2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第52天 篇1
i. 重点单词
1. panicn.&v. 恐慌
2. pattern n.式样,模式
3. persuasion n.劝说
4. phenomenon n. 现象
5. permanent adj.永久的
6. quantity n.数量
7. quit vt. 放弃
8. realistic adj.实际的
9. preference n. 偏爱
10. precious adj. 珍贵的
11. predict vt.预言
12. pollute v. 污染
ii. 重点短语
1. at random 随意的
2. take possession of 占有,拥有
3. range from...to变动,变化
4.put up with忍受
5. have/show a preference for偏爱
6. cause panic 引起恐慌
7. quit doing放弃
8. have a prejudice against 对..有偏见
9. in large quantity 大量地
iii. 佳句赏析
1. she has got used to the new patterns of metropolitian life.
2. many a student likes to take part in the outclass activities.
3. large amounts of time were wasted.
4. topics range from beauty to the risks of drinking.
5. i got into a panic when i saw smoke coming out the kitchen.
iv. 词汇练习
1. he never p__________ much money,but he always keeps healthy.
2. rumours p___________ many investors into sell their shares.
3. the weather forecast p_________ sunshine for tomorrow.
4. our income has got smaller, so we must be r___________ and sell our car.
5. a teacher should not show p_________ for any one of his pupils.
6. the yangtze river is home to a wide r________ of fish and animals.
7. give me a p________ of cigarettes, please.
8. it's one of common p____________ that parents offer a flat for their children in china.
v. 短语练习
put up with in quantity at random take possession of persuade sb out of prefer ...to get into panic quit trying a number of range from ...to
1. my father ___________________ smoking ever since 1998.
2. there is no use ______________ about the exams.
3. it's cheaper to buy goods _____________.
4. i was wondering how she ____________________ his bad temper before they broke up.
5. we only just started. we're not going to ___________ now.
6. names were chosen _____________ from a list.
7. i much ______ jazz ______ rock music.
8. she has had ____________ jobs, ____________ chef _____ swimming instructor.
iv. 1 possesses 2 panicked 3 predicts 4 realistic
5 preference 6 range 7 packet 8 phenomena
v. 1.has been persuaded out of 2 getting into panic 3 in quantity 4 had put up with
5 quit trying 6 at random 7 perfer to 8 a number of ranging from to
2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第52天 篇2
i. 重点词汇
1. co-operative adj. 合作的
2. creative adj.
3. credit n.
4. crime n.
5. crinimal n. 有创造力的, 创造性的
6. cure v. 治疗,治愈
7. damp adj. 潮湿的
8. deadline n. 最后期限
9. deadly adj. 致命的
10. delight n. / v. 快乐,高兴 ,使高兴
11. demand v. 要求
12. deny v. 否认,拒绝
13. depend v. 依靠,依赖
14. description n. 描述
15. delimma n. 困境,窘境
16. dispose v. 布置,安排
17. disposal n. 清除,处理
18. dustbin n. 垃圾箱
19. eager adj. 渴望的
20. editor n. 编辑
ii. 重点短语
1. take delight in 乐于。。。
2. to one’s delight 令人高兴的是
3. depend on 依靠,
4. draw a conclusion 得出结论
5. be eager to do / for 渴望。。。
iii. 佳句赏析
1. crinimal protest right is a kind of right for procuratorate department to request court to rehearing the case that maybe is a miscarriage of justice.
2. although it's not a right time and i face delimma, i still feel happy.
3. previously, if i had been really interested in a book, i would race from page to page, eager to know what came next.
iv. 词汇练习
1. she says she can c me, but i still doubt her.
2. the d for the new cosmetics packaging design is next monday.
