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湖南英语导游词 篇1

  The "51" section, I play with mom and dad go to changsha, big aunt. In theevening, we went to the riverside sight for a walk and play.qCu易文君-文库范文网

  Just to the sight, a wide bright river caught my eye. "Wow! Noah cruise!Can eat, sleep and play inside!" My father's eyes flashing dazzling light. Ilooked over at: cruise ships lined with regular level, each layer with a light,crowded, noisy, really enviable!qCu易文君-文库范文网

  The river is more interesting. River water wave ripples, rolling, roll upgently, like a small fish play with joy.qCu易文君-文库范文网

  The most compelling is that a row of light on the bridge. The light is verydifferent. Inscribed with many of the verses of the poet, the content changedfrom time to time and the head of the poet can see clearly. Such Settings arebeautiful and elegant, make a trip to visit the people side of the whileenjoying the famous poem.qCu易文君-文库范文网

  There are many rockery. Rockery is very realistic, modelling is coloredlights illuminate the delicate small pavilion, all sorts of color of the tree...It is a beautiful park. People comfortable to sit in the pavilion, a rockery onthe lush, green trees and bright, breathing the fresh air of kawakazebrings.qCu易文君-文库范文网

  Some people walked on the road, stop-start, talk with joy; Some people aresinging, dancing, dancing; Some people sat on the stool, do nothing, comfortablerest; Others move, don't you let me, I won't let you.qCu易文君-文库范文网

  Walking on the road, sitting on the edge, on everyone's face is relaxedsmile. Beautiful sight let people enjoy a comfortable life. Changsha people livein the beautiful changsha! Enjoying the beautiful sight landscape, dad taught mea new word: peaceful country and safe people. Oh, this is called the peacefulcountry and safe people!qCu易文君-文库范文网

湖南英语导游词 篇2

  Hunan assembly product resources and rich. The city has 660000 mu offarmland, and is the commodity grain and lean pig production base, ranks the piggrain production counties (cities). Mineral deposits more than 30, "chesscatalpa limestone", natural mineral water containing zinc, dolomite, silica,gypsum, talc, iron, manganese, etc. High quality and more. Formed by buildingmaterials (cement), leather, environmental protection equipment, wine, beer,liquor), cast pipe, electronic six pillar industries.qCu易文君-文库范文网

  Hunan assembly convenient transportation, communications. Multipleelectricity xiangqian trunk railway and is building on highway crosses thething. Wear and the city, 320 state road, LouXiang highway. The total mileage of3200 kilometers. , mobile phone has more than 50000 door opened more than 4000households, the Internet accounts for nearly 200 households, famous waterconservancy project built in the 60 s of shaoshan irrigation system throughoutthe whole city 63 kilometers. Hunan assembly has a long history, talents andheroes, build county has been 20__ years since the han dynasty. The three phasejiang wan shu xiang chief zeng guofan, our star Huang Gonglve, Chen Geng, TanZheng, proletarian revolutionist zhuo-ran li, international poet xiao,children's literature writer takes are born here. Generation great man MAOzedong and CAI he-sen bases his party's early leaders, a group of revolutionarymartyr in dongshan school.qCu易文君-文库范文网

  Since the founding of new China, hunan assembly economic construction andsocial development made great achievements. Present value of GDP reached 4.7billion yuan in 1998. Industry has formed by metallurgy, building materials,food, electrical and mechanical, chemical, leather as the main body of themodern industry, has more than 5000 enterprises, more than 4000 kinds ofproducts, output value of 5.3 billion yuan. The central and provincial, tobelong to enterprise have ShaoFeng cement group co., LTD., hunan assemblyaluminum plant, ferroalloy plant in hunan, hunan assembly plant.qCu易文君-文库范文网

湖南英语导游词 篇3

  Everybody is good, as a changsha people I in changsha is familiar scenery,let me tell you tourists introduce civilization and beautiful changsha!!!!qCu易文君-文库范文网

  Scenic spots one: capital cityqCu易文君-文库范文网

  Capital is the only one in changsha about mountain tourist attractions.Walk into, it seems you can smell the breath of the mountain, the scent ofwater, saw the waving grass, flowers bloom. Trees surrounded by mountains, amongthe green world, you might as well sit in love late pavilion, watch thepicturesque scenery, listening to the singing of birds. Into the depths of themountains, not the noise of the people, also have no the chanting of the birds,everyone is silent looked at the one thousand ancient tree, feel the power oftheir survival. Got to the top of the mountain, you can let go of mind, to facethe trees at the foot of the mountain, say the secret of the heart, tell thenature, so it won't be oppressed in psychological and uncomfortable. Down themountain, you can also go to have a look, to steal some COINS to make a wish,perhaps return will come true.qCu易文君-文库范文网

