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承德英语导游词 篇1

  Hello, everyone! I'm very glad to be your guide. I hope my service canbring you convenience and happiness. Now, you can see Chengde Mountain Resort inHebei Province, which has been included in the world heritage list.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  The summer resort, also known as Chengde Li palace or Rehe palace, islocated in the north of Chengde City Center in Hebei Province. It is a placewhere emperors of Qing Dynasty spent summer and dealt with government affairs.The summer resort was built in 1703, after three emperors of Qing Dynasty:Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong. It took about 90 years to complete. Summerresort is divided into palace area, Lake area, plain area and mountain area. Thepalace area is located on the South Bank of the lake, with a flat terrain. It isthe place where the emperor deals with government affairs, holds celebrationsand lives. It covers an area of 100000 square meters and consists of four groupsof buildings: the main palace, songhezhai, wangoufeng and the east palace. Thelake area is in the north of the palace area. The area of the lake includes ZhouIsland, which accounts for about 43 hectares. There are eight small islands. Thelake area is divided into different areas of different sizes with distinctlevels. The Zhou island is scattered and rippling, which is full of thecharacteristics of the land of fish and rice in the south of the YangtzeRiver.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  I hope this tour will leave a deep impression on you.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

承德英语导游词 篇2

  Chengde summer resort, also known as Rehe palace, is the place where theQing emperors took summer vacation to deal with government affairs. It has beenbuilt by Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong emperors for 300 years. Last summervacation, I had the honor to visit this famous royal garden with my parents.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  After entering the main entrance of Li, I saw a pair of lions, one male andone female. When the Japanese soldiers attacked China, they fell in love withthe lions, but they couldn't pull them away. They were ready to blow them up thenext day. The old guard smeared chicken blood on the lion's eyes that night. Thenext day, the Japanese soldiers thought it was the lion's blood and tears, sothey ran away.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  I saw the four big characters of "summer resort" mentioned by EmperorQianlong. Among them, the word "avoid" is one more horizontal. The guide told usthat there are many opinions about "avoid". Some people said that EmperorQianlong got the four characters after he was drunk. It is also said thatEmperor Qianlong's purpose was to avoid a disease called smallpox. In order toprevent the common people from gossiping, he added a horizontal line in the word"avoid".9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  When I came to Empress Dowager Cixi's room, the smell inside was very bad.The guide is pointing to the items of Empress Dowager Cixi to introduce herthree hobbies one by one: "singing opera, gambling and playing with dogs."Playing with dogs! I suddenly came to the spirit. I have the same hobby asEmpress Dowager Cixi - playing with dogs. How interesting!9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  There is a museum next to Empress Dowager Cixi's room. Most of the items inthe museum are empress dowager's articles and clothes of the emperor and queen.I also saw the guardians of all kinds of zodiac in it. These are pricelesstreasures!9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  There are more than these treasures in the summer resort. We need to findmore and discover its unique beauty. At eight o'clock in the evening, there is aperformance about Emperor Kangxi's life. 1300 people took part in theperformance. Five of them played Emperor Kangxi in his childhood, youth, middleage and old age.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  In the middle of the performance, a big Buddha appeared, because it wasdark before the big Buddha appeared. I don't know where the big Buddha camefrom. The sharp eyed audience said, "it's from underground." People suddenlyunderstand that the original site is rotating. In the end, the grand performanceof 1300 people came to a successful conclusion.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  The scenic spots and historic sites of Chengde Mountain Resort have beendeeply imprinted in my heart. This visit to Chengde Mountain Resort has addedendless fun to my summer vacation life and made my summer vacation moremeaningful!9DJ易文君-文库范文网

承德英语导游词 篇3

  Hello everyone! I'm Xiao Zhang, the tour guide of the summer resort. TodayI'll take you to the summer resort.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  Summer resort is a world-famous summer resort and the summer palace of theQing emperor. It's not far from Beijing. It's only 230 kilometers. In the hotsummer, the emperor brought his ministers here for summer. It is composed ofimperial palaces, royal gardens and magnificent temples. There are 72 scenicspots in it, with more than 100 buildings including halls, halls, buildings,pavilions, pavilions, pavilions, pavilions, pavilions, pavilions, monasteries,etc. Its biggest characteristic is that there is a garden in the mountain and amountain in the garden. It is listed on the world heritage list.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  Entering from Dehui gate, rows of temples and halls are displayed. Enteringthe hall, there are magnificent pillars inlaid with gold, gold-plated censersand cigarettes. Out of the hall, facing is a piece of green water, it is thesea, can't see the end. The water surface of Jinghu Lake is clean and clear,like a mirror. The surface of the lake is vast, with no wind and three feet ofwaves. The big waves are pushed ashore, which is frightening The mountain is nothigh, but it is beautiful; the water is not deep, but it is clear. Along thezigzag path, the more westward you go, the rarer the tourists are, but thenumber of temples has not decreased at all, and the scenery is still beautiful.You can clearly see Bangchui mountain in luozhao, the scenic spot of hammerpeak. It's wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. It's really like a hammer.Maybe it's the erosion of this big stone by the wind and rain all the yearround. At Wanglu Pavilion, a lovely deer is walking leisurely in the garden andlooking at you with curious eyes In the summer resort, beautiful scenery, trees,into, it is like into the natural oxygen bar.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  There are also eight outer temples around the summer resort, which arebuilt to let the leaders of all ethnic groups play here and buy people's hearts.I hope they will never rebel. Waiba temple is a symbol of national unity.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  If you want to enjoy more beautiful sceneries, please accompany me!9DJ易文君-文库范文网