3. this simple example is a pretty good (描述) of how evolution works.
v. 短语练习
1. to have a picnic here!
a what great delight b how great delight
c what a great delight d how a great delight
2. they demanded that the books to the school library at once .
a return b should return
c be returned d would be returned
cure/ deadline/ description
2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第52天 篇3
i. 重点词汇
1 buddhism n 佛教
2 caption n 标题, 题目
3 category n 种类,类别
4 claim n vt 要求,主张
5 classical adj 古典的,,典雅的
6 commercial adj 商业的 n 商业广告
7 competence n 胜任,称职
8 competitive adj 有竞争力的
9 competent adj 有能力的
10 complicated adj 复杂的
ii. 重点短语
1 break through 突破
2 bring back to life 使复生
3 by means of 用 办法,借助
4 call up 给 打电话
5 be cautious of 注意, 小心
6 in chorus of 异口同声地
7 a civil servant 公务员
8 claw one's way of 爬上
9 in competition with 与 竞争
10 claw hold of 抓紧,抓住
11 cast down 沮丧, 不愉快
iii. 佳句赏析
1 competitive people want to be the best at everything
2. without him , she would have won the competition .
没有他, 她绝不可能赢得这场比赛。
3. tony was just a very complicated computer
4 the new plan was agreed with a chorus of approval .
5 our soldiers quickly broke through the enemy's defence works .
iv. 词汇练习
1 scientists have made a ___ in the search for a cure for cancer .
a expectation b breakthrough c regulation d produce
v. 短语练习
1 but by no means ____ with my progress .
a the teacher is not satisfied b is the teacher not satisfied
c the teacher is satisfied d is the teacher satisfied
2 john was___ to learn the news that he was rejected by the committee.
a cast down b cast off c cast about d cast away
3 the city was badly destroyed by an earthquake , and it took years to ______ .
a take everything back to life b take everything back to live
c bring everything back to life d bring everything back to live
iv. 词汇练习 b
v. 短语练习 dac
2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第52天 篇4
i. 重点词汇
approval n. 批准;认可
arrogant adj. 傲慢的
assess vt.估计;评估
auditory adj.听的;听觉的
author n. 作家
ballet n.芭蕾舞
banjo n.班卓琴
bargain n.交易;
battle n.战斗
bedding n.被褥
bench n. 坐板
beneath prep.在。。。的下方
bent adj.弯曲的
blacken v.(使)变黑
blast n.一阵(风)
bless vt.保佑
block n.块; 片
bomb n./vt./vi.炸弹;轰炸
bonus n.红利;奖金
booklet n.小册子
ii. 重点短语
1. at full length/ at length详尽地;全身平伸地/最后;详尽地
2. make/beat a bargain with 和。。。做交易
3. settle/close/conduct/strike a bargain 成交;达成协议
4. make a bad bargain做了一笔不划算的生意
5. bargain with sb. about/ over the price与某人讲价
6. bargain a price down 通过讨价还价压低价格
7. give battle to向。。。挑战
8. in battle在战斗中
iii. 佳句赏析
1. at length, we began to understand what he wanted.
2. they battle with/ against the winds and waves.
3. the village was situated beneath a wooded hill.
4. my glasses are bent because i left them on my bed and then sat on them.
5. god blessed him with good health.
6. you may find you have more than one strong learning style, which is a bonus.
iv. 词汇练习
1. they (估计)the damage at 1,000 dollars.
2. this painting is a (便宜货).
3. the airforce (轰炸)two towns.
4. the workers got a christmas (奖金).
v. 短语练习
1. parents are the first teachers of children.
a. beyond question b. in question c. out of question d. an open question
2. accustomed to the steep mountains, he had no difficulty reaching the top.
a. climbing b. climb c. having climbed d. have climbed
3. he failed to supply the facts relevant the case in question.
a. for b. with c. to d. of
4. some people like to do shopping on sunday since they expect to pick up in the market.
a. batteries b. bargains c. baskets d. barrels
iv. 1.assessed 2. bargain 3. bombed 4. bonus
v. 1.a 2.a 3.c 4.b
2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第52天 篇5
i. 重点单词
1.guarantee v/n保证,担保
2. humanistic adj.人道主义的
3. hurricane n.飓风,风暴
4. illegal adj.不合法的,违法的
5.immune adj.有免疫力的
6. imperative n.祈使语气,命令
7. impressionism n..印象主义 impressionist n.印象派作家
8. individual n.个人的,独特的
9. judgement n.判断力,见识
10.librarian n.图书管理员
11.growth n..增长,生长
12.greenhouse n.温室
13.helmet n.头盔
14.load v/n负担,装载
ii. 重点短语
1口香糖chewing gum
2.不管,不顾.in spite of .
