2A Unit5 At the market Period 1
(1)词汇:carrot, bean, tomato, potato
(2)句型:what are these? they are ….
(1) 通过实物展示,多媒体课件,各种游戏等进行单词教学。
(1) 词汇:会读四个关于蔬菜类的新单词
(2) 句型:能用所学句型进行自由对话
学生曾经接触过关于认物的单数句型“what’s this/that? it’s a/an ….”的用法,这节课在此基础上进行与其相关的复数句式的学习
(1) 教具准备:胡萝卜,豆荚,西红柿,土豆等实物以及投影仪和多媒体等
(2) 学具准备:2a英语书,图片,简笔画,多媒体课件等
step1. warming-up
1. free talk
t: good morning.
ss: good morning.
t: nice to meet you.
ss: nice to meet you, too.
t: how are you today?
ss: fine, thank you. how are you?
t: i’m fine, thank you.
2. sing a song “how are you”
step2. presentation and practice
1. t: boys and girls, first let’s have a revision. ok?
ss: ok.
t: what’s this?
ss: it’s a pear.
t: great.
t: what’s this?
ss: it’s an apple.
t: wonderful
1) review other fruit words with the similar method.
2. t: what’s this?
s1: it’s a ….
t: never mind. let me tell you. it’s a carrot.
1) teach “carrot” (read after teacher; read separately; read together)
2) pair work:
s2: what’s this?
s3: it’s a carrot.
3) teach bean, tomato and potato with the similar method
3. have a competition: 学生以小组为单位,以开小火车的方式,比赛哪一组说得又快又准确。
4. play a game: magic eyes
5. 给出两张图片做比较,一张图片上只有一个胡萝卜,另一张上则有好几个胡萝卜
t: look at this picture. it’s a carrot. yes or no?
ss: yes.
t: now look at that picture. it’s a carrot. yes or no?
ss: no.
t: so what are these?
ss: ….
t: never mind. let me tell you. they are carrots.
1) teach “carrots” (read after teacher; read in pairs; read together)
2) teach “beans, tomatoes and potatoes” with the similar method
6. teach “what are these? they are ….”
1) t: what are these?
s1: they are beans.
2) s2: what are these?
t: they are tomatoes.
3) pair work:
s4: what are these?
s3: they are potatoes.
step3. consolidation
1. 教师在教室里设置四个可以购买蔬菜的场景, 让学生模仿服务员和顾客,进行买卖
1)give the key points: what are these? they are….
2) s1: what are these?
s2: they are beans.共2页,当前第1页12
2A Unit5 At the market Period 1
2A Unit5 At the market Period 1 江苏省无锡市东亭实验小学唐丽英一、教材分析本课的教学内容是《牛津小学英语》2a教材,第五单元,第一课时。二、教学目标1.知识与技能(1)词汇:carrot, bean, tomato, potato(2)句型:what are these? they are ….2.过程与方法(1)。下面小编给大家分享2A Unit5 At the market Period 1,希望能帮助到大家。 2A Unit5 At the market Period 1文档下载网址链接:
