
Module 7 Time off

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Module 7 Time off(精选3篇)Tzt易文君-文库范文网

Module 7 Time off 篇1

  unit 3 language in use 54. it was raining hard/heavily. 雨下得很大.55. are you all right?  ( = are you ok?) 你还好吗?56. i’m not feeling well. 我感觉不太好.57. put sth away 把…收拾起来e.g. please put away your socks. 请把你的袜子收拾起来.58. be popular with … 在…中受欢迎e.g. the lake district is popular with artists who like to paint the beautiful countryside. 湖区很受那些喜欢绘制美丽乡村风景的艺术家的欢迎.59. believe in sth/sb/doing sth 信任…e.g. he believes in magic. 他相信魔力.   i believe in his good nature. 我信任他的人品.60. later on 后来61. on the one hand 一方面  on the other hand 另一方面语法:直接引语与间接引语转述的几种特殊情况1.祈使句的转述祈使句表达的是请求或命令的语气。如果转述的是祈使句,变间接引语时一般转述为tell sb. to do sth.或ask sb. to do sth.这样的结构,根据祈使句所表示的语气可以选择适当的谓语动词。1) 如果直接引语中含有please,间接引语中谓语动词一般用ask等表示要求的单词。直接引语:he said to daming, “ please bring some food.”间接引语:he asked daming to bring some food.直接引语:they said to betty, “ please come soon.”间接引语:they asked betty to go soon.2) 一般情况下可以用tell,语气再强的话,可以用order等单词。直接引语:“ put your school bag on the desk,” mother said to jack.间接引语:mother told jack to put his school bag on the desk.直接引语:“go and wash your hands,” mother said to tom.间接引语:mother told tom to go and wash his hands.3) 如果转述的是否定的祈使句,要用tell/ask sb. not to do sth.的结构。直接引语:she said to tony, “ don’t go close to the bears.”间接引语:she told tony not to go close to the bears.直接引语:we said to them, “ don’t make any noise, please.”间接引语:we asked them not to make any noise.2.感叹句转述感叹句时,可以仍然使用how, what等感叹句引导词,语序不变,也可以用that把它改为宾语从句。直接引语:we said, “ what a clever monkey it is!”间接引语:we said what a clever monkey it was.间接引语:we said that it was a clever monkey.3.否定疑问句转述否定疑问句时,用whether…or not。直接引语:he said, “don’t you know i’m one of you?”间接引语:he asked (us) whether we knew he was one of us or not.4.句型would you like…? / would you please…?would you like…? / would you please…?虽是一个一般疑问句,但它表示的是请求,所以转述时只要将人称作相应的变化,然后运用下面的结构:主语 + ask / invite + 宾语 + 不定式直接引语:“would you like to have lunch with me tomorrow?” he asked.间接引语:he asked / invited me to have lunch with him the next day.直接引语:“ would you please pass me your dictionary?” she said to me.间接引语:she asked me to pass her my dictionary.5.反意疑问句转述反意疑问句时,要先判断此句的语气,它是表达疑问还是陈述。若是疑问语气,则按照一般疑问句用if / whether转述,若是陈述语气,则按照陈述句用that转述。判断语气可根据引述动词是said还是asked。直接引语:he said, “ it’s a fine day, isn’t it?”间接引语:he said that it was a fine day.直接引语:he asked, “ it’s your bike, isn’t it?间接引语:he asked if it was your bike.Tzt易文君-文库范文网