3.对…作出评价make a judgement on
4.依我来看in my judgement
5.继续keep on
6. 放出,泄露let out
7. 不管,不打搅,不干涉 let…… alone / be
8.使失望,辜负 let down
9. 很多 loads of
10.向某人担保某事 guarantee sth to sb
11. 不能保重there is no guarantee
12. 担保guarantee of / that….
iii. 佳句赏析
1.万众一心,众志成城. together, individuals can make a difference..
2.尽管我很努力,但还是失败了. in spite of all my efforts i failed.
3.目前还不知道是谁泄露了这个秘密. it remains unknown who let out the secret.
4.面对沉重的学业负担,她压力很大. she is under great pressure from heavy study loads.
5.在澳大利亚有很多值得看的好地方. there are loads of great places to see in australia.
1.in order to leave a deep (印象) on the interviewer, she got well dressed to look her best..
2.your composition was (装载) with grammatical and spelling mistakes.
3. no soldier or officer has (泄露) the secret.
4. they gave me an (注射) to help me sleep.
v. 短语练习(单项选择)
1. a moment and i will go to your rescue.
a. go on b. hold on c. move on d. carry on
2.he always did well at school having to do parttime jobs every now and then.
a. in spite of b. regardless of c. on account of d. in case of
3.it is all agreed that a good education doesn’t a good job.
a. guarantee b. result c. depend d. swear
4.be careful when that piano into the truck!
a. loading b. taking c. bring d. unloading
2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第52天 篇6
1.accent n.重音;腔调;口音
2.ancient adj.古代的;远古的
3.active adj.积极的;活跃的
passive adj.消极的;被动的;顺从的
4.add vt.加,增加;接着说vi.增添;加起来
5.altitude n.高度,海拔;高处,高地
6.anti-black adj.反黑人的
7.attack v.&n.攻击,进攻,侵袭
8.attitude n.态度;看法
8.base vt.基于n.根据,基地
9.beg v.乞讨,祈求;请求
10.bend v.使弯曲,使屈服 n.弯曲
11.block n.街区;块vt.堵塞;妨碍
12.boil v.沸腾
1.若干;许多 a number of ……的数量 the number of
2.积极参加…… be active in (doing) sth/take an active part in
3.增加 add to
4.事实上 as a matter of fact/in actual fact
5.好像,似乎 as if/though
6.像往常一样;照例 as usual
7.以……结束 end up with
8.授予/赠送某人某物 present sb with sth
9.遭受攻击 under attack
10.基于 base on
11.对……感到厌倦 be tired of
12.使……爆炸blow up
13.埋头于/专心于 be buried in
14.使平静/镇静 calm down
15.下定决心,打定主意 make up one’s mind
16.上台;执政 come to power=take power
17.变为现实 come true
18.由于,因为 because of/due to/owing to/thanks to
19.闯入;突然 burst into 大声喊叫;突然……起来 burst out
20.对……持肯定的/否定的态度 take a positive/negative attitude towards/to
since “life is a stage”, we are actually all actors and actresses.
as is known to all, good friends add happiness and value to life.
i remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday.
they made up their minds to go wherever they were needed most.
1.he said he was from the southeast, but his a________ gave him away.
2.a______ is the best form of defence.
3.it is difficult to breathe at these a__________.
4.—do you think it’s a good idea to make friends with your students?
—_______, i do. i think it’s a great idea.
a.really b.obviously c.actually d.generally
5.despite such a big difference in ______ towards what one eats, there is no doubt that people in the west regard the chinese food as something special.
a.point b.idea c.attitude d.sight
1.the police station was _______ ______(使爆炸) by bad people.
2.may all your dreams ______ _______(梦想成真).