  Attractions 2: as cabinetqCu易文君-文库范文网

  As pavilion is originally by the Japanese invasion in China used to fight afortress, as cabinet had only one floor, then build into three layers, it islocated in changsha is the central, standing on the top floor can seeeverything. Building with the anti-japanese soldier's legacy, and cabinetfurniture such as bed. There are three fort on the top floor, terrible standingon it. As cabinet of the north and the south side still have an attic, andrecords the other heroes of the story in south tower, north building plays theAnti-Japanese War film.qCu易文君-文库范文网

  Three places are the orange continent parkqCu易文君-文库范文网

  There are a lot of trees in the orange continent park, a lot of oranges, alot of birds. Robin in the curved path,qCu易文君-文库范文网

  Color ribbon like falling from heaven. Can hear birds singing into thegate, smell the fragrance of the flower is really charactizing a fine springday. Park is flowing around the xiangjiang river, the xiangjiang river thatmirror j, like a vivid landscape, is really beautiful. I want the orangecontinent park quickly become a continent of China.qCu易文君-文库范文网

  This is a civilized and beautiful scenery of changsha.qCu易文君-文库范文网

湖南英语导游词 篇4

  Welcome to changsha, hunan! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you cancall me little x. In order to facilitate everyone to visit, let me firstintroduce the history of changsha in hunan province.qCu易文君-文库范文网

  15-20__00 years ago, human activity has started in changsha. About 7000years ago, changsha began to form the village. About 2400 years ago in thespring and autumn period and the warring states period chu in changsha city.Until today, the site has not changed, more than 20__ years ago the location ofthe road and even today the streets are still coincidence, therefore, changshabecome the longest in the history of Chinese city one of the cities at the sameaddress.qCu易文君-文库范文网

  The different historical period, changsha has "LinXiang", called "tamstates"; Changsha tang and song dynasty and Ming dynasty and qing dynasty, itseconomy and culture as its most prosperous period in history. The earliestdocumented in the name of "changsha" ", wang shifu book will be about tribute"changsha turtle" say, more than 3000 years ago. Chow period of ningxiang countycoal river site unearthed four sheep statue of bronze ware etc reflects thechangsha area with the original a connection. Changsha, about 2400 years historyof city construction, city was built in the spring and autumn period and thewarring states period, chu. "The millet of changsha, chu also." ChuCheng kingset county in guizhou, changsha as its scope. By qin qin shi huang unifiedChina, changsha county 36 county, one of which is changsha starts with China'sadministrative division name go down in history. Han period, the capital city ofchangsha, changsha countries. In the early eastern han dynasty waste "changsha"appointed "changsha county" instead.qCu易文君-文库范文网

  In The Three Kingdoms and the western jin dynasty period, changsha countygovernance, belong to the ancient jingzhou. The late western jin dynasty and thenorthern and southern dynasties, changsha county and hunan state system ofgovernance.qCu易文君-文库范文网

  Sui early withdrawal county, head of changsha as tam state government; Thelate change state for the county, and changsha, changsha county countygovernance. When set pool by the tang dynasty, once jiangnan road, Jiang Naxiway. Changsha kiln in the five dynasties period of the tang dynasty, onceflourished, become the birthplace of under glaze color. Five dynasties and tenstates period for changsha chu capital, which is the only country to changshafor capital.qCu易文君-文库范文网

  When the song dynasty by the changsha to pool. Changsha yuelu academy, setup in the northern song dynasty to culture and education to the peak. The yuandynasty in 1274 to pool state road, HuGuang province seat. Is still the tamstate road 1281, hunan DaoXuan comfort seat, subordinate HuGuang provinces; Yuanliterate admired day calendar for two years due to the "good" emperors nameheaven road, yuan state seat change at the end of the pool. Ming to changshaFuZhi, originally department subordinate HuGuang. The qing emperor kangxi threeyears to build "hunan province", changsha as changsha government FuZhi and hunanprovince. When Ming and qing dynasties, changsha, there are four big market andbig four, what he said, one of the most important market for China.qCu易文君-文库范文网

  Late qing dynasty, zeng guofan became "the first person of hunan", thechangsha government emerged important figure in Chinese history, such as CengGuoquan, zuo zongtang, Hu Linyi, such as elimination of the taiping heavenlykingdom, started the westernization movement, recovered in xinjiang, etc., causeprofound influence to the late qing dynasty of China. Late qing dynasty andearly republic of China, changsha become important political and revolutionaryactivities. The reform movement of Chen Baozhen, tan sitong, establishment ofThe Times in changsha school. ZiLiJun uprising, China after a sudden flash ofinspiration, symbol of tian-hua Chen and Yao Hongye, clear ping feels ashameduprising, rob rice agitation, are influential activities. Against the qingdynasty in the late qing dynasty made a series of qing dynasty, made greatcontribution to the establishment of the republic of China.qCu易文君-文库范文网