Module 7 Time off 篇2

  unit 3 language in use 学习目标 基础目标: 1.掌握本课的重点单词和短语; 2.深入掌握直接引语与间接引语的转换。 发展目标:      继续以谈论“旅游经历”为话题展开教学活动,让学生轻松学习直接引语与间接引语的转变。 重点和难点: 1.i’m phoning you from my car. it’s raining very hard.    我在车上打电话给你。天下着很大的雨。    rain hard意思是“下大雨”,还可以说“rain heavily”但不可说“rain hardly”。 2.bring the children with you. don’t leave them alone. 带上孩子,别把他们单独留下。 leave sb alone 意思是“单独留下某人”。“leave + 名词或代词 + 地点” 表示“把某物留/忘在某地”。注意,此结构中动词不能用forget。 she’s only a two-month-old girl. don’t__________________ . 她只是两个大的女孩,别把她单独留下。 3.put away your work. 放好你的课本资料。 put away意思是“整理好,放好”。如: ---jim, your books are everywhere on the desk. 吉姆,桌子上到处是你的书。          --- oh, sorry. i’ll _______________ right now. 哦,对不起。我马上把它们整理好。 4.直接引语和间接引语(2) (1)祈使句的转述 转述某人的请求(requests)时常用ask sb. (not) to do, 而在转述某人的命令(orders)时多用tell sb. (not) to do结构。 e.g. “don’t touch anything,” the teacher said to him.    →the teacher told him not to touch anything.    “please open the window,” he said to me.    →he asked me to open the window. (2)疑问句的转述 ①如果直接引语是一般疑问句,间接引语应改为由whether或if引导的宾语从句,宾语从句必须用陈述语序。 e.g. he said,“can you swim, john?”    →he asked john if/whether he could swim. 注意:如果问句表示请示,也可用ask sb. to do的结构。 e.g. he said,“could you please open the window?”    →he asked me to open the window. ②如果直接引语是特殊疑问句,间接引语应该改为由疑问代词或疑问副词引导的宾语从句。 e.g. she asked me,“when do they have their dinner?”    →she asked me when they had their dinner. (3)时态的变化 当主句为过去时,间接引语的时态应作如下的变化: 一般现在时→一般过去时 现在进行时→过去进行时 一般将来时→过去将来时 过去进行时→过去进行时 注意:时态不变的情况: ①直接引语是客观真理。 ②直接引语中有具体的过去某年、某月、某日作状语,变为间接引语时,时态不变。 e.g. xiao wang said,“i was born on april 20,1980.”    →xiao wang said he was born on april 20,1980. (4)间接引语中的时间状语的变化   如:this week变为that week ,now变为then , tomorrow变为the next day, tonight变为that night , yesterday变为the day before , ago变为before 自主巩固 完成句子 1.你知道外面下着大雨吗?   do you know _____________________________________ outside? 2.老师叫我们把自行车放好。   the teacher ________________________________ our bikes. 3.妈妈叫他不要把这个小孩子单独留下。 mother __________________________ this child _________.Tzt易文君-文库范文网

Module 7 Time off 篇3

  一. 本周教学内容:module 7 time off 二. 重点内容:直接引语、间接引语 三. 具体内容:<课文内容分析>必背短语1. hear sb doing sth. 表示“听到某人正在干某事”,doing sth 是现在分词短语作宾语补足语,指动作正在进行。eg. i heard him singing in the next room.       我听到他正在隔壁唱歌。    hear sb do sth.    表示“听到某人干某事”do sth.是不带to的动词不定式短语作宾语补足语,指动作的全过程。    eg. i hear him sing in the next room.    我听到他在隔壁唱歌。2. suggest doing sth.     表示“提议干某事”    eg. i suggested going in my car.       我提议坐我的车去。3. be famous for…    表示“因……而出名”。主语是人时,表示以某种知识、技能或特征而出名;当主语是地方时,则表示以某种特产或名胜而出名。    eg. einstein was famous for his theory of relativity. (主语是人)    爱因斯坦以他的相对论而闻名。    hangzhou is famous for the west lake. (主语是地方)    杭州因西湖而出名。 <语法详解>直接引语改间接引语引述别人的话一般有两种形式。一种是引用别人的原话,将原话放于引号内,这便是直接引语,另一种是用自己的话转述别人的话,被转述的话不放于引号内,这就是间接引语。这两种引语主要做宾语从句或复合宾语。(一)直接引语改间接引语的句型(1)直接引语是陈述句,变成间接引语,要把陈述句变    成由that 引导的宾语从句。eg. 1. mary said,“i am glad to see you.”         mary said (that) she was glad to see me.       2. dick said to her ,“i want this book.”         dick told her that she wanted that book.说明:① 直接引语换成间接引语后不能再用引号。          ② 用连词that引导传达内容,that常省略。          ③ 直接引语的动词如果是say to,那么间接引语就改成tell。(2)直接引语是一般疑问句,变成间接引语,要把一般疑问句变成由if/whether引导的宾语从句,同时语序改为陈述句语序。eg. i asked tom ,“are you a  student?”i asked tom if he was a student.(3)直接引语是特殊疑问句,变成间接引语,要把特殊疑问句变成由特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句,同时语序改为陈述句语序。he asked me ,“what do you want to buy?”                                                                     Tzt易文君-文库范文网