3.there’s an opinion _________ on the facts.
a.based on b.basing on c.that base on d.which base on
4.the trees _____ in the storm have been moved off the road.
a.being blown down b.blown down c.blowing down d.to blow down
5.smell the flowers before you go to sleep, and you may just _______ sweet dreams.
a.keep up with b.put up with c.end up with d.catch up with
1. accent 2. attack 3.altitudes 4. c 5. c
1. blown up 2. come true 3. a 4. b 5. c
2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第52天 篇7
i. 重点单词
1. calm vt&adj.镇静
2. community n.社区
3. concept n.概念
4. conduct vt. 实施
5. congratulate vt.祝贺
6. conservation n.保护
7. depth n.深度
8. destination n. 目的地
9. desire n&v.渴望
10. contradict vt同...矛盾
11. digital adj.数码的
12. disability n.残疾
13. counter n.柜台,计算器
14.companion n.同伴
15. comfort n&vt.安慰
ii. 重点短语
1. calm down平静下来
2. give comfort to sb.安慰某人
3. conduct an experiment进行试验
4. congratulate sb. on sth因某事祝贺某人
5. cut out切掉
6. in the depth of在...深处
7. stand on one's dignity保持尊严
8. desire to do想要做
9. day in and day out日复一日
10. declare war on对...宣战
iii. 佳句赏析
1. when facing the danger, one should keep clam; when take photos, one should keep still; when someone else is asleep, one should keep quiet; in class, one shouldn;t keep silent about teh teacher's questions.
2. the negotiations hace been conducted in a positive manner.
3. conservation of water is of great importance in desert areas.
4. compassion is a desire within us to help others.
5. your words contradict your actions.
iv. 词汇练习
1. he c__________ his back with something soft.
2. i c____________ myself on my having escaped.
3. the chairman d__________ the session closed.
4. he is truely rich who d________ nothing.
5. a small baby has no c_______ of right and wrong.
6. a man's d_______ depends not upon his wealth but upon his character.
7. we reached our d________, tired and hungry.
8. a group of young pioneers always accompany the d________ girl to the school.
9. we visited the chinese c__________ in san francisco.
v. 短语练习
1. congratulate//celebrate
① i ______ you on your great discovery. ② we ________ the new year with a dance party.
2. declare//announce
① soon germany ______ war on france. ② the bell _________ the end of the class.
3. cut off// cut down// cut up// cut out ① the doctor told me to _______ meat for my fat.
② after the storm, they found elctricity __________.
③ ____________ the article so as to make it fit the space available on the paper.
④ ___________ the carrots before you put them into the pot.
iv. 1 comforted 2 congratulated 3 declared 4 desires 5 concept
6 dignity 7 destination 8 disabled 9 community
v. 1 congratulate//celebrated 2 declared//announced 3 cut out; cut off; cut down; cut up
2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第52天 篇8
i 重点词汇
1.optimism n. 乐观;乐观主义
2.optimistic adj. 乐观的;乐观主义的
3.outspoken adj. 直言的; 坦率的
4. pavement n 人行道
5.perseverance n. 坚持不懈
6.persevere v. 坚持
7.possession [u]拥有;所有 [c] 所有物;财产
8.prejudice n. 偏见;成见
9.prewiew vt. 预习;预演;预展
10.prohibit vt.(法律、规则等)禁止
11.prohibition n. [u 禁止;禁令
12.punishment n. 惩罚 ;惩处
13.punctual adj. 准时的; 不误期的
14.proverb n. 谚语
ii 重点短语
1.an outspoken person 直率的人
2.pack up 收拾行李
3.persevere to an end 坚持到底
4.personal possessions个人财产
5.take possession of 占有;拥有
6.in possession of占有;拥有;持有
7.come into sb’s possession (某物)被某人占有
8.pray sb. to do… 恳请;请求某人做
9.prohibit sb. from doing 阻止某人做某事
10.pull oneself up 立起身来
11.pull through 渡过难过 pull up 拔起
12.pull on 穿;戴(袜子、手套)
13.pull down 把……往下拉;拆毁 have a prejudice against sb.
1.the architect is very optimistic about the effect of he house on the environment.
2. how did the bike come into his possession.
3.the young man is in possession if that big house.
4. being punctual for classes was essential, no one was allowed to be late.
5.the film will be previewed next month.
