe decoration of small space. This small space was the courtyard, and the watercourtyard was the unique small wave. On the one hand, it reflected the customsof the water town in the south of the Yangtze River. On the other hand, becauseof the water landscape, the courtyard built a special cool environment byborrowing the scenery inside and outside.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Songfengshui Pavilion: pines, bamboos and plums are known as the "threefriends of the winter" in traditional Chinese culture. In the literati freehandgarden, they are especially fond of planting such "bide" plants to express themaster's thoughts and feelings. The pine tree does not wither in the cold and isevergreen all the year round. The ancients described it as a person with noblemoral sentiment. The vigorous and clumsy posture of pine is often depicted inthe picture, and it is one of the main tree species in Chinese gardens.Songfengshui Pavilion, also known as "listening to songfengchu", is a place tosee songtingtao. The water pavilion has a sharp square roof, and the space isclosed. It is accessed by a small gate in the corridor. The other three sidesadopt the structure of half wall and half window. The eaves of the roof are verylarge, and the cornices are especially high, showing the elegant and lightstyle. The whole building is not in the regular direction of due south and duenorth, but slants over 45 degrees, and is suspended on the water, which canavoid the sun and ventilate. It is most suitable for viewing in summer. Thereare several black pines planted on the side of the pavilion. The wind blows, thepine branches move far away, the pine waves sound, the color and sound are allready. It is a unique landscape.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Xiangzhou: Xiangzhou is a "boat" type structure with two storeys of cabins.The whole body is elegant and free. Its posture is reflected in the water,making it more elegant and elegant. Xiangzhou reposes the ideal and sentiment ofliterati. Xiangzhou uses the allusion of "Fangzhou" in Qu Yuan's works. There isa sentence in the songs of Chu that "if you pick Fangzhou, you will leave yourdaughter.". In ancient times, vanilla was often used as a metaphor for a nobleman. Here, lotus landscape is used as a metaphor for vanilla, which is also veryappropriate. Among the numerous stone boats in Chinese classical gardens, theHumble Administrator's garden Xiangzhou is probably the most beautiful one. Thebow of the boat is a platform, the front cabin is a pavilion, the middle cabinis a pavilion, and the stern is a pavilion. The lines of the pavilion are gentleand undulating, and the scale is appropriate. It reminds people of the warmmountains and soft waters and the picturesque boats in Suzhou, Hangzhou,Yangzhou in ancient times. Xiangzhou is located at the edge of the water, justat the intersection of the East and west water flow and the north-south river.It is surrounded by water on three sides and on the other side by the bank. Thespringboard composed of three stone bars boarded the "boat" and stood in the bowof the boat, rippling and bright all around. The garden is beautiful andrefreshing. The sun is scorching, but the wind blows here, and it's cool. On thebow of the Xiangzhou ship, there was a inscription written by Wen Zhengming,which was specially inscribed and postscript by later generations. Xiangzhou, adry boat, is elegant, exquisite and fascinating, which makes people feel apursuit of noble personality.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Lotus wind Pavilion: the pavilion is named for lotus. It is located on asmall island in the middle of the garden. It is surrounded by water. The lotusPavilion is planted in the lake. Willow branches are dancing on the lake bank.The pavilion has a single eaves and six corners. It is transparent on all sides.There are holding column couplets in the pavilion: "lotus on all sides, willowon three sides, half pool, autumn water and one Fangshan." It's very appropriatehere. In particular, the word "wall" in Lianzhong is well used. The pavilion isthe most open building. There is no wall between the columns, so the sight isnot blocked. It feels transparent and bright. Although there is no wall, thewillows on the three sides of the river bank are luxuriant and surrounded byhibiscus. Isn't it a green fragrant and soft wall? The moving exaggeration andrich imagination make the pavilion on this island more beautiful It lookscolorful and charming. The wind blows on the wall, the green waves roll, thefragrance overflows, and the color, fragrance and shape are excellent. Lightwillows in spring, bright lotus in summer, clear water in autumn, quietmountains in winter, and lotus wind. Pavilions are not only suitable for summerand summer, but also for all seasons. If you look down at the pavilion from aheight, you can see that the pavilion is out of the water, the cornice isprotruding, the red pillars are tall and straight, and the base is jade white.It is clearly a bright pearl in the arms of lotus in the pond.5h3易文君-文库范文网