承德英语导游词 篇4

  It's summer vacation. My family will take me to Chengde Mountain resort fora tour. I'm very excited when I heard that. I remember the teacher told us thathe is a world-famous Mountain Resort and the place where the emperor once lived.I'm very happy to come here.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  One day during the holiday, I got on the train of Chengde. My mind wasstill in the reverie of the summer resort. It was as if I saw the royal familysitting in the Dragon chariot, surrounded by officials and guests, marchingmajestically towards the resort. Now, I can feel the beautiful scenery of mymotherland as clearly, truly and emotionally as they do. A breeze came fromChen's face, the hot feeling dissipated instantly, and the fresh air wasrefreshing. I yelled from my heart: "Chengde, I'm coming!"9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  Stepping into this famous royal garden, the first thing you see is the blueplaque above the gate, on which there are four words - summer resort. It is saidthat Kangxi personally wrote this. We came to the scenic spot, where theconcentration of the beautiful scenery of the motherland, the grassland ofnorthern, the water town of Jiangnan. On top of a mountain stands a huge stone,which is the most famous Bangchui mountain. My favorite is Yanyu building, whichwas built in the 45th year of Emperor Qianlong's reign. Listening to the guide'sintroduction, some scenes in huanzhu gege were taken here. Little swallow'sstudy is there, and in the corridor of Yanyu building, there are still beautifulancient costumes. In the villa, the lake is crystal clear, sparkling, and thefish are swimming happily. The lotus leaves cover the lake like an umbrella, andthe pink lotus flowers are graceful. Like a shy girl, listening to the praise oftourists, the corridor is connected with a unique Pavilion, the willows on thebank are swaying with the wind, and the scenery of lakes and mountains echo eachother, forming a beautiful picture.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  In a short day, we can't enjoy the panorama of the villa, but we feel itsbeauty and elegance.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  This visit to the summer resort has added endless fun to my summer vacationlife. The beauty of the villa is deeply imprinted in my heart, and I am lookingforward to the next visit to the villa.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

承德英语导游词 篇5

  Hello everyone! I'm your guide. Today, we visit Chengde Mountain Resort,which is well-known.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  Tourists, before visiting Chengde Mountain Resort, let's first learn aboutChengde Mountain Resort. Chengde summer resort was built in 1703. It took 85years to build after three emperors of Qing Dynasty: Kangxi, Yongzheng andQianlong. It is the place for the Qing Dynasty emperors to spend summer and dealwith government affairs. It is a famous Imperial Palace in ancient China. InDecember 1944, Chengde Mountain resort was listed in the world cultural heritagelist. On May 8, 20__, it and its surrounding scenic spots were rated as national5A scenic spots.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  Tourists, we are now in the palace area of Chengde summer resort. Thepalace is mainly composed of four groups of buildings: the main palace,songhezhai, Wanhe SONGFENG and the east palace. The main palace is madeaccording to feudal rites, and is divided into two parts: the former dynasty andthe later Dynasty. The main hall of the former dynasty was the hall of Zhan BoJing Cheng, all made of Nanmu. When the Qing Dynasty emperors were in the villa,important ceremonies were held here.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  Tourists, now we are in the second destination, the lake area. There areeight small islands in the lake area. The lake area is divided into differentareas with distinct layers. The islands are scattered. Look, the jade plates onthe green lake hold up lotus flowers. It's really beautiful.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  OK, it's time for free activities. Please don't Scribble on the wall whenyou visit. Pay attention to safety and dissolve.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