6.finally the land came into john’s possession.
iv 词汇练习
1. they are having an _____(口语的) examination.
2.have you _________ (打包)your things yet.
3.any creature who ________(拥有) one of these rings has great power.
4.before reading in detail, good readers ____________(预习) the text.
5. visitors are ____________(禁止) from feeding the animals.
6.we should be _____________(准时的) to the minute.
7.the thief was sent to prison as a _____________(惩罚).
1. minors are prohibited _______
a. to drink b. to drinking c. in drinking d. from drinking
2.chinese customs regulations _______ taking precious works of art out of china.
a. possess b. is possessed c. has d. is possessing
3.he lost all his ________ in the fire.
a. possessions b. possession c. possess d. possessive
4.the society today offers the young generation more chances to ______ their talent and skills.
a.give out b.take in c.show off d.carry on
5.if we ,we don’t have regrets for what we did,but rather for things we did not do.
a.turn back b.look back c.talk back d.move back
6.after a successful operation,catherine is beginning to_________ and will 80011 come back to school.
a.pick up b.wake up c.grow up d.show up
1.oral 2. packed 3. possesses 4. preview 5. prohibited 6. punctual 7. punishment
1-6 ddacba
2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第52天 篇9
i. 重点词汇
1.witness n. 目击者vt 目击
2.yell vi, vt 大喊
3. abrupt adj 突然的, 鲁莽的
4.accumulate v 积累, 积聚
5. acquaintance n. 相识,熟人
6. acute adj 灵敏的, 严重的
7. alternative adj. 供选择的 n.取舍
8.amaze vt 使 吃惊
9.apparent adj 明显的
10. antique n 文物,古董 adj 古时的
11. ample adj 充分的, 富裕的
ii. 重点短语
1. a good many 许多 很多
2. accelerate the fall of a government 促使一个政府倒台
3. make the acquaintance of sb 结识某人
4. acute eyesight 敏锐的目光
5. have no alternative but to do 别无选择
6. carry out comprehensive analysis of 对 作综合分析
7. a dead angle 死角
8. apparent cause 表面原因
9. iii. 佳句赏析
1 . there are abrupt weather changes .
2. never will they sell their antique furniture .
3. he quickly accumulated a large fortune .
4. these facts are a witness to his ignorance .
iv. 词汇练习
1. these days the government has issued several economic policies that will ____ prosperity of manufacturing industry .
a accumulate b accomplish c access d accelerate
2. you have the __ of working hard and being successful or of not working hard and being unsuccessful.
a selection b choice c alternative d option
3. we were __ the most important scientific development of the century .
a seeing b watching c looking d witnessing
v. 短语练习
1. to be frank, i'd rather you ___ in the case .
a will not be involved b not involved c have not been involved d were not involved
2. ---- what did he come here for ?
----- he came here especially to ____ your acquaintance .
a take b get c make d produce
iv. 词汇1-3 dcd
v. 短语练习 dc
2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第52天 篇10
i. 重点单词
1.adolescence n.青春期,青春
2. adolescent n.青少年,adj.青春期的
3. adopt v.采用,采纳,收养
4. advocate v.拥护,主张,提倡
5. aggressive adj.侵略的,好斗的
6. allergic adj.对….过敏的
7. anxiety n焦虑,忧虑
8. appeal v/n呼吁,恳求,申述
9.appoint v.任命,委派,约定
10.appreciate v.欣赏,赞赏,,感激
11.appropriate 合适的,恰当的
12.ashamed adj.惭愧的,羞愧的
13. attempt v/n努力,试图
14. automatic adj.自动的,习惯性的
15. avenue n.林荫道,大街
16.average adj.平均的
17. awkward adj.局促不安的,笨拙的
18.balcony n.阳台
ii. 重点短语
1. 采纳某人的建议adopt one’s advice
2. 旨在,目标是aim at
3. 有吸引力appeal to
4.为某事向某人呼吁appeal to sb for sth
5.呼吁某人做某事appeal to sb to do
6. 与….约定make an appointment with
7.感激做某事 appreciate doing
8.如果….将不胜感激i will appreciate it if
9. 对……而羞愧 be ashamed of
10. 处境危险,在危险中at risk
11. 冒险做某事 run/take the risk of doing sth
12.打算/试图做make an attempt to do
13. 通常,平均说来 on average
14. 禁止某人做….. ban….from doing
iii. 佳句赏析
1. 这场反吸烟运动主要是针对青少年的.
the anti-smoking campaign is mainly aimed at young teenagers..