苏州拙政园导游词范文 篇19

  Hello, everyone. Welcome to Suzhou. My name is Hua Hantao, and you call meXiao Hua or tour guide Hua. There are many gardens in Suzhou, among which theHumble Administrator's garden is one of the "four famous gardens" in China, andit is also a masterpiece of Jiangnan classical gardens. Today, I will take youto visit the Humble Administrator's garden for about two hours.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Zhuozheng garden is a representative work of private gardens in China. Inthe list of the first batch of national key cultural relics protection unitsissued by the State Council on March 4, 1961, it is a treasure of China'snational cultural heritage, known as the "mother of gardens in the world".5h3易文君-文库范文网

  now, we have come to the main gate of Zhuozheng garden. You can see thatthere are three big words "Zhuozheng garden" above the main gate. Zhuozhenggarden was built in the fourth year of Zhengde in the Ming Dynasty. WangXianchen, the imperial censor, returned to his hometown because of hisfrustration in officialdom. He built the garden on the original site of Dahongtemple, with pavilions, small bridges, flowing water and towering ancient trees.The name of Humble Administrator's garden is abbreviated from the sentence of"this is also humble, it is political".5h3易文君-文库范文网

  the hall house with three doors we see now is Lanxue hall. The word "LanXue" comes from Li Bai's sentence "spring breeze sprinkles Lan Xue", whichsymbolizes the noble sentiment of the host, who is as natural and unrestrainedas spring breeze and as clean as Lan Xue. There is a lacquer carving on themiddle screen door, which is a panoramic view of the Humble Administrator'sgarden.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  next, we'll visit "wuzhu secluded residence". It's located in theeasternmost part of the garden, commonly known as "moon to wind Pavilion". Itsshape is very unique. Four big round openings remind us of the moon on the nightof August 15. If you stand in the pavilion and look out, the four round openingsare like four huge frames.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  This is the world-famous Humble Administrator's garden in Suzhou. You arewelcome to visit Suzhou in the future. Goodbye.5h3易文君-文库范文网

苏州拙政园导游词范文 篇20










苏州拙政园导游词范文 篇21

  Dear tourists, today we come to Zhuozheng garden, one of the classicalgardens in Suzhou. Humble Administrator's garden has a very long history.Covering an area of 78 mu, the garden is divided into three parts: East, middleand West. It was built in the fourth year of Zhengde in Ming Dynasty. It is saidthat Wang Xianchen compared himself with Pan Yue of Jin Dynasty. There is such apassage in Pan Yue's Ode to Leisure: "the ambition of floating clouds is tobuild a room and plant trees, and be at ease. The pond is enough for fishing,and the spring tax is enough for farming. We irrigate the garden with porridgeand vegetables for the day and night's meal, and shepherd's cheese for the costof wax. Filial piety is the only way to be filial, and friendship is the onlyway to be friends with brothers Wang Xianchen took the word "humbleadministration" as his garden name to vent his anger. Such a beautifulenvironment, please pay attention to health, keep clean.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Tourists, we are now in shijingtang. I believe you have seen it. The lotusin the pool is blooming. It's very beautiful. You can take photos here later.Some of these lotus or bud, drum, some lotus has grown a small lotus, there arenew buds. Please take good care of these lotus flowers and don't throw rubbishinto the pond.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Tourists, we are now in the garden of Eden. There are many strange flowersand plants, and all kinds of stones with strange shapes. The flowers here arecolorful. It's really a fairyland in the world. You can stand on this stone totake photos and get a panoramic view.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Tourists, now we come to xiaofeihong, the only gallery bridge in the HumbleAdministrator's garden. The red corridor bridge is reflected in the water, thewater is sparkling, just like a rainbow. The rainbow is a colorful bridge acrossthe earth after the rain. The ancients used the rainbow to describe the bridgewith a wonderful intention. It is not only a channel connecting water and land,but also a unique landscape centered on the bridge, which is a beautiful coveredbridge.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Well, tourists, today my tour guide task is over. Now I'll give you an hourto take photos and enjoy in the Humble Administrator's garden. Have a goodtime.5h3易文君-文库范文网

