
Unit 21 Karl Marx

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Unit 21 Karl Marx(精选3篇)Iqv易文君-文库范文网

Unit 21 Karl Marx 篇1

  教学目标 Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  一、教学目标 与目标Iqv易文君-文库范文网



  l.重点词汇 force; rapid; praise; encourage; have a talk with; come across; make progress; before long; move on; keep on (doing something); translate. . . into. . .Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2.重要句型 1) In 1849, he went to England and made London the base for his revolutionary work. 2) He made such rapid progress that before long he began to write articles in English for an American newspaper. 3) His English was so good that Engels wrote him a letter and praised him for it. 4) He found it important to study the situation in Russia.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  3.语法掌握过去完成时的用法;复习一般过去时:1) Marx had learnt some English before he got to England. 2) After he arrived in England, Marx worked hard to improve his English. 3) When all his money had gone, Marx had to leave his house in London.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  4.日常交际用语谈论语言学习(Talking about language study):Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  1) How are you getting on with your English lessons? 2) My grammar is improving, but I find idioms and useful expressions hard to learn. 3) Which do you find easiest/most difficult—listening, speaking, reading or writing? 4) If you have a problem with. . . , you should . . .Iqv易文君-文库范文网









  Part 1 (Paragraph 1) Brief introduction to Karl Marx before the year 1849, in which year he made London the base for his revolutionary workIqv易文君-文库范文网

  Part 2 (Paragraphs 2-5) Marx's success in learning English and Russian and his advice on how to learn a foreign languageIqv易文君-文库范文网

  Part 3 (Paragraphs 6-8) Marx and Engels started a new programme called “Communism”.Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  In 1818Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  was born in GermanyIqv易文君-文库范文网

  as a young manIqv易文君-文库范文网

  was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons; went to Belgium and France.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  in April 1841Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  received his doctor’s degreeIqv易文君-文库范文网

  in 1849Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  went to England; made London the base for his revolutionary workIqv易文君-文库范文网


  started working hard to improve his English; made rapid progressIqv易文君-文库范文网

  in 1853Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  wrote articles in English; was praised; was encouraged; was not sure about two thingsIqv易文君-文库范文网


  kept on studying and using EnglishIqv易文君-文库范文网

  in the 1870sIqv易文君-文库范文网

  began to learn Russian; read articles and reports in Russian Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  1.教师可采取口语对比形式,词汇分析来学习本对话。如:catch a cold与have a cold区别,cut down与cut up区别。 2.教师把本对话按一个听力课形式给学生播放。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  3.教师给学生写出how to learn English,组织几个学生进行对话交流。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  A:I find English is difficult to learn, how do you think of that?Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  B: That’s right.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  A. Do you have some good ideas to learn it ?Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  B: I often learn from the ways of some of people ,you should listening, speaking, reading ,writing or practicing?Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  A: Really?Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  Lesson 81Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  1. Practise the dialogue in pairs.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2. Have a discussion in groups about English studies, Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Lesson 82Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  1. Talk about the picture to say sth. about Karl Marx.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2. Answer the questions in workbook L. 82, part 1.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  3. Recite the text.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Lesson 83Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  1. Recite the text one paragraph after another.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2. Read the second part of the text quickly and try to find the answer to this question:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  What did Marx write together with Engels during 1840s?Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Lesson 84Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  After finishing the listening test, ask the students to say something about Chinese great person and write it down after class.Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  before long, long beforeIqv易文君-文库范文网

  before long表示“不久”,相当于soon,是一个介词短语,可用在过去时、将来时和现在时的句子中。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  long before表示“很久以前”“在……以前很久”,可用于过去时或过去完成时的句子中。before 可以是副词、介词、连词。要注意“It is not long before+从句”结构中的not long before表示“不久……”。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  She said she had seen the film long before. 她说她很久以前就看过这部电影。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  I'll see the film before long 我不久就要看这部电影。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  fast, quick, rapidIqv易文君-文库范文网





  The winning car reached a speed of forty miles——much faster than any of its rivals.Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  …they quickly dragged the drunk to safety. 他们迅速地把醉汉拖到安全处。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  It is a rapid river. 那是一条湍急的河流。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  catch a cold ,have a coldIqv易文君-文库范文网


  l)catch a cold强调“感冒”的行为,have a cold表示“感冒”持续的状态。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Yesterday he caught a cold. 昨天他患了感冒。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  He has a bad cold now. 他现在感冒了。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2)catch a cold不可与表示一段时间的状语连用,而have a cold of可以。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  3)catch a cold中的a可以省略,但cold前有形容词修饰时则不能省略;have a cold中的a不能省,在口语中它等于have got a cold.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Put on more clothes or you'll catch (a) cold. 多穿点衣服,要不然会感冒的。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  She has had a cold for two weeks. 她感冒两周了。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  keep on doing ,keep doingIqv易文君-文库范文网

