Unit 4 Tasting and smelling(精选2篇)
Unit 4 Tasting and smelling 篇1
unit 4 tasting and smelling (1)
教学内容 1 learners are encouraged to taste various foods to identify what they are, and to understand the concept of sweet and sour
2. learners complete a classification table
3. learners practise distinguishing different smells and express opinions about the smells
4. learners should conclude that we taste with our mouths and smell with our noses
教学目标: 知识与技能:掌握祈使句和相关形容词的用法。
教学重难点 1 identifying objects by taste and smell
2. asking questions about and describing the taste and smell of objects
3. responding to simple instructions
4. saying the sound ‘e’ in its closed syllable form
教学准备 1. cassette 3b and a cassette player
2. some apples, some lemons, some oranges, some chocolate, a knife
教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 教学意图
pre-task preparation a show students the picture cards.
introduce: an apple, an orange and a lemon. stick the word cards on the board. invite students to touch a certain fruit on your desk according to my instructions. say: touch the lemon.
b 1 invite students to match the picture cards with the word cards on the board.
2 cut a lemon into slices. invite students to taste the lemon and the chocolate. introduce: sweet, sour.
3 ask students to guess whether apples and oranges are sweet or sour.
4 prompt students to say: it's sweet/ sour.
learn and read the new words.
ask and answer.
while-task procedure 1 play the cassette. students follow in their books.
2 cut the fruit into slices. blindfold some of the students.
say: taste this. what is it? to elicit: it's sweet/sour. it's a/an ...
3 divide students into groups.
distribute slices of fruit to each group on a paper plate. blindfold one of the group members. others offer this student something to taste and guess what it is. students take turns to make guesses.
learn the new sentences.
work in the groups.
post-task activity workbook page 8
a students work in pairs to complete the first exercise orally.
b students fill in the missing words.
c invite students to read the dialogues to check answers.
d students tick the boxes in the second exercise to show
workbook exercises.
copy and recite the new words and the text
教学效果反思 这节课除了让学生掌握几个名词外,还要让学生体会sweet,sour这两个形容词,在教学中,我带着能表现这两中口味的东西进入课堂,让学生在品尝中理解句子,学生兴趣较浓,对于课文中的知识掌握的较好。在随后的练习中,学生对于no,the apple is sweet。这样的句子写出问句有些学生写成了is the applesweet?说明学生在理解上还是不够。
Unit 4 Tasting and smelling 篇2
unit 4 tasting and smelling (2)
教学内容 speaking
1. open an interaction by asking a question
2. maintain an interaction by replying to a question
3. use modeled sentences to communicate with teacher and other learners
1. identify key words in an utterance by recognizing stress
2. recognize differences in the use of intonation
教学目标: 知识与技能:掌握祈使句和相关形容词的用法。
教学重难点 1. using nouns to identify things
2. using adjectives to describe things
3. using imperatives to give instructions
4. asking ‘wh-‘questions to find out a specific thing
教学准备 1. cassette 3b and a cassette player
2. bananas, lemons, oranges, apples, apples, strawberries, limes
教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 教学意图
pre-task preparation a use the word and picture cards to introduce: banana, strawberry and lime.
ask students to hold up a certain fruit , according to my instructions.
b invite individual students to play the game.
blindfold the students. ask them to guess what the fruit is by tasting it.
ask: taste this. what is it? to elicit: it's ...it's a/an ...
learn the new words.
ask and answer.
while-task procedure 1 divide students into groups.
ask students to put their fruit on the group's desk. blindfold one of the students. students take turns to taste the fruit offered by the group members and guess what it is. students use the dialogue when they play the game.
2 students put a tick on the table in their books after tasting a certain fruit.
students compare their answers with the others. they may find different answers for a certain fruit from different groups depending on individuals' preferences.
do pairs work.
work in the groups.
make dialogues. 练习问答,巩固新句型的教学。
post-task activity 1 play the cassette: look and say. students listen and follow in their book.
2 play the cassette again. students repeat.
3 invite individual students to play the game. use the fruit, from the previous task. choose some more classroom objects, e.g. rubbers, biscuits. say: close your eyes. smell this. is it nice? to elicit: yes, it is./no, it isn't.
then ask students to guess what it is.
say: what is it? to elicit: it’s a/an…
using the new sentences to do pairs.
recite and copy the dialogue
这节课是在闻上面进行知识的教学,利用一些特征比较明显的物体让学生来边闻边进行知识的教学,学生容易接受而且效果较好。他们也都能积极的加入课堂中。在后来的练习中学生对于缺词填空close—— eyes。your 填成you说明学生对于知识还是掌握的不够牢固。
课题 unit 4 tasting and smelling (3)
教学内容 speaking
1. open an interaction by asking a question
2. maintain an interaction by replying to a question
3. use modeled sentences to communicate with teacher and other learners
4. pronounce correctly a series of word in a sentence with the vowel sound ‘e’ in its closed syllable form
4. identify key words in an utterance by recognizing stress
5. recognize differences in the use of intonation
6. identify a series of word in a sentence with the vowel sound ‘e’ in its closed syllable form
教学目标: 知识与技能:掌握祈使句和相关形容词的用法。
教学重难点 4. using nouns to identify things
5. using adjectives to describe things
6. using imperatives to give instructions
7. asking ‘wh-‘questions to find out a specific thing
教学准备 cassette 3b and a cassette player, different kinds of fruit, dried fish, dried prawns, sweets, cakes, and a pineapple.
教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 教学意图
pre-task preparation a use the pineapple and a dried prawn to introduce: a pineapple, a prawn.
stick the word cards on the board.
b 1 invite students to stick the correct picture cards beside the word cards on the board.
2 invite students to smell the pineapple and the dried prawn.
say: smell this. is it nice? to elicit: yes, it is./no, it isn't.
learn and read the new words.
ask and answer the questions.
while-task procedure 1 divide students into groups. ask students to put the food items on the group's desk. students take turns to close their eyes and smell the food items offered by the group members. they use the dialogue when they play the game.
2 use photocopiable page 8.
students conduct a survey within their group to find out if their group members consider a certain thing nice or not.
students ask their classmates: is it nice? to elicit: yes, it is./no, it isn't.
students draw happy faces or unhappy faces on the survey sheet.
3 students exchange and compare their work with other groups.
do pairs work.
work in the groups.
make new dialogues.
post-task activity work book page 9
a divide students into pairs. ask students to complete the exercise orally.
b students write down the answers.
c invite pairs of students to read out the exercise.
(students may have different ideas about the smell of the things.)
workbook exercises.
review the words and the dialogues they’ve learned
教学效果反思 这节课是在前面一节课的基础上让学生自由选东西进行对话练习,我是把这些相关的图片出示,让学生自由组合进行对话练习,收到的效果较好。但是对于单词prawn的读音学生有一部分发不准。
Unit 4 Tasting and smelling