苏州拙政园导游词范文 篇22

  Hello, everyone. I'm your guide. Let's visit the famous HumbleAdministrator's garden. Humble Administrator's garden is a typical garden workof Ming Dynasty. It is compact, simple and elegant. Humble Administrator'sgarden is centered on water. She is divided into three parts: East, middle andWest.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  The first thing we came to is the east garden. Please see, the east side ofthe lawn is a broad area. On the west side of the lawn is a mound of earth.There are wooden pavilions on it. The flowing water lingers around the lawn. Thewillows on the bank are low. Among them are Shiji and Lifeng. There arewaterside pavilions and curved bridges near the water. It has a strong featureof Jiangnan Water Town. How beautiful it is!5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Through the east garden, we came to the middle garden. The center of thepark is the pool. Pavilions and pavilions are built near the water. Somepavilions and pavilions are straight out of the water. Please see, that antiquehouse is the main hall Yuanxiang hall, which uses lotus fragrance as a metaphorfor character. It has long windows on all sides, and you can enjoy the sceneryin the garden. Ladies and gentlemen, please come to the north of the hall. Thereis a linchi platform. You can enjoy the island mountain and the pavilions in thedistance from the pool. The water here is clear, lotus is planted everywhere,and the mountain island is covered with trees. The scenery of the four seasonsvaries from time to time. It's so beautiful!5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Let's go further west to see the west garden. The layout of the west iscompact, with pavilions built close to mountains and rivers. That is the mainbuilding of the west garden, the 36 Yuan Yang hall. It was the place where themaster of the garden entertained guests and listened to music. On a sunny day,you can see the outdoor scenery through the blue glass window, just like a snowscene. The pool of the 36 Yuan Yang Pavilion is in the shape of a curvedruler.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Humble Administrator's garden is full of beautiful scenery, which can't befinished in three days and three nights. Please take your time. Please payattention to health and safety when you visit, and don't litter.5h3易文君-文库范文网

苏州拙政园导游词范文 篇23

  Humble Administrator's garden. Humble Administrator's garden was built in Ming Dynasty, and Wang Xianchen was the first owner of the garden. In Jiajing and Zhengde years, he lived as an official censor. In his later years, he was not satisfied with his official career. He returned from office and bought land to build a garden. The main scenic spots in the park are: Lanxue hall, Furong Pavilion, Shuxiang Pavilion, Guangyan Pavilion, Yuanxiang hall, xiaocanglang Pavilion, Liuting Pavilion, Fucui Pavilion, etc.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  The whole garden is divided into four parts: East, middle, West and residence. The residence is a typical Suzhou residence, which is now arranged as a garden Museum exhibition hall. The eastern part is bright and cheerful, with Pinggang Yuanshan, Songlin lawn and Zhuwu Qushui as the main parts. The main scenic spots are: Lanxue hall, zhuoyun peak, Furong Pavilion, Tianquan Pavilion, Shuxiang Pavilion, etc. The central part is the essence of Humble Administrator's Garden. The area of the pool is 1/3. Water is the main form. The pool is wide and luxuriant. The scenery is natural. There are different buildings with different shapes and sizes. The main attractions are: Yuanxiang hall, Xiangzhou, Hefeng Pavilion, jianshanlou, xiaofeihong, Pipa garden, etc. The main building in the west is the 36 Yuanyang hall, which is close to the side of the residence. The pool is in the shape of a curved ruler. It is characterized by the separation of the platform and the hall, the undulating corridor, the reflection of the water wave, the unique taste, and the gorgeous and exquisite decoration. The main scenic spots are: 36 Yuanyang hall, inverted photo studio, who to sit with, water Gallery, etc.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Introduction to Dongyuan5h3易文君-文库范文网