  l) keep on doing相当于go on doing, 指动作、行为有间歇之后继续进行,也指长期坚持某事。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  After a rest, she kept on working. 休息之后,她继续工作。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  He kept on asking the same question. 她老是问着同一个问题。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2) keep doing指动作不间断地继续着。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  It kept raining the whole night. 雨不停地下了一整夜。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  3)keep on doing 与 keep doing 二者可以换用;一般都不接表示静止状态的词,如Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  standing; sitting, lying, sleeping等。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Why do they keep (on) laughing all the time? 他们为什么老是笑个不停?Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  I've learned about 1,000 words, but I keep (on) forgetting some of them. 我大约学了1000个单词,可有些单词老是记不住。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  均可表示“建议、劝告”之意 ,其区别是:Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  a piece of advice 一条建议   two pieces of advice  两条建议Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  some advice 一些建议       follow/take one's advice 听从某人劝告Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  give sb. some advice on sth./give sb. advice on doing sth./ give sb. advice on how to do sth. 就… …给某人提建议Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  advise +名词/代词Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  advise sb. to do sth.     advise+ that+ sb. + (should) do sth.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  He advised you to give up smoking.他劝你把烟戒了。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  I advised she (should) study English well.我劝她把英语学好。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  cut down, cut upIqv易文君-文库范文网

  cut down可用来表示“砍倒”;“减少”;“降低”;“缩短”。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  The boy cut down the young tree with an axe. 那小孩斧子砍倒了小树。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  cut up可用来表示“切碎”。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  The man first cut the tree down and then cut it up. 那人先把树砍倒,然后把它劈成碎片。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  force, makeIqv易文君-文库范文网

  force与make 都有“迫使”的意思,但在意义上和用法上有所区别。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  force含有暴力威胁之意,其结构是force+名词+to do sth.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  The policemen forced the boys to stop fighting.警察们迫使男孩子们停止打斗。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  He was forced to give up and put in prison. 他被迫投降并被关进了监狱。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  make用法比较广泛,它所表示的强迫意义有时不如force强,常用的句型结构make sb do sth.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  What makes you think so? 你怎么会这样想呢?   Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  The children were made to keep their room clean and tidy. 要求孩子们保持房间的干净和整洁。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  He received his doctor’s degree in April 1841.他在1841年4月获得了博士学位。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  学士:Bachelor of Arts (B.A) 文学士        Bachelor of Science (B. Sc)理学士Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  硕士:Master of Arts (M. A)文学硕士        Master of Science (M. Sc)理学硕士Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  博士:Doctor of laws 法学博士             Doctor of philosophy博士Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Doctor of medicine 医学博士Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  However, he went on to explain that he was not too sure about two things.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  1)go on to do和go on doingIqv易文君-文库范文网


  After I finished my English,1 went on to do Chinese.做完英语作业 之后,我接着做语文作业 。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  It was raining, but the farmers went on working in the field.天下着雨,但农民们仍继续在地里干活。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2)be sure about/of sth. 或 be sure that…“对……有把握”Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  I want to buy a pair of shoes for my brother, but I’m not sure about his size. 我想给弟弟买双鞋,但不清楚他穿多大号的。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Are you sure that you locked the door?你肯定锁门了吗?Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  注:be sure 后面还可跟whether, where等引导的从句。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  I am not sure whether they could come or not.我不能肯定他们是否能来。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  John was sure where he left his watch.约翰确信他把手表放在那里了。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  另外:be sure to do sth. 表示务必做某事Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Be sure to turn off the gas before you leave the room. 你走之前务必把煤气关好。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  ….his English in one of those articles was so good that Engels praised him for it.他的英语在一篇文章里非常好,因此恩格斯表扬了他。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  A: so + adj. / adv. +thatIqv易文君-文库范文网

  B: so + adj. +可数名词单数+thatIqv易文君-文库范文网

  C: such + a + adj. +不可数名词单数+thatIqv易文君-文库范文网

  D: such + adj. +可数名词复数+thatIqv易文君-文库范文网

  E: such + adj. +不可数名词+thatIqv易文君-文库范文网

  练习:用so, such, such a填空:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  (1)She speaks ________fast that I can't follow him.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  (2)The film is ________ good that I want to see it again.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  (3)It is ________ good film that I want to see it again.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  (4)They are ________rare (稀少的) animals that only a few people have seen them in the world.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  (5)He brought us _____ surprising news that all of us were shocked(震惊)。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  (6)She is ________ beautiful a girl that we all like her very much.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Key: (1)so (2)so (3)such a (4)such (5)such (6)soIqv易文君-文库范文网