承德英语导游词 篇6

  Chengde city is located in the northeast of Hebei Province, in thetransitional zone between North China and Northeast China. The city hasjurisdiction over eight counties and three districts, covering an area of nearly40000 square kilometers with a total population of more than 3.4 million.Chengde Municipal People's government is located on the Bank of Wulie River inShuangqiao District, 435 kilometers away from Shijiazhuang, the provincialcapital, and 256 kilometers away from Beijing.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  Chengde city has a long history, as early as the Neolithic age, there wereprimitive people living. Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, the centralgovernments of all dynasties have set up county, prefecture, county and otheradministrative organs in Chengde. Rehe hall was set up in the first year ofYongzheng reign, Chengde mansion in the 43rd year of Qianlong reign, and ReheDutong mansion in the 15th year of Jiaqing reign. After the revolution of 1911,the government system was abolished and Rehe special district was set up. In1928, it was established as the capital of Rehe province. In 1933, Chengde wasoccupied by Japanese invaders, and the puppet Manchukuo Special AdministrativeRegion was established. It was liberated in 1945, and was occupied by theKuomintang in 1946. In 1948, Chengde city was liberated again, under thejurisdiction of Rehe Province, and became the capital of Rehe province. InNovember 1956, yingshouyingzi and Shouwangfen in Xinglong County were under thejurisdiction of Chengde city. In 1958, Chengde County was abolished and mergedinto Chengde city.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  On March 15, 1960, Chengde city was merged. After the merger, Chengde citywas under the jurisdiction of urban area, Xiabancheng District, Longhua County,Weichang County, Fengning County, Luanping county, Xinglong County, QinglongCounty and Pingquan County. In May 1961, Chengde was divided into Prefecture andcity. After that, Chengde was divided into Cuiqiao District, Hongqiao District,shuangtashan District, hongshiluan Working Committee and Shuangfengsi WorkingCommittee. In February 1965, yingshouyingzi, Shouwangfen and mazuan were reassigned to Chengde City, and yingshouyingzi mining area was restored. InJanuary 1984, Chengde city was changed into a city under provincialjurisdiction, with jurisdiction over Shuangqiao District, Shuangluan District,yingshouyingzi mining area and Chengde County. Qinglong County is under thejurisdiction of Qinhuangdao city. On July 1, 1993, the prefecture and city weremerged to implement the management system of city Governing County, whichgoverns eight counties and three districts.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  Chengde, formerly known as Rehe, has a long history and rich multi-ethnichistory and culture. According to textual research, there are traces of humanactivities here as early as the period of Longshan Culture in the CentralPlains. During the Warring States period, the state of Yan set up a localgovernment at the county level in this area. After Qin Dynasty, localgovernments were also set up.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  From the Qin and Han Dynasties to the yuan and Ming Dynasties, Xiongnu,Xianbei, Qidan, Nuzhen, Mongolian and other ethnic minorities once nomaded here.Until the early Qing Dynasty, Chengde city is still only a small village withdozens of families, called Rehe Shangying. In 1703, the Qing government built asummer resort here. In 1723, the Rehe hall was set up. In 1733, it was renamedChengde Prefecture after taking the meaning of "inheriting the kindness ofancestors". This is the origin of the name Chengde. Since then, Chengde hasgradually developed into a city with "more lights than ever before". However,from Xianfeng's succession to the throne (1851) to the reign of the Kuomintang,Chengde gradually declined and became desolate. After the revolution of 1911,the government system was abolished and Rehe special area was established. Reheprovince was established in 1929, and Chengde was the capital of Rehe province.After the founding of the people's Republic of China, Chengde city changed fromdecline to rebirth. In July 1993, the former Chengde City and Chengde Districtmerged.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  Chengde is one of the 24 famous historical and cultural cities, one of thetop ten scenic spots in China, one of the 44 key scenic spots in China, and oneof the top 40 tourist attractions in China. At the end of 1994, Chengde MountainResort and its surrounding temples were listed as world cultural heritage byUNESCO. In June 1998, Chengde Mountain resort was identified as one of the firstten demonstration sites of civilized scenic spots in China. At the end of 1998,Chengde city was rated as China's tourism city. Chengde is rich in tourismresources. In the past three years, Chengde Municipal government has investedmore than 30 million yuan to renovate and restore the famous summer resort andWaiba temple. Now 40 of the famous "72 scenes of KangQian" in the summer resorthave been renovated, and seven of the eight outer temples are open to tourists.In addition, Kui Xing Lou, Twin Towers mountain, Town God's Temple and sandwichwall ditch have been newly developed in the urban area.9DJ易文君-文库范文网

  Chengde city is rich in tourism resources. In Luanping, there isJinshanling Great Wall, the essence of the great wall; in Fengning, Jingbeigrassland is famous for its advantageous geographical location and beautifulnatural scenery; in Baiyun ancient cave, there are strange, dangerous, wild,secluded, monks, nuns and Taoism; Mulan paddock, the famous royal hunting gardenof Qing Dynasty in Weichang County, is a natural resort for summer tourism andwinter skiing and hunting; Wuling Mountain in Xinglong is rich in species ofanimals and plants, which is listed as a nature reserve; the underwater GreatWall in Kuancheng is a wonder of the Great Wall; The scenery at the source ofLiaohe River in Pingquan is charming. The natural secondary forests arewell-organized. The grassland on the top of the mountain presents a subalpinegrassland landscape. Chengde is a resort with beautiful mountains andrivers.9DJ易文君-文库范文网