  LanXue Hall: it is the main hall in the East. The name of the hall comes from Li Bai's poem "independent between heaven and earth, the breeze sprinkles Lanxue". It was first built in the eighth year of Chongzhen (1635) of the Ming Dynasty. According to the records of the garden owner Wang Xinyi's "guiyuantianju", Lanxue hall is a five Ying thatched cottage, "the East and West osmanthus trees are screens, and then there are mountains like a sheet, with plum blossoms growing vertically and horizontally. There is bamboo outside the plum. Bamboo is near the monk's house. The sound of Buddhism comes from bamboo at dusk. "The environment is secluded. In front of the hall, the two white pines are vigorous and clumsy, the bamboo on the wall is green, the Lake stone is exquisite, the green grass is in the path, and the East and West courtyard walls are connected. The hall has three rooms facing south. The plaque of "Lan Xue Tang" is high, and the long window is on the ground. There is a screen door in the middle of the hall. The south side of the screen door is a lacquer carving panorama of Humble Administrator's garden, and the north side of the screen door is a picture of green bamboo. All of them adopt the traditional Suzhou lacquer carving process. The two sides of the screen door are carved with figures and landscapes on the partition skirts.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Zhuiyun peak: in the north of lanxuetang, the peak is towering in the shade of green trees and bamboos. In the north of Shanxi, two peaks stand side by side, named "Lianbi". Jieyun peak and Lianbi peak are the scenic spots of guiyuantianju. According to Wang Xinyi's guiyuantianjuji, there is a pool in front of lanxuetang, "there are peaks in the south of the pool, and the trees are decorated with clouds, which is called zhuiyun peak. The two peaks on the left side of the pool stand side by side, like palms and sails, which is called Lianbi peak. " The two peaks are the works of Chen Siyun, a famous stone folding artist in the late Ming Dynasty. The lake stones used are exquisite and delicate, taking Zhao Songxue's landscape paintings in the late Yuan Dynasty as the model. From bottom to top, the shape of Jieyun peak is gradually larger, and its top is as big as a cloud, standing upright and independent, without support. On the summer night of 1943, zhuiyun peak suddenly collapsed. Later, under the guidance of Wang Xingbo, a landscape expert, this exquisite peak was built again. Today, the peak is mottled with moss and covered with vines.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Furong Pavilion: the pavilion is a very beautiful architectural form in ancient China. It is made up of the surrounding scenery and its form is flexible. The roof of Furong Pavilion is the top of the mountain. The four corners fly up. Half of the pavilion is built on the shore, and the other half is extended to the water. The sky stands on the water, standing at the edge of the water. This pavilion faces a wide pool with clear water, which is a good place to enjoy lotus in summer. Walking along the hibiscus Pavilion and looking around on the fence, you can see that the pool is full of green, pink and black water, elegant and elegant, like a graceful fairy looking forward to the blue waves. The breeze rises suddenly, setting off a green wave, sending bursts of lotus fragrance Enjoy the beauty, elegance and noble character of lotus.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Tianquan Pavilion: it is an octagonal pavilion with double eaves. The eaves are high and the outside is a cloister. It is solemn and simple. There is a sill between the pillars for sitting and enjoying. Surrounded by lawns, flowers and trees. The small slope of Pinggang in the north of the pavilion is lush with trees. The pavilion is named "Tianquan" because there is a well under it. The well does not dry up all the year round and the water quality is sweet, so it is called "Tianquan". According to the records of Qianlong Changzhou county annals, during the Dade period of the Yuan Dynasty, there was a temple called Dahong temple. After another hundred years, monk Yuze lived here and built a "Dongzhai". There is a well before Zhai, which is called "Tianquan". Suzhou is a land of water, with many rivers, bridges and wells, but few of them are recorded in history. As soon as Wang Xin built "guiyuantianju", he kept the well, which also added some pastoral scenery to the garden.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Shuxiang Pavilion: Shuxiang refers to the fragrance of rice. In the past, there were farmland outside the walls. During the harvest season, the autumn wind sent gusts of rice fragrance, which made people intoxicated. Hence the name of the pavilion. Shuxiang hall is the main building in the East, facing water and mountains. It is a single eaves structure. The room is spacious and bright. There are 48 pieces of boxwood carvings on the long window skirt. According to the experts' research, one is the romance of the west chamber, and the other is Jinyu Ruyi. Among them, there are scenes such as "Zhang Sheng jumps over the wall to meet mandarin ducks", "copy red" and "long pavilion to see off" in the romance of the Western chamber, which are exquisitely carved, rich and lifelike. At sunset, a touch of afterglow fell on the long window of Shuxiang Pavilion. With the exquisite wood carving of skirt board, the Shuxiang Pavilion is decorated with simple elegance and unique taste.