外研社初三上册module 10 teaching plan
content:module 10 fitness
[junior 3, new standard english]
一、 题材内容
语音 能够准确意群的语音、语调。
词汇 fitness, unlikely, interest, menu, behave, realize, pasta, refuse, persuade, cooking, ban, educate, typical, disadvantage, concentrate, advertise
词组 give up, pocket money, junk food, at first
语法 能够掌握whose 引导的定语从句。
功能 能够掌握观点、态度的表达方式;能谈论保持身体健康。
话题 以“饮食”为话题。
1) 语言技能:
听 能听懂对话中人物的情感以及解决问题的建议与方式;找出原因。
说 能够询问有关健康的信息,表达态度,提供建议。
读 能够读懂有关健康食品的文章;了解什么是健康食品;理解奥利弗的主张,并发表评论。
写 能够叙述健康饮食,最好能用定语从句。
演示与表达 能够借助图片、生活情境介绍食品问题。
认知 联系,归纳,推测等技能。学习查词典,阅读报纸,提高自学能力。
调控 从同伴处得到反馈,对自己在叙述及作文中的错误进行修改
交际 学习运用恰当词语介绍健康饮食的问题。
资源 通过阅读报纸等其他资源获取更多简单英语的有关健康饮食的问题的信息。
自学策略 能够根据自己的情况预习教材并进行拓展。
合作学习策略 能够根据小组内同学的特长分工合作,共同完成学习任务。注意学习策略共享.
文化意识 通过本模块了解不同国家的饮食;了解不同国家的健康运动;了解不同文化对健康的思考。
重点:1.通过谈论健康饮食的问题训练学生的听、说、读、写能力,掌握使用whose 引导的定语从句来谈论健康饮食的问题。
难点: 掌握使用whose 引导的定语从句。
二、 教材处理
task –cycle:通过整个模块的听说读写的训练,强化使用whose 引导的定语从句的表达能力,为完成任务做好铺垫
三、 教材安排
period 1: vocabulary and listening &pronunciation and speaking
period 2: reading and vocabulary
period 3: writing& around the world &module task
period 4: language in use
title: module 10 fitness
period 1: vocabulary and listening &pronunciation and speaking
teaching content: vocabulary and listening and pronunciation and speaking
teaching aims and demands:
1. language knowledge
key vocabulary and phrases: fitness, unlikely, interest, give up, pocket money
key structure: the restrictive attributive clause with whose. (重点)
2. listening skill: to understand conversations involving the use of restrictive attributive clauses (难点)
3. speaking skill: to be able to retell tony’s experience and what his classmates did when tony was in trouble
to ask and give information about exercise and staying healthy
4. attitudes: take active part in doing exercise and staying healthy
learning strategies:
bottom –up approach and listening to the tape and do some exercises.
teaching aids: multi-media (tape recorder, video, ohp, handout)
teaching procedures:
part i: revision
task: recall what we have learned in the last module.
step one: label the pictures with the words and expressions.
(1). read through the words and expressions in the box and have the ss. repeat them after you.
(2).ask them to label them in the pictures on the screen.
(3).list some words which are connected with cartoons. ask students to speak out as many as they can.
step two: tell a story of your favourite cartoon stories.
ask students to speak out as much as they can.
part ii: lead in:
task: learn something about fitness.
step one: 1. work in pairs. look at the photos and decides which is the best way to keep fit.
step two: introduce the new words.
part iii: listening
task 1: listen and answer the questions
step one: ask the ss to read through the questions in activities 4on page 81 so they know what to listen for.
step two: play the recording while they just listen and focus on the questions.
step three: play the recording again and have them answer the questions.
step four: play the recording and have them check their answer with a partner
step five: call back the answer from the whole class.
task2: ss listen to the dialogue and check (√) the best ways to keep fit for betty and lingling.
step one: ask the ss to read through the table in activities 2 on page 80 and make sure the ss understand them all.
step two: play the recording and have them listen to the recording and focus on the key sentence first time through.
step three: play the recording again and have them get the answers, then check with a partner.
step four: then call back the answers from the whole class.
task 3: to understand the conversation.
step one: ask the ss to look at the look at the photos and describe how the people keep fit in activity 1 on page 80
step two: play the recording and have them listen.
step three: play the recording again and have them answer.
