
I used to be afraid of the dark教案

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I used to be afraid of the dark教案(精选3篇)qLx易文君-文库范文网

I used to be afraid of the dark教案 篇1


  1. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事qLx易文君-文库范文网

  否定形式: didn’t use to do sth. / used not to do sth.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  如:he used to play football after school. 放学后他过去常常踢足球。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  did he use to play football? yes, i did. no, i didn’t.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  he didn’t use to smoke. 他过去不吸烟。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  2. 反意疑问句qLx易文君-文库范文网

  ①肯定陈述句+否定提问 如:lily is a student, isn’t she?qLx易文君-文库范文网

  lily will go to china, won’t she?qLx易文君-文库范文网

  ②否定陈述句+肯定提问  如:qLx易文君-文库范文网

  she doesn’t come from china, does she?qLx易文君-文库范文网

  you haven’t finished homework, have you?qLx易文君-文库范文网

  ③提问部分用代词而不用名词 lily is a student, isn’t she?qLx易文君-文库范文网

  ④陈述句中含有否定意义的词,如:little, few, never, nothing, hardly等。其反意疑问句用肯定式。 如:qLx易文君-文库范文网

  he knows little english, does he? 他一点也不懂英语,不是吗?qLx易文君-文库范文网

  they hardly understood it, did they?他们几乎不明白,不是吗?qLx易文君-文库范文网

  3. play the piano 弹钢琴qLx易文君-文库范文网

  4.  ①be interested in sth. 对…感兴趣qLx易文君-文库范文网

  ②be interested in doing sth. 对做…感兴趣qLx易文君-文库范文网

  如:he is interested in math, but he isn’t interested in speakingqLx易文君-文库范文网

  english. 他对数学感兴趣,但是他对说英语不感兴趣。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  5. interested adj. 感兴趣的,指人对某事物感兴趣,往往主语是人qLx易文君-文库范文网

  interesting adj.有趣的,指某事物/某人具有趣味,主语往往是物qLx易文君-文库范文网

  6. still 仍然,还 qLx易文君-文库范文网

  用在be 动词的后面 如:i’m still a student.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  用在行为动词的前面 如:i still love him.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  7. the dark 天黑,晚上,黑暗qLx易文君-文库范文网

  8. 害怕…  be terrified of sth.  如:i am terrified of the dog.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  be terrified of doing sth. 如:i am terrified of speaking.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  9. on 副词,表示(电灯、电视、机械等)在运转中/打开,qLx易文君-文库范文网

  其反义词off.  with the light on 灯开着qLx易文君-文库范文网

  10. walk to somewhere 步行到某处  walk to school 步行到学校qLx易文君-文库范文网

  11. spend 动词,表示“花费金钱、时间”qLx易文君-文库范文网

  ①spend…on sth. 在某事上花费(金钱、时间)qLx易文君-文库范文网

  ②spend…doing sth. 花费(金钱、时间)去做某事 如:qLx易文君-文库范文网

  he spends too much time on clothes. 他花费太多的时间在衣着qLx易文君-文库范文网

  he spend 3 months building the bridge.他花费了三个月去建这座桥。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  pay for 花费qLx易文君-文库范文网

  如:i pay 10 yuan for the book. 我花了10元买这本书。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  12. take   动词 有“花费”的意思 常用的结构有:qLx易文君-文库范文网

  take sb.  … to do sth. 如:it takes me a day to read the book.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  take … to do sth. qLx易文君-文库范文网

  13. chat with sb. 与某人闲聊 如:i like to chat with him. qLx易文君-文库范文网


  14. worry about sb./ sth. 担心某人/某事 worry 是动词qLx易文君-文库范文网

  be worried about sb./sth. 担心某人/某事 worried 是形容词 qLx易文君-文库范文网

  如:don’t worry about him. 不用担心他。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  mother is worried about her son. 妈妈担心他的儿子。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  15. all the time 一直、始终qLx易文君-文库范文网

  16. take sb. to + 地方 送/带某人去某个地方 如:qLx易文君-文库范文网

  a person took him to the hospital. 一个人把他送到了医院。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  lui took me home. 刘把我送回了家。(home 的前面不能用to)qLx易文君-文库范文网

  17.  hardly  adv. 几乎不、没有qLx易文君-文库范文网

  hardly ever  很少 qLx易文君-文库范文网

  hardly 修饰动词时,通常放在助动词、情态动词之后,实义qLx易文君-文库范文网

  动词之前 助动词/情态动词+hardlyqLx易文君-文库范文网

  hardly + 实义动词  如:qLx易文君-文库范文网

  i can hardly understand them. 我几乎不能够明白他们。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  i hardly have time to do it. 我几乎没有时间去做了。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  18. miss  v.  思念、想念、 错过qLx易文君-文库范文网