  注:当名词前的修饰词是many, much, little, few 时,应将such改成so, 如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  (1) There are so many books that I hardly know which one to be chosen.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  (2) There is so much noise that I cannot hear what she is talking about.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  praise sb. for…由于……表扬某人。类似的说法还有:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Thank you for your help.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  I'm sorry for my rudeness(粗鲁).Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Excuse me for my being late.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  You must apologize (道歉) for what you have said.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Yang Mei is having a talk with her teacher Sara about learning English.杨梅正就英语学习问题和她的老师萨拉谈话。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  “have +宾语”常用来表示一个短时间的动作。不能将have简单地理解为“有”。它和一些词语搭配,表现了英语的习惯用法的一些意思——它可表示eat, drink, take. to. enjoy等,其意义视后面所跟名词而定。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have breakfast (lunch, supper) 吃早(中、晚)饭Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a lesson 上一堂课     have a song 唱一支歌Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a look 看一看         have a talk 谈一谈Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a drink 喝一杯        have a joke 开个玩笑Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a rest 休息一下       have a walk 散散步Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a ride 骑马           have a swim 游泳Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a wash 洗脸(澡)    have a meeting 开会Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a party 举行一次聚会  have a test 测试Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have an accident 出事故    have a letter 收到一封信Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a cold 患感冒        have a headache 患头痛Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a baby 生小孩        have a fire 生火Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a cold wet day 天气又冷又温Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a good holiday 度过愉快的假日Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a problem with→find…difficult 在…方面遇到困难Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  My grammar is improving, but I find idioms and useful expressions hard to learn. 我的语法学习在提高,但是我觉得习惯用语和有用词语很难学。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  He is improving in health. 他的身体在好转。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2)find在此意为“发现;觉得”,后面跟的是复合宾语结构,即“find + sb. / sth. +adj +不定式”,idioms and useful expressions是宾语,hard to learn是宾语补足语。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Do you find “Radio English on Sunday” easy to understand? 你觉得“星期日广播英语”容易听懂吗?Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  a. 名词/代词十形容词。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  I find idioms and useful expressions hard to learn.我发现习语和惯用法很难学。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  I find listening really hard.我发现听真是很难。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  Marx found it important to study the situation in Russia.马克思发现研究俄国形势很重要。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  b. 名词,代词十名词。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  They found it the necklace they had been looking for.他们发现这是他们一直在寻找的项链。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  You'll find a knowledge of English a must in international trade today.你将会发现懂英语在今天的国际贸易中是必要的。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  c. 名词/代词上副词。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  We found him in/out.我们发现他在家(不在家)。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  d. 名词/代词+介词短语。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  When we arrived, we found him in bed. 我们到达时,发现他在床上。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  e. 名词/代词+v-ing形式。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  We have found him waiting to receive us. 我们已发现他在等着接待我们。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  f. 名词/代词十过去分词。如,Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  She found the letter gone. 她发现信不见了。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  g. 名词/代词+不定式to be短语。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  He found himself (to do) in a dark forest. 他发现自己在黑暗的森林里。Iqv易文君-文库范文网




  He went home yesterday. 他昨天回家了。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  He had gone home when I got to his office.  当我到他的办公室时,他早已回家了Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  By the end of last term-we had learnt about 1,500 English words. 到上期期末,我们已学了大约1500个英语单词。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  After he (had) arrived in England, Marx worked hard to improve his English.马克思到英国后,他努力学习以提高英语水平。   Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  He went on watching TV, after his father (had) left. 他父亲走后,他继续看电视。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Marx (had) learnt some English before he got to England. 马克思到英国之前就学过一些英语。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Lesson 81教学设计方案Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Teaching AimsIqv易文君-文库范文网

  1. Learn some useful words about English lesson:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  idiom, expression, listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2. Study the language points concerned with the dialogue.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Step 1PresentationIqv易文君-文库范文网

  Find out the idioms in the dialogue. ( have a cold, catch a cold. cut down, cut up)Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Step 2 ListeningIqv易文君-文库范文网

  Listen to the tape and then answer the questions in Workbook Lesson, 81, Part 1.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Step 3 Language pointsIqv易文君-文库范文网

  Go through the dialogue briefly and deal with the language points.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Step 4 Oral practiseIqv易文君-文库范文网

  Scene1: Make a dialogue and give some advise(in pairs)Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Someone has a lot of difficulty in spelling, he just can’t spell the words correctly . Sometimes he adds some letters, other times he misses some letters. He always makes mistakes in spelling and he is very worried.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Scene2: Make a dialogue and give some suggestions(group work)Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Someone has a lot of difficulty in pronunciation. Though she tries hard, she just can not pronounce the words correctly. She knows that the teacher on the tape does not read English in the way she does, but she does not know how to improve her pronunciation.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Step 5 WorkbookIqv易文君-文库范文网

  Do the exercises in Workbook Lesson 81.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Step 6 HomeworkIqv易文君-文库范文网

  Preparation the Lesson 82.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

Unit 21 Karl Marx 篇2






  l.重点词汇 force; rapid; praise; encourage; have a talk with; come across; make progress; before long; move on; keep on (doing something); translate. . . into. . .Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2.重要句型 1) In 1849, he went to England and made London the base for his revolutionary work. 2) He made such rapid progress that before long he began to write articles in English for an American newspaper. 3) His English was so good that Engels wrote him a letter and praised him for it. 4) He found it important to study the situation in Russia.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  3.语法掌握过去完成时的用法;复习一般过去时:1) Marx had learnt some English before he got to England. 2) After he arrived in England, Marx worked hard to improve his English. 3) When all his money had gone, Marx had to leave his house in London.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  4.日常交际用语谈论语言学习(Talking about language study):Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  1) How are you getting on with your English lessons? 2) My grammar is improving, but I find idioms and useful expressions hard to learn. 3) Which do you find easiest/most difficult—listening, speaking, reading or writing? 4) If you have a problem with. . . , you should . . .Iqv易文君-文库范文网









  Part 1 (Paragraph 1) Brief introduction to Karl Marx before the year 1849, in which year he made London the base for his revolutionary workIqv易文君-文库范文网

  Part 2 (Paragraphs 2-5) Marx's success in learning English and Russian and his advice on how to learn a foreign languageIqv易文君-文库范文网

