普华永道北京分所招聘暑期实习生网申试题网申试题1. In PwC, we encourage our people to learn and coach everyday. Please describe a specific achievement of which you are particularly proud and how this contributed to your development as an individual.
Your answer should not be more than 1000 character space (includes letters, space and punctuation).
网申试题2. PwC sets priority on developing our people's project management skills in accordance with client expectations and professional standards. Please identify and a major activity/project you undertook and describe what it was and how you managed the project.
Your answer should not be more than 1000 character space (includes letters, space and punctuation).
网申试题3. PwC aims to maintain high standards of professionalism. Please describe a situation when you were engaged in a task where you took a different approach or had a different opinion from others. Please share how this contributed to the team’s success.
Your answer should not be more than 1000 character space (includes letters, space and punctuation).
网申试题1 - Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and hobbies.
网申试题2 - What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity?
网申试题3 - What factors have influenced your career choice?
网申试题4 - Outline your career ambitions and objectives.
网申试题5 - At KPMG our global values guide the way that we interact with each other and help to create our open, friendly and supportive culture. Please tell us about a situation where you have used two of KPMG's values to achieve a positive outcome.