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Hanqing Pavilion: garden architecture, with Pavilion changes. Pavilion is a kind of hut with only roof but no wall. It is exquisite and light. It is generally composed of roof, column body and platform base. In the garden, you can point and view the scenery, and also provide people with rest, cool and shelter from the rain. The Humble Administrator's garden has many pavilions and different forms. Hanqing Pavilion is located in a corner with narrow space. However, the gardener built a combined half pavilion with a tall white wall as the base, one main Pavilion and two subordinate pavilions. The flat seat of the main Pavilion is above the water surface, just like a waterside pavilion. The auxiliary pavilions on both sides are slightly backward and spread to the left and right, just like a corridor. The main pavilion has two berms and the auxiliary pavilion has one berm. The whole pavilion is just like a phoenix spreading its wings, adding momentum to the originally flat and monotonous wall . Reclining on the edge of the pavilion, the beauty sits on the edge of the pavilion. In the sky, clouds and water, the koi roam and the lotus swings.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Introduction to Zhongyuan5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Yihong Pavilion: sitting on the straight corridor to the west of the complex corridor, facing the East and the west, the corridor meanders behind, and the water and trees are broad in front. It is an excellent viewing point after entering the central garden. On the right side of the pavilion is Wu Zhu's secluded residence. In front of the pavilion is a small blue stone bridge, named Yihong bridge. The fence and stone quality reflect the style of the Ming Dynasty, which seems to be a relic of the Humble Administrator's garden of the Ming Dynasty. Standing in the pavilion, the open pool water in the middle and the curved bridge divide the water. In midsummer, the lotus in the pool is covered with red clothes, which is full of Jiangnan style. Deep in the shade, a beautiful and exquisite pagoda can be seen. This is a way of borrowing scenery to borrow the Beisi pagoda, which is more than 1000 meters away from the garden. It is a good example of "Yuanjie" in "Jiejing".5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Wuzhu seclusion: wuzhu seclusion with unique architectural style and ingenious design is a Square Pavilion, which is the main view in the east of the central pool. The pavilion is surrounded by corridors, red pillars and white walls, cornices and raised corners, backed by long corridors, facing the wide pool, with Wutong shading and bamboo trees. The beauty of the pavilion is that there are four round openings on the white walls around the pavilion. The holes are round and the holes cover the holes. The four round openings are not only transparent, daylighting and elegant, but also form four beautiful frame scenes of flowers and windows, small bridges and flowing water, beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains, and the charm of bamboo. The plaque of "wuzhu secluded residence" is in the style of Wen Zhengming. The couplet is written by Zhao Zhiqian, a famous calligrapher in the late Qing Dynasty. The first couplet uses two loan words to point out the intimate relationship between human beings and the wind, moon and nature. The second couplet uses movement, emptiness and reality to set off and contrast each other.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Snow fragrance cloud Pavilion: snow fragrance, refers to plum blossom. Yunwei refers to the flourishing of flowers and trees. This pavilion is suitable for appreciating plum trees in early spring. Plum trees are planted beside the pavilion and the fragrance floats. Surrounded by green bamboos and lush trees, it is quite interesting to walk around the river. The pavilion is rectangular, on the earth mountain in the central and western part of the pool. Its appearance is simple and light. The plaque "between mountain flowers and wild birds" in the pavilion is written by Qian Juntao, a contemporary calligrapher and painter.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Jiashiting: many loquat trees are planted in the garden. Loquat trees have buds in autumn, blossom in winter, bear fruit in spring and mature in summer. It contains the atmosphere of four seasons and forms a golden pill. Jiashi Pavilion is not only a praise of Jiangnan famous garden, but also a celebration of harvest. There is a square window opening in the middle of the pavilion wall. On one side of the window opening is the Taihu stone. Beside the stone, there are wintersweet and banana in summer, forming a natural three-dimensional picture. Through the entrance of the loquat garden, Jiashi Pavilion and Xuexiang Yunwei Pavilion form a group of scenery, which is one of the artistic techniques of gardening.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Listen to Yuxuan5h3易文君-文库范文网