2. 政府呼吁人人节约用水.
the government is appealing to everyone to save water..
i really appreciate working with someone who does such a good job.
the government is thinking about banning smoking on public transport.
1.students experience high levels of (焦虑) before the college entrance examination.
2.a lawyer was (任命) to represent the child.
3.it is (恰当的) that you set out early.
v. 短语练习(单项选择)
1.he studied hard , the exam.
a. aim at b. aiming at passing c. aiming passing d. aimed to passing
2.since they won’t listen to the advice , we have to force.
a. appeal to b. stick to c. keep to d. yield to
3.the chinese are looking forward to the first to land on the moon after yangliwei’s successful trip to space . a. measure b. attempt c. purpose d. desire
2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第52天 篇11
i. 重点词汇
1. liquid n. 液体
2. longitude n.经度
3. loop n. 环,圈
4. manufacture v. 制造
5. meanwhile n. adv 其间,同时
6. mild adj. 温和的
7. motivation n. 动机
8. moveable adj. 可移动的
9. navigation n. 导航,航行
10. negative adj . 消极的
11. neighbourhood n. 附近,
12. nerve n. 神经,胆量
13. nosebleed n. 流鼻血
14. ointment n. 药膏,油膏
15. opportunity n. 机会
16. optimistic adj . 乐观的
17. organ n. 器官
18. original adj. 最初的,原始的
ii. 重点短语
1. lose sight of 看不见
2. make a difference 有影响,有差异
3. move about 到处移动
4. move on 继续向前移动
5. over and over again再三,反复
iii. 佳句赏析
1. meanwhile, expectations are rising, even if habits have not yet caught up.
2. an optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.
3. so they are looking not only for skills but also for passion and motivation.
4. if you compare the translation with the original, you will find the inaccuracy.
iv. 词汇练习
1. the (液体) falls from the container drop by drop.
2. what is your (动机) ?
3. it is because that i always enjoy my life and i have an o heart.
4. systemic lupus can affect almost any or organ system in the body.
5. the first-generation americans viewed the country as a land of o .
v. 短语练习
1. there are so many new words in the passage that i could hardly make any of them at all.
a meaning b use c idea d sense
2. no matter how i tried to read it , the sentence did not to me.
a make clear b make out c make sure d make sense
3. although she has a lot of problems, she manages to remain
a optimistic b cautious
c concerned d anxious
liquid / motivation / optimistic / organ / opportunity
2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第52天 篇12
i. 重点单词
1.exchange v/n交换,交流
2. exhibition n. 展览会,展览品
3. exist v. 存在 n. existence
4. faith n.信任,信念
5.faithful adj.忠实的,忠诚的
6. figure n. 数字,符号,体形
7. flood n..洪水,水灾
8. fountain n.喷泉
9. fragile adj. 脆的,易碎的
10.fragrant adj.香的,令人愉快的
11.famine n.饥荒
12.gallery n.美术陈列室,画廊
13.geology n.地质学
14.female n.女性
15. flexible adj.易弯曲的,灵活的
16.fuel n. 燃料
ii. 重点短语
1交换意见exchange views/ideas
2.以…换….exchange …..for….
3. 作为….的交换in exchange for
4.开始存在,产生come into existence
5.对…失去信心lose faith in
6. 想要做…./摸起来像..一样feel like (doing) sth
7. 关键人物 a key figure
8.血肉之躯 flesh and blood
9. 进入,染上,陷入 get into
10.乍看之下,一看就 at a / the first glance
11. 匆匆瞥一眼glance at 盯着看 stare at 怒目而视glare at
iii. 佳句赏析
some of the children’s paintings are now on exhibition at the school.
2.忠实朋友实难求. a faithful friend is hard to find.