  he asked me what i wanted to buy.(4)直接引语是祈使句,变成间接引语时,要把祈使句的动词原形变成动词不定式,同时加上适当的谓语ask, tell, order 等。如果祈使句为否定句,则在不定式前面加not。eg. 1. the teacher said to me ,“stand up.”         the teacher asked me to stand up.       2. the doctor said to me ,“don’t drink too   much.”         the doctor told me not to drink too much.说明:引述动词可因其内容作如下的变换:表示“命令”tell, order, commend    表示“请求”ask, beg, request表示“忠告”advise(5)直接引语是感叹句变成间接引语时,改为由 that引导的宾语从句,语序改为陈      述句语序。引述动词常为cry (out)或exclaim;将how或what改为veryeg. he said, “what a wonderful gift it is!”  he exclaimed that it was a very wonderful gift. (二)直接引语改间接引语应注意的事项直接引语变为间接引语时在人称,时态,状语,动词等方面需要根据具体的情景进行变化。人称代词的变化如果直接引语是第一人称,变为间接引语时,一般变为第三人称;第二人称变为第三人称或第一人称;第三人称一般不作改变。(1) he said, “i am sorry.”          he said that he was sorry.    (2) she says to him, “you are very nice.”          she tells him that he is very nice.(3) she says to me ,“you are honest.”          she tells me that i am honest.Tzt易文君-文库范文网

  nextlast…ago…the next…     (其次)the previous… (先前的)…before    (当时以前的)tomorrowyesterdaythe next day    (次日,日)the following daythe day before   (前一天)the previous day 直接引语与间接引语精练将下列句子改为间接引语1. li ming said, “my friend wang hong is a painter.”2. he said, “i want more breakfast.”3. li pin said, “i hope to go to england.”4. “class is over,” the teacher said.5. he said, “i’m very happy to visit your factory.”6. “from one of the windows of my house i can see the railway station,” said to wu dong.7. my sister said to me, “i’m leaving tomorrow.”8. “does wu dong always get up late?” he asked.9. “are you going to your home town this summer?” she asked.10. “how are you feeling today?” li lin asked him.11. “when are you going to shanghai?” i asked him.12. “who has taken my dictionary?” asked wang hong.13. “wait for me, please.” the girl said to her mother.14. the teacher said to the class, “stop talking.”15. she said to her sister, “don’t take off your coat.” 将下列句子改为直接引语16. she said that she was really sorry that she couldn’t help.17. he told her that she might keep the book for seven days.18. i asked him whether he tried to call a policeman.19. i asked her e\whether she was reading the newspaper.20. she asked me whether harry was a kind-hearted or hard-hearted man.21. steve told joe that he liked skiing.22. sandra asked her friend how she could solve the problem.23. mr. green said that she didn’t like playing tennis.24. my mother told me to wash the dishes after supper. Tzt易文君-文库范文网