  Part 3 (Paragraphs 6-8) Marx and Engels started a new programme called “Communism”.Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  In 1818Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  was born in GermanyIqv易文君-文库范文网

  as a young manIqv易文君-文库范文网

  was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons; went to Belgium and France.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  in April 1841Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  received his doctor’s degreeIqv易文君-文库范文网

  in 1849Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  went to England; made London the base for his revolutionary workIqv易文君-文库范文网


  started working hard to improve his English; made rapid progressIqv易文君-文库范文网

  in 1853Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  wrote articles in English; was praised; was encouraged; was not sure about two thingsIqv易文君-文库范文网


  kept on studying and using EnglishIqv易文君-文库范文网

  in the 1870sIqv易文君-文库范文网

  began to learn Russian; read articles and reports in Russian Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 下一页  Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  1.教师可采取口语对比形式,词汇分析来学习本对话。如:catch a cold与have a cold区别,cut down与cut up区别。 2.教师把本对话按一个听力课形式给学生播放。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  3.教师给学生写出how to learn English,组织几个学生进行对话交流。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  A:I find English is difficult to learn, how do you think of that?Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  B: That’s right.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  A. Do you have some good ideas to learn it ?Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  B: I often learn from the ways of some of people ,you should listening, speaking, reading ,writing or practicing?Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  A: Really?Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  Lesson 81Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  1. Practise the dialogue in pairs.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2. Have a discussion in groups about English studies, Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Lesson 82Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  1. Talk about the picture to say sth. about Karl Marx.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2. Answer the questions in workbook L. 82, part 1.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  3. Recite the text.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Lesson 83Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  1. Recite the text one paragraph after another.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2. Read the second part of the text quickly and try to find the answer to this question:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  What did Marx write together with Engels during 1840s?Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Lesson 84Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  After finishing the listening test, ask the students to say something about Chinese great person and write it down after class.Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  before long, long beforeIqv易文君-文库范文网

  before long表示“不久”,相当于soon,是一个介词短语,可用在过去时、将来时和现在时的句子中。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  long before表示“很久以前”“在……以前很久”,可用于过去时或过去完成时的句子中。before 可以是副词、介词、连词。要注意“It is not long before+从句”结构中的not long before表示“不久……”。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  She said she had seen the film long before. 她说她很久以前就看过这部电影。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  I'll see the film before long 我不久就要看这部电影。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  fast, quick, rapidIqv易文君-文库范文网





  The winning car reached a speed of forty miles——much faster than any of its rivals.Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  …they quickly dragged the drunk to safety. 他们迅速地把醉汉拖到安全处。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  It is a rapid river. 那是一条湍急的河流。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  catch a cold ,have a coldIqv易文君-文库范文网


  l)catch a cold强调“感冒”的行为,have a cold表示“感冒”持续的状态。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Yesterday he caught a cold. 昨天他患了感冒。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  He has a bad cold now. 他现在感冒了。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2)catch a cold不可与表示一段时间的状语连用,而have a cold of可以。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  3)catch a cold中的a可以省略,但cold前有形容词修饰时则不能省略;have a cold中的a不能省,在口语中它等于have got a cold.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Put on more clothes or you'll catch (a) cold. 多穿点衣服,要不然会感冒的。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  She has had a cold for two weeks. 她感冒两周了。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  keep on doing ,keep doingIqv易文君-文库范文网

  l) keep on doing相当于go on doing, 指动作、行为有间歇之后继续进行,也指长期坚持某事。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  After a rest, she kept on working. 休息之后,她继续工作。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  He kept on asking the same question. 她老是问着同一个问题。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  上一页  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 下一页  Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2) keep doing指动作不间断地继续着。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  It kept raining the whole night. 雨不停地下了一整夜。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  3)keep on doing 与 keep doing 二者可以换用;一般都不接表示静止状态的词,如Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  standing; sitting, lying, sleeping等。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Why do they keep (on) laughing all the time? 他们为什么老是笑个不停?Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  I've learned about 1,000 words, but I keep (on) forgetting some of them. 我大约学了1000个单词,可有些单词老是记不住。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  均可表示“建议、劝告”之意 ,其区别是:Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  a piece of advice 一条建议   two pieces of advice  两条建议Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  some advice 一些建议       follow/take one's advice 听从某人劝告Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  give sb. some advice on sth./give sb. advice on doing sth./ give sb. advice on how to do sth. 就… …给某人提建议Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  advise +名词/代词Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  advise sb. to do sth.     advise+ that+ sb. + (should) do sth.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  He advised you to give up smoking.他劝你把烟戒了。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  I advised she (should) study English well.我劝她把英语学好。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  cut down, cut upIqv易文君-文库范文网

  cut down可用来表示“砍倒”;“减少”;“降低”;“缩短”。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  The boy cut down the young tree with an axe. 那小孩斧子砍倒了小树。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  cut up可用来表示“切碎”。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  The man first cut the tree down and then cut it up. 那人先把树砍倒,然后把它劈成碎片。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  force, makeIqv易文君-文库范文网

  force与make 都有“迫使”的意思,但在意义上和用法上有所区别。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  force含有暴力威胁之意,其结构是force+名词+to do sth.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  The policemen forced the boys to stop fighting.警察们迫使男孩子们停止打斗。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  He was forced to give up and put in prison. 他被迫投降并被关进了监狱。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  make用法比较广泛,它所表示的强迫意义有时不如force强,常用的句型结构make sb do sth.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  What makes you think so? 你怎么会这样想呢?   Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  The children were made to keep their room clean and tidy. 要求孩子们保持房间的干净和整洁。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  He received his doctor’s degree in April 1841.他在1841年4月获得了博士学位。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  学士:Bachelor of Arts (B.A) 文学士        Bachelor of Science (B. Sc)理学士Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  硕士:Master of Arts (M. A)文学硕士        Master of Science (M. Sc)理学硕士Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  博士:Doctor of laws 法学博士             Doctor of philosophy博士Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Doctor of medicine 医学博士Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  However, he went on to explain that he was not too sure about two things.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  1)go on to do和go on doingIqv易文君-文库范文网