step four:. play the recording and have them check their answer with a partner
step five: call back the answer from the whole class.
task 4: listen and read:
step one: play the recording and ask the ss. to listen and read the conversation.
step two: play the recording again and pause after each phrase, asking the ss. to repeat chorally and individually.
step three: put the ss. into groups of 4 to practise the dialogue.
step four: they should repeat it several times, changing the roles each time.
task 5: activity 5 on page 81.
step one: have them 4. match the words in the two boxes. have them check their answers with a partner
step two: now work in pairs. ask and answer the questions .have them check their answers with a partner
step three: call back the answer in a whole- class setting.( collect the answers in complete sentences from the class.)
part iv: pronunciation
task: listen and repeat the sentences in activity 6 on page 81
step one: ask the ss to listen and repeat the sentences.
step two: play the recording again. ask the ss to pay particular attention to the restrictive attributive clause with whose.
step three: ask the ss to listen and repeat chorally and individually.
part v: speaking
task: what do you think about these forms of exercises? complete the table in activity 7.
step one: read through the table with the whole class.
step two: ask them to complete the table .
step three: ask them to work in pairs to ask and answer questions..
step four: call back some examples in a whole-class setting
part vi: a test do ex 2 on page 148 in the wb.
part vii: homework:
recite the dialogue as fluently as possible.
module 7 teaching plan
本模块话题是“旅游与交通”。语法重点是学习形容词最高级形式和by+交通工具的用法,围绕旅游与交通开展听、说、读、写的课堂活动。要求学生通过对形容词最高级形式的操练,能够就相关话题进行问答,能够描述自己或他人的旅行。在阅读过程中,学会应用寻找细节的阅读技巧, 能将标题与段落, 单词与释义相匹配。教学中教师应随时随地以课本为出发点,灵活利用各种素材组织教学过程和内容。充分调动学生的积极性。
1) 语言知识:
语音 形容词最高级形式的发音
词汇 journey, ferry, subway, taxi, crowded, modern, farthest, best, most, close, stop, terminal, british, airway, express, star, take, passenger, airline, distance, hour, quick, way, fare, know
词组 bus stop, ferry terminal, by bicycle/bus.
语法 形容词最高级、by+交通工具
功能 三者或更多事物之间的比较
话题 以“旅游与交通”为话题。
2) 语言技能:
听 能听懂含有形容词最高级形式的对话以及对交通工具的描述.
说 能运用形容词最高级形式谈论乘坐的交通工具。流利的说出生词、短语。
读 能读懂有关旅游和交通的短文,并且将标题和段落相匹配; 理解阅读材料中所学的形容词最高级所表达的语义。在阅读中学会应用寻找细节的阅读策略,进行简单的阅读技能训练。
写 能用形容词最高级形式描写旅行。
演示与表达 能向同学们介绍自己或他人的旅行以及乘坐的交通工具。
认知 联系,归纳,推测等技能。观察并归纳形容词的最高级的变化规则,提高自学能力。
调控 从同伴处得到反馈,对自己在叙述及作文中的错误进行修改。
交际 学习运用恰当词语简单描述旅游交通。
资源 通过其他资源获取更多有关“旅游交通”的简单英语。
自学策略 培养在词语与相应事物之间建立联想的习惯,形成话题联想的习惯。能注意发现语言现象背后的规律,并能运用规律举一反三。
合作学习策略 互相学习,取长补短,注意学习策略共享, 将自己所搜集的信息与其他同学共享。
中外对比 主动理解英语国家有关旅游交通等方面的信息,并密切联系自己的日常生活,从而拓展视野,激发学习英语的兴趣。
6)任务: 能够根据表格分析数据,并谈论相关信息。
核心任务: 能够运用所学句型结构描述旅游交通。三个环节如下:
pre-task: 学生联系生活实际,激活背景知识,。
task –cycle:通过整个模块的听说读写的训练,强化对“旅游交通”的表达能力,为完成任务做好铺垫
post-task: 达成任务,展示成果,反馈学习情况
period 1: listening and vocabulary &pronunciation and speaking
period 2: reading and vocabulary
period 3: writing& around the world &module task
period 4: language in use
module 7 planes, boats and trains
period 1 listening and vocabulary &pronunciation and speaking
teaching aims and demands:
1. language knowledge
key vocabulary and phrases: journey, ferry, subway, taxi, crowded, modern, farthest, best, most, close
key structure: by bus/ train/ taxi… (重点)
2.listening skill: to understand conversations with superlative adjectives. (难点)
3.speaking skill: to ask and answer about transport and travel
4. affection and attitudes: choose the right transport form to travel.
