Unit 2 Small animals period(精选2篇)
Unit 2 Small animals period 篇1
1.词汇:butterfly rabbit fly bee
2.句型:1) i am a…
2) i can…
3) i have got…
1.using nouns to identify small animals e.g. frog
1. using nouns to identify small animals e.g. frog
2. the pronunciation of the words “butterfly, rabbit”
pre-task preparation
1.t: look and guess what i am? (t do the action)
★ p: a frog, a bird…
2. t: what can a frog/ a bird/ a tadpole/ a ladybird?
★p1: a frog can ….
p2: a bird can…
t: a bird can fly. what can fly? please look!
while-task procedure
1.●(lead in): fly 1) read the word
2)practice★ 1:(p do the action and say) i am a fly.
3) practice ★2: sing a little song
fly, fly
i can fly
i can fly in the sky.
fly, fly
i can fly.
i can fly in the sky.
4) practice★ 3: t: look at the fly. the fly is ________.
p: the fly is _______(dirty, small, big…)
t: the fly is dirty. i don’t like it. but i like this one.
2.●(lead in): butterfly
1) read the word
2) practice ★1: p all: butterfly, butterfly. show me one/two/three (t do the action)
3) practice ★2. t: look, i am a butterfly. i can fly. if you’re a butterfly, what can you do?
p: i’m a butterfly. i can jump/read/…
t: the butterfly can jump/read/write/dance…look at the shadow. what is it? guess.
p: a butterfly/ a bird/ a fly
3.●(lead in) : bee
1) read the word ●音节 fee mee bee wee dee
practice: ★●1: t:i can see many bees. how many bees?
p: three bees/ five bees…
practice: ★2. ●read a chant. a bee, a bee.
i am a bee.
a bee, a bee
i can fly.
a bee, a bee
i like the bee.
practice: ★ 3. t: i’m little bee. i like the new dress. and you?
p1: i’m little bee. i like the new shoes.
p2: i’m little bee. i like the sweets.
t: i’m little bee. i have no friend. who will be my friend? look, he’s coming?
4. (lead in) rabbit
1) ●read the word.
2) practice★ 1. p all: say a rhyme
one little rabbit,
two little rabbits,
three little four little five little rabbits.
●practice ★2. t: so many rabbits here. look at their ears, eyes, hair…
ears----long eyes---red hair---white
rabbit, rabbit, rabbit
long, long ears
rabbit, rabbit, rabbit
red, red eyes
rabbit, rabbit, rabbit
white, white hair
practice★ 3. t: look, i am a rabbit. i have got long ears. what about you?
p: i am a rabbit. i have got__________.
post-task activities:
1.read and spell the words together.
2.●fill in the blanks and read it.
i am a _________. i have got ___________.
i am a _________. i can ______.
1.copy the new words and spell them.
2.listen to the tape and repeat.
unit 2 small animals period 4 来自第一范文网。
Unit 2 Small animals period 篇2
1.词汇:seven, eight, nine, ten
2.句型:1)i am a…
1. using numerals to count eg. one, two, three
2. using nouns to identify small animals
1. using numerals to count eg: seven, eight, nine
pre-task preparation
1.review the numbers.
1)★say a rhyme. one, two, three, it’s a tree.
four, five, six. pick up a stick.
2)★using the new words and make a new rhyme.
eg: one, two, three, it’s a bee. four, five, six. it can fly.
t: one, two, three , it’s a bee. four, five, six, it can fly. seven, eight, nine i like the bee.
while-task procedure
1.(lead in): seven 1) ★ read the word
2) ★ practice 1:make a phrase eg: seven…
★practice 2: t: i have got seven what in my pocket.
p: you have got seven…
t: look! i have got seven sweets in my pocket.
seven plus one is eight.
2.(lead in): eight
1) ★ read the word
2)★practice ★eight, eight, eight, eight little birds
3)★practice ★2. t: eight little birds are five little birds and three little birds.
eight is _____ and _____.
p: eight is one and seven.
t: one and seven is eight. one and eight is_____
3. (lead in) : nine
1)★read the word
2)practice: ★1: make a phrase. nine pencils…
practice: ★2.t: who is number 9? p: … is number 9.
4.(lead in)ten
1) ★read the word.
2)practice 1. ★..make a phrase. ten little mothers ten little boys, ten little girls…
practice 2. ★ t: ten little ________ are standing in a line.
p: ten little boys are standing in a line.
consolidation: 1) ★ t: i like no. 8. what about you?
p: i like no….
2) ★do some exercises: one +six=_____________--two= six
_____+one=______ ten—two=______
5.(lead in) i am a…
t: i’m no. ten. look, i’m a bee. ( do the action)
t: you’re a small animal. you’re a ______.
★p: i’m a _______.(do the action)
t: you’re a kind of fruit.
eg: i’m an apple. i’m sweet. and you?
★p: i’m a ________.i’m ______.
post-task activities:
1.★listen to the tape and read after it.
2.★read together.
3.★act out it.
4.★make a new one.
1.spell the new words: seven, eight, nine, ten
2.listen to the tape and repeat.
unit 2 small animals period 1 来自第一范文网。
Unit 2 Small animals period