  After I finished my English,1 went on to do Chinese.做完英语作业 之后,我接着做语文作业 。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  It was raining, but the farmers went on working in the field.天下着雨,但农民们仍继续在地里干活。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2)be sure about/of sth. 或 be sure that…“对……有把握”Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  I want to buy a pair of shoes for my brother, but I’m not sure about his size. 我想给弟弟买双鞋,但不清楚他穿多大号的。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Are you sure that you locked the door?你肯定锁门了吗?Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  注:be sure 后面还可跟whether, where等引导的从句。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  上一页  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 下一页  Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  I am not sure whether they could come or not.我不能肯定他们是否能来。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  John was sure where he left his watch.约翰确信他把手表放在那里了。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  另外:be sure to do sth. 表示务必做某事Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Be sure to turn off the gas before you leave the room. 你走之前务必把煤气关好。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  ….his English in one of those articles was so good that Engels praised him for it.他的英语在一篇文章里非常好,因此恩格斯表扬了他。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  A: so + adj. / adv. +thatIqv易文君-文库范文网

  B: so + adj. +可数名词单数+thatIqv易文君-文库范文网

  C: such + a + adj. +不可数名词单数+thatIqv易文君-文库范文网

  D: such + adj. +可数名词复数+thatIqv易文君-文库范文网

  E: such + adj. +不可数名词+thatIqv易文君-文库范文网

  练习:用so, such, such a填空:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  (1)She speaks ________fast that I can't follow him.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  (2)The film is ________ good that I want to see it again.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  (3)It is ________ good film that I want to see it again.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  (4)They are ________rare (稀少的) animals that only a few people have seen them in the world.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  (5)He brought us _____ surprising news that all of us were shocked(震惊)。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  (6)She is ________ beautiful a girl that we all like her very much.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Key: (1)so (2)so (3)such a (4)such (5)such (6)soIqv易文君-文库范文网

  注:当名词前的修饰词是many, much, little, few 时,应将such改成so, 如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  (1) There are so many books that I hardly know which one to be chosen.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  (2) There is so much noise that I cannot hear what she is talking about.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  praise sb. for…由于……表扬某人。类似的说法还有:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Thank you for your help.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  I'm sorry for my rudeness(粗鲁).Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Excuse me for my being late.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  You must apologize (道歉) for what you have said.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Yang Mei is having a talk with her teacher Sara about learning English.杨梅正就英语学习问题和她的老师萨拉谈话。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  “have +宾语”常用来表示一个短时间的动作。不能将have简单地理解为“有”。它和一些词语搭配,表现了英语的习惯用法的一些意思——它可表示eat, drink, take. to. enjoy等,其意义视后面所跟名词而定。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have breakfast (lunch, supper) 吃早(中、晚)饭Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a lesson 上一堂课     have a song 唱一支歌Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a look 看一看         have a talk 谈一谈Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a drink 喝一杯        have a joke 开个玩笑Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a rest 休息一下       have a walk 散散步Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a ride 骑马           have a swim 游泳Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a wash 洗脸(澡)    have a meeting 开会Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a party 举行一次聚会  have a test 测试Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have an accident 出事故    have a letter 收到一封信Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a cold 患感冒        have a headache 患头痛Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a baby 生小孩        have a fire 生火Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a cold wet day 天气又冷又温Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a good holiday 度过愉快的假日Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a problem with→find…difficult 在…方面遇到困难Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  My grammar is improving, but I find idioms and useful expressions hard to learn. 我的语法学习在提高,但是我觉得习惯用语和有用词语很难学。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  上一页  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 下一页  Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  He is improving in health. 他的身体在好转。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2)find在此意为“发现;觉得”,后面跟的是复合宾语结构,即“find + sb. / sth. +adj +不定式”,idioms and useful expressions是宾语,hard to learn是宾语补足语。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Do you find “Radio English on Sunday” easy to understand? 你觉得“星期日广播英语”容易听懂吗?Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  a. 名词/代词十形容词。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  I find idioms and useful expressions hard to learn.我发现习语和惯用法很难学。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  I find listening really hard.我发现听真是很难。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  Marx found it important to study the situation in Russia.马克思发现研究俄国形势很重要。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  b. 名词,代词十名词。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  They found it the necklace they had been looking for.他们发现这是他们一直在寻找的项链。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  You'll find a knowledge of English a must in international trade today.你将会发现懂英语在今天的国际贸易中是必要的。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  c. 名词/代词上副词。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  We found him in/out.我们发现他在家(不在家)。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  d. 名词/代词+介词短语。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  When we arrived, we found him in bed. 我们到达时,发现他在床上。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  e. 名词/代词+v-ing形式。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  We have found him waiting to receive us. 我们已发现他在等着接待我们。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  f. 名词/代词十过去分词。如,Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  She found the letter gone. 她发现信不见了。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  g. 名词/代词+不定式to be短语。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  He found himself (to do) in a dark forest. 他发现自己在黑暗的森林里。Iqv易文君-文库范文网