teaching aids: multi-media (tape recorder, video等)
teaching procedures:
part i: revision
part ii: lead in:
task : introduce to them the new words in activity 1 on page 44.
step 1 ask the students how they got to school. and list their answers on the board.
step 2 ask for other ways to travel and list those, too.
step 3 show the pictures of the means of transportation, and ask ss to talk about what they can see through the pictures.
part iii: listening
task 1: listen to the quiz .match the words in 2 boxes. then match them with the pictures.
step 1 read the lists of words and have the students repeat them after you.
step 2 listen to the tape and match the words in box 1 with the words in box 2.
task 2: discussion---activity 3
step 1 read through the phrases with “by” in activity 3 on page 45.
step 2 ask the ss to ask and answer “how do you go to school?
task 3: introduce to them the superlative degree of adjectives in english.
step 1 elicit a few common adjectives from the ss, and write them on the blackboard.
step 2: change them into superlative degree
step 3: write a sentence for each one, e.g.
step 4: show the ss. the structure and explain when we use this construction. we may elicit other adjectives and some other examples of superlative degree from the ss.
task 4: to understand conversation.
step 1: give the ss 2questions:
how does tony get to school?
does dad always go to work by taxi?
make sure the ss. understand the question:
step 2: play the recording and have them listen.
step 3: play the recording again and have them write the answers individually.
step 4:. have them check their answer with a partner and call back the answer from the whole class.
task5: activity 5 on page 45.
step 1: play the recording again and have them write a name in front of each sentence individually in activity 5. have them check their answers with a partner
step 2: play the recording again . have them check their answers with a partner
step 3: call back the answer from the whole class.
task 6: listen and read:
step 1: play the recording and ask the ss. to listen and read the conversation.
step2: play the recording again and pause after each phrase, asking the ss. to repeat chorally and individually.
step3: put the ss. into groups of 2 to practice the dialogue.
step4: they should repeat it several times, changing the roles each time.
part iv: pronunciation
task: listen and repeat the sentences in activity6、7、8
step 1: play the recording and ask the ss. to listen and repeat the sentences in activities.
step 2: ask the ss to work in pairs to check their answers to activity 5.
step 3: work in pairs to do activity 8.
part v homework:
recite the short dialogue as fluently as possible.
copy the new words and finish the exercise in the workbook.
period 2 vocabulary and reading
teaching aims and demands:
1. language knowledge:
new words: stop, terminal, british, airway, express, star, take, passenger, airline, distance, hour, quick, way, fare
key structures: it goes from shanghai station to the pudong airport in 8 minutes.
the same journey takes about 30 minutes by car. (重点)
2. reading skill: to get information from the reading material about traveling times.
3. affection and attitudes: choose the right transport form to travel.
teaching aids: multi-media (tape recorder, video等)
teaching procedures:
part i: revision
1. help students to revise what is learnt in period one of this module.
show them some pictures about the new words in last period. have the ss. spell them chorally and individually.
2. revise the superlative degree of adjectives
part ii :preparation
task 1: learn the new words.
label the pictures with the words.
step 1. read through the words on the screen. have the ss. repeat them after you.
step 2 read the words separately and have them remember them.
task 2: which words can you use to describe the picture?
step 1: ask the ss to do this individually, then check their answers with a partner.
step 2: ask the ss to say what they can see in the picture.
part iii: scanning and skimming
task 1: read the passage and match the paragraphs with the headings.
step 1 read through the headings, then ask the ss to read and match individually
step 2 they can check their answers with a partner.
step 3 collect the answers from the class.
task 2 : read the passage and check the true statements.
reading and checking
step 1: ask the ss to do this individually, then check their answers with a partner.
step 2 :collect the answers from the class.
task3: match the words with their meanings.
reading and filling.
step 1 read through the words and have the ss repeat them chorally and individually.
step 2 take care with “international”, to get the stress on the third syllable.
step 3 decide if you want the ss to use dictionaries to find out the meanings of unknown words.
step 4 ask the ss to match individually, then check their answers with a partner.
part iv : dealing with expressions:
1 it goes from shanghai station to pudong airport in 8 minutes. 从上海车站到浦东飞机厂用8分钟.
in 多长时间之内 如:
he can count from 1 to 100.他能从1数到100.
he will be back in 2 hours.他2小时之内回来.