  In the east of the harvest Pavilion, it is connected with the curved corridor of the surrounding buildings. In front of the pavilion, there is a pool of clear water with lotus; beside the pool, there are plantains and green bamboos; behind the pavilion, there are also plantains. In the Five Dynasties, Li Zhong, a poet of the Southern Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem: "listen to the rain coming into autumn bamboo, leave monks to cover old chess"; Yang Wanli, a poet of the Song Dynasty, wrote a poem "autumn rain sigh", which said: "banana leaves are half yellow, lotus leaves are green, two autumn rain families have one family voice"; Zhou qianjuan, a modern Suzhou horticulturist, wrote a poem "banana leaves are drizzling, but the sound of broken jade is still heard in his dream." There are banana, green bamboo and lotus leaves here. No matter in spring, summer, autumn and winter, as long as it's rainy night, because the rain falls on different plants, and people listen to the rain have different attitudes, they can hear the sound of rain with different tastes. It's wonderful and has a unique charm.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Haitangchunwu: it is a small independent courtyard separated by the flower wall on the east side of Linglong hall. The book style brick forehead with unique shape is embedded in the south wall of the courtyard. There are several begonias in the hospital. In the early spring, the flowers are as beautiful as jasper in a small family. They are beautiful and beautiful. The literati eulogized it. The courtyard floor is inlaid with green, red and white pebbles to form Begonia pattern. The decorative patterns of tea table in the hospital are all Begonia patterns. There are scenic spots everywhere. Although the courtyard is small and quiet, it is an ideal place for reading and rest.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Yuanxiang Hall: Yuanxiang hall is a four side hall, which is the main building in the middle of Humble Administrator's garden. It was built in Qianlong period of Qing Dynasty on the site of ruoshu hall in Zhengde of Ming Dynasty, and the base of bluestone house is the original thing at that time. It is built on the surface of water, with a single eaves resting on the top of the mountain and three rooms wide. The North platform of the hall is spacious and clear. The lotus pond is wide, with red clothes and green cover, and pleasant fragrance. The name of the hall is based on the famous sentence of "Xiang Yuan Yi Qing" in Zhou Dunyi's "Ai Lian Shuo". Lotus flowers are planted all over the water, so it gets its name. In summer, the lotus leaf field in the pool, the lotus wind blowing on the face, and the fragrance sending far away, is a good place to appreciate the lotus. The garden owner borrows the flower from the metaphor, has expressed the garden owner noble sentiment. The hall is decorated with transparent and exquisite glass floor long windows with neat specifications. Due to the emptiness of the long windows, there are various interesting scenery around, such as mountain light, water and shadow. You can have a panoramic view, just like watching mountains and rivers. The interior furnishings are elegant and exquisite.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Xiaofeihong: Suzhou is a water town, Humble Administrator's garden is a water garden, where there is water, there is bridge. In the Humble Administrator's garden, there are stone slab bridges, stone arch bridges, etc. It is the only corridor bridge in Suzhou gardens. It is named after the poem "flying rainbow overlooking the Qin River, misty and light string" written by Bao Zhao in the Song Dynasty. The scarlet bridge hurdles are reflected in the water, and the water is sparkling, just like a rainbow, so it is named. The rainbow is a colorful bridge across the earth after the rain. The ancients used the rainbow to describe the bridge with a wonderful intention. It is not only a channel connecting water and land, but also a unique landscape centered on the bridge. Xiaofeihong bridge is a three span stone beam, slightly arched, in the shape of eight. Both sides of the bridge deck are equipped with ten thousand character guardrails, three rooms and eight columns, covering the corridor house. The eaves are decorated with upside down lintels. The two ends of the bridge are connected with the curved corridor, which is a beautiful corridor bridge.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Xiaocanglang: xiaocanglang takes the name of "Canglang Pavilion" of Su Shunqin in the Northern Song Dynasty as the name of the pavilion, implying seclusion. The small pavilion is three rooms wide, with south windows and North sills. It faces the water on both sides. Its shape is very unique. It looks like a house but not a house, like a boat but not a boat, like a bridge but not a bridge. It is a water Pavilion on the water. Across the pool, the water Pavilion divides the water surface again, making the end of Zhongyuan Shuiwei seemingly continuous, with superb artistic techniques. Surrounded by pavilions and corridors, it forms an open quiet water courtyard. Once upon a time, there were many families of literati and officials in the ancient city of Suzhou. No matter they were Chinese houses or ordinary houses, they all paid special attention to the decoration of small space. This small space was the courtyard, and the water courtyard was the unique small wave. On the one hand, it reflected the customs of the water town in the south of the Yangtze River. On the other hand, because of the water landscape, the courtyard built a special cool environment by borrowing the scenery inside and outside.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Songfengshui Pavilion: pines, bamboos and plums are known as the "three friends of the winter" in traditional Chinese culture. In the literati freehand garden, they are especially fond of planting such "bide" plants to express the master's thoughts and feelings. The pine tree does not wither in the cold and is evergreen all the year round. The ancients described it as a person with noble moral sentiment. The vigorous and clumsy posture of pine is often depicted in the picture, and it is one of the main tree species in Chinese gardens. Songfengshui Pavilion, also known as "listening to songfengchu", is a place to see songtingtao. The water pavilion has a sharp square roof, and the space is closed. It is accessed by a small gate in the corridor. The other three sides adopt the structure of half wall and half window. The eaves of the roof are very large, and the cornices are especially high, showing the elegant and light style. The whole building is not in the regular direction of due south and due north, but slants over 45 degrees, and is suspended on the water, which can avoid the sun and ventilate. It is most suitable for viewing in summer. There are several black pines planted on the side of the pavilion. The wind blows, the pine branches move far away, the pine waves sound, the color and sound are all ready. It is a unique landscape.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Xiangzhou: Xiangzhou is a "boat" type structure with two storeys of cabins. The whole body is elegant and free. Its posture is reflected in the water, making it more elegant and elegant. Xiangzhou reposes the ideal and sentiment of literati. Xiangzhou uses the allusion of "Fangzhou" in Qu Yuan's works. There is a sentence in the songs of Chu that "if you pick Fangzhou, you will leave your daughter.". In ancient times, vanilla was often used as a metaphor for a noble man. Here, lotus landscape is used as a metaphor for vanilla, which is also very appropriate. Among the numerous stone boats in Chinese classical gardens, the Humble Administrator's garden Xiangzhou is probably the most beautiful one. The bow of the boat is a platform, the front cabin is a pavilion, the middle cabin is a pavilion, and the stern is a pavilion. The lines of the pavilion are gentle and undulating, and the scale is appropriate. It reminds people of the warm mountains and soft waters and the picturesque boats in Suzhou, Hangzhou, Yangzhou in ancient times. Xiangzhou is located at the edge of the water, just at the intersection of the East and west water flow and the north-south river. It is surrounded by water on three sides and on the other side by the bank. The springboard composed of three stone bars boarded the "boat" and stood in the bow of the boat, rippling and bright all around. The garden is beautiful and refreshing. The sun is scorching, but the wind blows here, and it's cool. On the bow of the Xiangzhou ship, there was a inscription written by Wen Zhengming, which was specially inscribed and postscript by later generations. Xiangzhou, a dry boat, is elegant, exquisite and fascinating, which makes people feel a pursuit of noble personality.5h3易文君-文库范文网