  He went home yesterday. 他昨天回家了。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  He had gone home when I got to his office.  当我到他的办公室时,他早已回家了Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  By the end of last term-we had learnt about 1,500 English words. 到上期期末,我们已学了大约1500个英语单词。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  After he (had) arrived in England, Marx worked hard to improve his English.马克思到英国后,他努力学习以提高英语水平。   Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  He went on watching TV, after his father (had) left. 他父亲走后,他继续看电视。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Marx (had) learnt some English before he got to England. 马克思到英国之前就学过一些英语。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Lesson 81教学设计方案Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Teaching AimsIqv易文君-文库范文网

  1. Learn some useful words about English lesson:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  idiom, expression, listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2. Study the language points concerned with the dialogue.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Step 1PresentationIqv易文君-文库范文网

  Find out the idioms in the dialogue. ( have a cold, catch a cold. cut down, cut up)Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Step 2 ListeningIqv易文君-文库范文网

  Listen to the tape and then answer the questions in Workbook Lesson, 81, Part 1.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Step 3 Language pointsIqv易文君-文库范文网

  Go through the dialogue briefly and deal with the language points.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Step 4 Oral practiseIqv易文君-文库范文网

  Scene1: Make a dialogue and give some advise(in pairs)Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Someone has a lot of difficulty in spelling, he just can’t spell the words correctly . Sometimes he adds some letters, other times he misses some letters. He always makes mistakes in spelling and he is very worried.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  上一页  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 下一页  Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Scene2: Make a dialogue and give some suggestions(group work)Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Someone has a lot of difficulty in pronunciation. Though she tries hard, she just can not pronounce the words correctly. She knows that the teacher on the tape does not read English in the way she does, but she does not know how to improve her pronunciation.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Step 5 WorkbookIqv易文君-文库范文网

  Do the exercises in Workbook Lesson 81.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Step 6 HomeworkIqv易文君-文库范文网

  Preparation the Lesson 82.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  上一页  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Iqv易文君-文库范文网

Unit 21 Karl Marx 篇3






  l.重点词汇 force; rapid; praise; encourage; have a talk with; come across; make progress; before long; move on; keep on (doing something); translate. . . into. . .Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2.重要句型 1) In 1849, he went to England and made London the base for his revolutionary work. 2) He made such rapid progress that before long he began to write articles in English for an American newspaper. 3) His English was so good that Engels wrote him a letter and praised him for it. 4) He found it important to study the situation in Russia.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  3.语法掌握过去完成时的用法;复习一般过去时:1) Marx had learnt some English before he got to England. 2) After he arrived in England, Marx worked hard to improve his English. 3) When all his money had gone, Marx had to leave his house in London.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  4.日常交际用语谈论语言学习(Talking about language study):Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  1) How are you getting on with your English lessons? 2) My grammar is improving, but I find idioms and useful expressions hard to learn. 3) Which do you find easiest/most difficult—listening, speaking, reading or writing? 4) If you have a problem with. . . , you should . . .Iqv易文君-文库范文网









  Part 1 (Paragraph 1) Brief introduction to Karl Marx before the year 1849, in which year he made London the base for his revolutionary workIqv易文君-文库范文网

  Part 2 (Paragraphs 2-5) Marx's success in learning English and Russian and his advice on how to learn a foreign languageIqv易文君-文库范文网

  Part 3 (Paragraphs 6-8) Marx and Engels started a new programme called “Communism”.Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  In 1818Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  was born in GermanyIqv易文君-文库范文网

  as a young manIqv易文君-文库范文网

  was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons; went to Belgium and France. Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  in April 1841Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  received his doctor’s degreeIqv易文君-文库范文网

  in 1849Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  went to England; made London the base for his revolutionary work Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  started working hard to improve his English; made rapid progress Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  in 1853Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  wrote articles in English; was praised; was encouraged; was not sure about two thingsIqv易文君-文库范文网


  kept on studying and using English Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  in the 1870sIqv易文君-文库范文网

  began to learn Russian; read articles and reports in Russian Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  1.教师可采取口语对比形式,词汇分析来学习本对话。如:catch a cold与have a cold区别,cut down与cut up区别。 2.教师把本对话按一个听力课形式给学生播放。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  3.教师给学生写出how to learn English,组织几个学生进行对话交流。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  A:I find English is difficult to learn, how do you think of that?Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  B: That’s right.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  A. Do you have some good ideas to learn it ?Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  B: I often learn from the ways of some of people ,you should listening, speaking, reading ,writing or practicing?Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  A: Really?Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  Lesson 81Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  1. Practise the dialogue in pairs.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2. Have a discussion in groups about English studies, Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Lesson 82Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  1. Talk about the picture to say sth. about Karl Marx.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2. Answer the questions in workbook L. 82, part 1.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  3. Recite the text.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Lesson 83Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  1. Recite the text one paragraph after another.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2. Read the second part of the text quickly and try to find the answer to this question:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  What did Marx write together with Engels during 1840s?Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Lesson 84Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  After finishing the listening test, ask the students to say something about Chinese great person and write it down after class.Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  before long, long beforeIqv易文君-文库范文网

  before long表示“不久”,相当于soon,是一个介词短语,可用在过去时、将来时和现在时的句子中。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  long before表示“很久以前”“在……以前很久”,可用于过去时或过去完成时的句子中。before 可以是副词、介词、连词。要注意“It is not long before+从句”结构中的not long before表示“不久……”。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  She said she had seen the film long before. 她说她很久以前就看过这部电影。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  I'll see the film before long 我不久就要看这部电影。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  fast, quick, rapidIqv易文君-文库范文网





  The winning car reached a speed of forty miles——much faster than any of its rivals.Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  …they quickly dragged the drunk to safety. 他们迅速地把醉汉拖到安全处。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  It is a rapid river. 那是一条湍急的河流。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  catch a cold ,have a coldIqv易文君-文库范文网


  l)catch a cold强调“感冒”的行为,have a cold表示“感冒”持续的状态。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Yesterday he caught a cold. 昨天他患了感冒。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  He has a bad cold now. 他现在感冒了。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2)catch a cold不可与表示一段时间的状语连用,而have a cold of可以。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  3)catch a cold中的a可以省略,但cold前有形容词修饰时则不能省略;have a cold中的a不能省,在口语中它等于have got a cold.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Put on more clothes or you'll catch (a) cold. 多穿点衣服,要不然会感冒的。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  She has had a cold for two weeks. 她感冒两周了。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  keep on doing ,keep doingIqv易文君-文库范文网

  l) keep on doing相当于go on doing, 指动作、行为有间歇之后继续进行,也指长期坚持某事。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  After a rest, she kept on working. 休息之后,她继续工作。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  He kept on asking the same question. 她老是问着同一个问题。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2) keep doing指动作不间断地继续着。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  It kept raining the whole night. 雨不停地下了一整夜。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  3)keep on doing 与 keep doing 二者可以换用;一般都不接表示静止状态的词,如Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  standing; sitting, lying, sleeping等。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Why do they keep (on) laughing all the time? 他们为什么老是笑个不停?Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  I've learned about 1,000 words, but I keep (on) forgetting some of them. 我大约学了1000个单词,可有些单词老是记不住。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  均可表示“建议、劝告”之意 ,其区别是:Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  a piece of advice 一条建议   two pieces of advice  两条建议Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  some advice 一些建议       follow/take one's advice 听从某人劝告Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  give sb. some advice on sth./give sb. advice on doing sth./ give sb. advice on how to do sth. 就… …给某人提建议Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  advise +名词/代词Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  advise sb. to do sth.     advise+ that+ sb. + (should) do sth.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  He advised you to give up smoking.他劝你把烟戒了。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  I advised she (should) study English well.我劝她把英语学好。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  cut down, cut upIqv易文君-文库范文网

  cut down可用来表示“砍倒”;“减少”;“降低”;“缩短”。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  The boy cut down the young tree with an axe. 那小孩斧子砍倒了小树。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  cut up可用来表示“切碎”。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  The man first cut the tree down and then cut it up. 那人先把树砍倒,然后把它劈成碎片。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  force, makeIqv易文君-文库范文网

  force与make 都有“迫使”的意思,但在意义上和用法上有所区别。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  force含有暴力威胁之意,其结构是force+名词+to do sth.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  The policemen forced the boys to stop fighting.警察们迫使男孩子们停止打斗。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  He was forced to give up and put in prison. 他被迫投降并被关进了监狱。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  make用法比较广泛,它所表示的强迫意义有时不如force强,常用的句型结构make sb do sth.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  What makes you think so? 你怎么会这样想呢?   Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  The children were made to keep their room clean and tidy. 要求孩子们保持房间的干净和整洁。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  He received his doctor’s degree in April 1841.他在1841年4月获得了博士学位。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  学士:Bachelor of Arts (B.A) 文学士        Bachelor of Science (B. Sc)理学士Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  硕士:Master of Arts (M. A)文学硕士        Master of Science (M. Sc)理学硕士Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  博士:Doctor of laws 法学博士             Doctor of philosophy博士Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Doctor of medicine 医学博士Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  However, he went on to explain that he was not too sure about two things.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  1)go on to do和go on doingIqv易文君-文库范文网


  After I finished my English,1 went on to do Chinese.做完英语作业 之后,我接着做语文作业 。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  It was raining, but the farmers went on working in the field.天下着雨,但农民们仍继续在地里干活。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2)be sure about/of sth. 或 be sure that…“对……有把握”Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  I want to buy a pair of shoes for my brother, but I’m not sure about his size. 我想给弟弟买双鞋,但不清楚他穿多大号的。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Are you sure that you locked the door?你肯定锁门了吗?Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  注:be sure 后面还可跟whether, where等引导的从句。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  I am not sure whether they could come or not.我不能肯定他们是否能来。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  John was sure where he left his watch.约翰确信他把手表放在那里了。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  另外:be sure to do sth. 表示务必做某事Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Be sure to turn off the gas before you leave the room. 你走之前务必把煤气关好。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  ….his English in one of those articles was so good that Engels praised him for it.他的英语在一篇文章里非常好,因此恩格斯表扬了他。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  A: so + adj. / adv. +thatIqv易文君-文库范文网

  B: so + adj. +可数名词单数+thatIqv易文君-文库范文网

  C: such + a + adj. +不可数名词单数+thatIqv易文君-文库范文网

  D: such + adj. +可数名词复数+thatIqv易文君-文库范文网

  E: such + adj. +不可数名词+thatIqv易文君-文库范文网

  练习:用so, such, such a填空:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  (1)She speaks ________fast that I can't follow him.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  (2)The film is ________ good that I want to see it again.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  (3)It is ________ good film that I want to see it again.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  (4)They are ________rare (稀少的) animals that only a few people have seen them in the world.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  (5)He brought us _____ surprising news that all of us were shocked(震惊)。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  (6)She is ________ beautiful a girl that we all like her very much.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Key: (1)so (2)so (3)such a (4)such (5)such (6)soIqv易文君-文库范文网