2.the same journey takes about 30 minutes by car.
take 是动词,表示“花费或需要用一定的时间”如:
the trip takes 2 weeks.旅程需要2个星期。
注意句型: it takes sb. some time to do sth.干某事需要某人多长时间.
it takes her an hour to finish the work. 她需要一个小时干完这项工作。
3.the most popular plane is the boeing 747.最受人们欢迎的飞机是波音747。
美国的波音公司和欧洲的空中客车公司是世界上最著名的客机生产商。波音公司的民用飞机产品中最著名的有波音737,747,757,767等。 goes from london to beijing , a distance of over 8000 kilometres in 9 1/2 hours.
它从伦敦飞往北京,其间8000 多公里的距离用9个半小时就可完成。
注意:整数与分数之间在读的时候必须用 连接。如:
3 1/2 three and a half days三天半
2 1/2 two and a half weeks两周半
5.the fares aren’t expensive.
train fairs are going up again.火车票价又要涨了。
i can pay his plane fare.我可以为他付飞机票钱。
part v: homework:
copy the new words and finish the exercise in the workbook.
recite the text
period 3 writing & around the world &module task
teaching aims and demands:
1.writing skill: to transfer information from a table to sentences and to give results with “so”. improve the students’ writing ability (难点).
2. to learn about the longest railway journey
3. to summarize and consolidate “by+ means of transport” and the superlatives. (重点)
4.affection and attitudes: choose the right transport form to travel.
teaching aids: multi-media (tape recorder , video等)
teaching procedures:
part i: revision
task: help students to revise what is learnt in the last period.
step 1 revise the words and phrases.
step 2 put the ss. in pairs to practice the dialogue and the text.
part ii: writing
task 1: use the data to answer the questions in activity 5
step 1: run through the examples with the ss. and make sure that they understand them.
step 2: ask the ss to write the answers individually and check their answers with a friend.
step 3: collect the answers from the class and write them on the board.
step 4: read them loudly.
task 2: write sentences about local journeys they know about in the same way
step 1: give them some examples and make sure that they understand them.
step 2: ask the ss to write sentences with a partner
step 3: call back a few examples from the whole class, and write them on the board.
step 4: then summarize
part iii: around the world
task: learn something about the longest railway journey
step 1: ask the ss to look at the different pictures about the longest railway journey
tell the ss. some knowledge about them.
step 2: read the text and answer any questions the ss have.
part iv: module task
interpreting data
activity 6 on page 49.
1. ask the ss. to talk about the journey.
2. pair the ss to complete the answers.
3. circulate and monitor their production.
4. talk about the journey from beijing to jinan.
5. the ss write an article comparing the different ways of traveling from beijing to jinan.
part v: recalling
recall what we have learned today.
part vi: homework
finish the exercise in the book and the workbook.
period 4 language in use
key structures: “by+ means of transport” and the superlatives. (重点)
teaching aims and demands:
1. to summarize and consolidate grammar focus.
2. to summarize and consolidate expressions and vocabulary.
affection and attitudes:. choose the right transport form to travel.
teaching aids: multi-media (video等)
teaching procedures:
part i: revision
help students to revise what is learnt in 3 periods of this module.
part ii language practice
task1: to summarize and consolidate the usage of the structure: “by+ means of transport” and the superlatives.
step 1 run through the examples with the ss. make sure that they are familiar with the use of
the structure: “by+ means of transport” and the superlatives.
. step2 pay attention to some special words. eg. far-farther-farthest , good-better-best
task2: write and answer questions
step 1 do activity 1、2 and 3 on page 48.
step 2 ask the ss. to call out the answers from the whole class.
step 3 ask the ss. to read the completed sentences.
task 3: complete the word map with these words.
step 1 ask the ss to complete the word map individually before comparing answers in pairs.
step 2 collect the answers from the class.
part iii:complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives.
step 1 read through the adjectives, and check the ss’ pronunciation and comprehension.
step 2 ask them to do the exercise individually, then check with a partner.
part vi: homework:
finish the exercise in the book and the workbook.