3.精诚所至,金石为开. faith can move mountains.
4.人总有一死. all flesh must die.
5. 没有人知道这个世界是怎样形成的.
no one knows how this world came into being.
1.we still haven’t (猜想) out how to do it.
2.he is more handsome in the (肌肉) than in the photos.
3.the working time of the teachers is (有弹性的) . they are allowed to stay away from school when they don’t have any class.
v. 短语练习(单项选择)
1.the present situation is very complex, so i think it will take me some time to its reality..
a. make up b. figure out c. look through d. put off
2.it is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money favors to them.
a. in preference to b. in place of c. in agreement with d. in exchange for
3.after a quick at the patient the doctor rang for an ambulance.
a. glance b. glimpse c. gaze d. stare
2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第52天 篇13
i 重点词汇
1.check/cheque n. 支票
2. circumstance [c]情况;环境 经济情况 [ u]命运;客观情况
3.civil adj. 国内的;市民的;文职的
4.coincidence [c.n.] 巧合;一致;符合
5.collision n. 碰撞;冲突
6.commit v.干(错事),犯(罪);监禁;使承担义务
7.commitment [c/u] 承诺,保证 ;责任,义务
8.competent adj. 有能力的;能胜任的
9.competence [c/u] 能力;技能;权限
10.component [c n] 组成部分;成分;组建
11.concession n. 让步;妥协
12.confirm vt证实,确定;批准,使生效;坚持认为
13.consensus [c,u] 一致;(意见等的)一致
14.consult v. 商量;商业;考虑;参考
15.contradict vt. 反驳;与......矛盾
16.contradictory adj. 矛盾的 ,相反的
17.corrupt adj.腐败的;贪污的 使腐化堕落;vt. 贿赂 腐化堕落; vi.腐坏
18.critic [c] 批评家;评论家
19. critical adj. 关键性的,批评的
20.criticism [c. u.]批评;批判;评论
21. criticize vt./vi 批判;批判;指责
22. cosy adj. 暖和而舒服的
23. creed n. 信条
24.cunning adj, 狡猾的
25. currency n. 货币;通货
26.crush vt. 压碎;压坏;碾碎
27.deceitful adj. 欺诈的;不诚实的
28.concret adj. 具体的;实在的
ii 重点短语
1.under ordinary circumstances在一般情况下
2.under no circumstances在任何情况下都不
3.in/ under present circumstances 在目前情况
4.commit murder 犯凶杀案
5. commit sb/ oneself to sth./ to doing sth.承诺,保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等)
6.come into collision with 和…发生碰撞
7. a consensus of opinion 意见的一致
8. reach a consensus on sth.在某事上达成一致的意见
9.be critical about对…挑剔
10. at critical moment关键时刻
11.contradict one’s views 反驳某人的观点
12. be competent at 能胜任某事
1. eggs crash easily.
2. he was corrupted by power and ambition.
3. if you commit a crime you can never escape being punished.
4. i’ve taken on too many commitments.
5. our circumstances are so desperate that it is uncertain whether we will ever return alive.
6. i must consult my principal on this matter.
iv 词汇练习
1. she doesn’t want to make a big emotional _____________(承诺)to steve at the moment.
2. the experiment ____________(证实) his theory.
3. and the ________________(一致) of most people is that the music is very good.
4. friend and kind or ____________(残忍) and unkind?
5. the police have nothing ______________(具体的) to go on.
6. can you _____________(查阅) reference books.
1.we have been told that under no circumstances ________ the office telephone for personal affairs.
a. may we use b. we can use c. we could use d. did we use
2.she kept silent, just because she didn’t like to _______ her husband in public.
a. conflict b. contradict c. deny d. face
3.it can’t be a(n) ________ that four jewelry stores were robbed in one night.
a. coincidence b. accident c. incident d. chance
4.if you want to get a book out of the library you should ______ the catalogue first.
a. consult b. discuss c. instruct d. correct
5.she was very _____ at her work and as a result of this , she finished the work ahead of time. a. capable b. able c. effective d. competent
1. commitment 2.confirmed 3.consensus 4.cruel 5.concret 6.consult