  Lotus wind Pavilion: the pavilion is named for lotus. It is located on a small island in the middle of the garden. It is surrounded by water. The lotus Pavilion is planted in the lake. Willow branches are dancing on the lake bank. The pavilion has a single eaves and six corners. It is transparent on all sides. There are holding column couplets in the pavilion: "lotus on all sides, willow on three sides, half pool, autumn water and one Fangshan." It's very appropriate here. In particular, the word "wall" in Lianzhong is well used. The pavilion is the most open building. There is no wall between the columns, so the sight is not blocked. It feels transparent and bright. Although there is no wall, the willows on the three sides of the river bank are luxuriant and surrounded by hibiscus. Isn't it a green fragrant and soft wall? The moving exaggeration and rich imagination make the pavilion on this island more beautiful It looks colorful and charming. The wind blows on the wall, the green waves roll, the fragrance overflows, and the color, fragrance and shape are excellent. Light willows in spring, bright lotus in summer, clear water in autumn, quiet mountains in winter, and lotus wind. Pavilions are not only suitable for summer and summer, but also for all seasons. If you look down at the pavilion from a height, you can see that the pavilion is out of the water, the cornice is protruding, the red pillars are tall and straight, and the base is jade white. It is clearly a bright pearl in the arms of lotus in the pond.5h3易文君-文库范文网