  注:当名词前的修饰词是many, much, little, few 时,应将such改成so, 如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  (1) There are so many books that I hardly know which one to be chosen.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  (2) There is so much noise that I cannot hear what she is talking about.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  praise sb. for…由于……表扬某人。类似的说法还有:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Thank you for your help.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  I'm sorry for my rudeness(粗鲁).Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Excuse me for my being late.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  You must apologize (道歉) for what you have said.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Yang Mei is having a talk with her teacher Sara about learning English.杨梅正就英语学习问题和她的老师萨拉谈话。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  “have +宾语”常用来表示一个短时间的动作。不能将have简单地理解为“有”。它和一些词语搭配,表现了英语的习惯用法的一些意思——它可表示eat, drink, take. to. enjoy等,其意义视后面所跟名词而定。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have breakfast (lunch, supper) 吃早(中、晚)饭Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a lesson 上一堂课     have a song 唱一支歌Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a look 看一看         have a talk 谈一谈Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a drink 喝一杯        have a joke 开个玩笑Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a rest 休息一下       have a walk 散散步Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a ride 骑马           have a swim 游泳Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a wash 洗脸(澡)    have a meeting 开会Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a party 举行一次聚会  have a test 测试Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have an accident 出事故    have a letter 收到一封信Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a cold 患感冒        have a headache 患头痛Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a baby 生小孩        have a fire 生火Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a cold wet day 天气又冷又温Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a good holiday 度过愉快的假日Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  have a problem with→find…difficult 在…方面遇到困难Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  My grammar is improving, but I find idioms and useful expressions hard to learn. 我的语法学习在提高,但是我觉得习惯用语和有用词语很难学。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  He is improving in health. 他的身体在好转。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2)find在此意为“发现;觉得”,后面跟的是复合宾语结构,即“find + sb. / sth. +adj +不定式”,idioms and useful expressions是宾语,hard to learn是宾语补足语。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Do you find “Radio English on Sunday” easy to understand? 你觉得“星期日广播英语”容易听懂吗?Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  a. 名词/代词十形容词。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  I find idioms and useful expressions hard to learn.我发现习语和惯用法很难学。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  I find listening really hard.我发现听真是很难。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  Marx found it important to study the situation in Russia.马克思发现研究俄国形势很重要。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  b. 名词,代词十名词。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  They found it the necklace they had been looking for.他们发现这是他们一直在寻找的项链。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  You'll find a knowledge of English a must in international trade today.你将会发现懂英语在今天的国际贸易中是必要的。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  c. 名词/代词上副词。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  We found him in/out.我们发现他在家(不在家)。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  d. 名词/代词+介词短语。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  When we arrived, we found him in bed. 我们到达时,发现他在床上。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  e. 名词/代词+v-ing形式。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  We have found him waiting to receive us. 我们已发现他在等着接待我们。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  f. 名词/代词十过去分词。如,Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  She found the letter gone. 她发现信不见了。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  g. 名词/代词+不定式to be短语。如:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  He found himself (to do) in a dark forest. 他发现自己在黑暗的森林里。Iqv易文君-文库范文网




  He went home yesterday. 他昨天回家了。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  He had gone home when I got to his office.  当我到他的办公室时,他早已回家了Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  By the end of last term-we had learnt about 1,500 English words. 到上期期末,我们已学了大约1500个英语单词。Iqv易文君-文库范文网


  After he (had) arrived in England, Marx worked hard to improve his English.马克思到英国后,他努力学习以提高英语水平。   Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  He went on watching TV, after his father (had) left. 他父亲走后,他继续看电视。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Marx (had) learnt some English before he got to England. 马克思到英国之前就学过一些英语。Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Lesson 81教学设计方案Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Teaching AimsIqv易文君-文库范文网

  1. Learn some useful words about English lesson:Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  idiom, expression, listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  2. Study the language points concerned with the dialogue.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Step 1PresentationIqv易文君-文库范文网

  Find out the idioms in the dialogue. ( have a cold, catch a cold. cut down, cut up)Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Step 2 ListeningIqv易文君-文库范文网

  Listen to the tape and then answer the questions in Workbook Lesson, 81, Part 1.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Step 3 Language pointsIqv易文君-文库范文网

  Go through the dialogue briefly and deal with the language points.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Step 4 Oral practiseIqv易文君-文库范文网

  Scene1: Make a dialogue and give some advise(in pairs)Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Someone has a lot of difficulty in spelling, he just can’t spell the words correctly . Sometimes he adds some letters, other times he misses some letters. He always makes mistakes in spelling and he is very worried.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Scene2: Make a dialogue and give some suggestions(group work)Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Someone has a lot of difficulty in pronunciation. Though she tries hard, she just can not pronounce the words correctly. She knows that the teacher on the tape does not read English in the way she does, but she does not know how to improve her pronunciation.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Step 5 WorkbookIqv易文君-文库范文网

  Do the exercises in Workbook Lesson 81.Iqv易文君-文库范文网

  Step 6 HomeworkIqv易文君-文库范文网

  Preparation the Lesson 82.Iqv易文君-文库范文网