  19. in the last few years. 在过去的几年内 常与完成时连用 如:qLx易文君-文库范文网

  i have lived in china in the last few years. qLx易文君-文库范文网


  20. be different from 与…不同 qLx易文君-文库范文网

  21. how to swim 怎样游泳 qLx易文君-文库范文网

  不定式与疑问词连用:动词不定式可以和what, which, how, where, when 等引导的疑问句连用,构成不定工短语。如:qLx易文君-文库范文网

  the question is when to start. 问题是什么时候开始。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  i don’t know where to go. 我不知道去哪。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  22.  make sb./ sth. + 形容词  make you happyqLx易文君-文库范文网

  make sb./ sth. + 动词原形  make him laughqLx易文君-文库范文网

  23. move to +地方 搬到某地 如:i moved to beijing last year.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  24. it seems that +从句 看起来好像…… 如:qLx易文君-文库范文网

  it seems that he has changed a lot. 看起来他好像变了许多。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  25.  help sb. with sth. 帮某人某事  qLx易文君-文库范文网

  help sb. (to ) do sth. 帮某人做某事 qLx易文君-文库范文网

  she helped me with english. 她帮助我学英语。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  she helped me (to) study english。 她帮助我学习英语。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  26. fifteen-year-old 作形容词 15岁的 qLx易文君-文库范文网

  fifteen-year-olds 作名词指15岁的人qLx易文君-文库范文网

  fifteen years old 指年龄 15岁 如:qLx易文君-文库范文网

  a fifteen-year-old boy 一个15岁的男孩qLx易文君-文库范文网

  fifteen-year-olds like to sing. 15岁的人喜欢唱歌。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  i am fifteen years old . 我是15岁。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  27.支付不起…  can’t /couldn’t afford to do sth. qLx易文君-文库范文网

  can’t / couldn’t afford sth.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  如:i can’t/couldn’t afford to buy the car.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  i can’t/couldn’t afford the car.  我买不起这个辆小车。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  28. as + 形容词./副词+as sb. could/can 尽某人的…能力 如:qLx易文君-文库范文网

  zhou run as fast as her could/can. 她尽她最快的能力去跑。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  29. get into trouble with 遇到麻烦 qLx易文君-文库范文网

  30. in the end 最后qLx易文君-文库范文网

  31. make a decision 下决定 下决心 qLx易文君-文库范文网

  32. to one’s surprise 令某人惊讶 如:qLx易文君-文库范文网

  to their surprise 令他们惊讶 to lilei’s surprise令李雷惊讶qLx易文君-文库范文网

  33. take pride in sth. 以…而自豪 如:qLx易文君-文库范文网

  his father always take pride in him. 他的爸爸总是以他而自豪qLx易文君-文库范文网

  34. pay attention to sth. 对…注意,留心 如:qLx易文君-文库范文网

  you must pay attention to your friend. 你应该多注意你的朋友。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  35. be able to do sth. 能做某事 如:qLx易文君-文库范文网

  she is able to do it. 她能够做到。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  36. give up doing sth. 放弃做某事 如:qLx易文君-文库范文网

  my father has given up smoking. 我爸爸已经放弃吸烟了。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  37.不再  ①no more == no longer 如:qLx易文君-文库范文网

  i play tennis no more/ longer.我不再打网球。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  ②not …any more == not …any longer 如:qLx易文君-文库范文网

  i don’t play tennis any more/longer. 我不再打网球。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  38. go to sleep 入睡qLx易文君-文库范文网

I used to be afraid of the dark教案 篇2

  unit 2  i used to be afraid of the dark. qLx易文君-文库范文网

  reading (总第八课时)qLx易文君-文库范文网


  1. 熟记并灵活运用本课的单词和短语:death, cause, patient, in the end=at last, make a decision, to one’s surprise, exactly, even though, no longer, take pride in, pay attention to, give upqLx易文君-文库范文网

  [学习重点]掌握used to 句型。qLx易文君-文库范文网


  i. 热身qLx易文君-文库范文网



  ii. 知识呈现   qLx易文君-文库范文网

  section 1.  before you readqLx易文君-文库范文网

  小组讨论:when you have a problem, how do your parents help you? qLx易文君-文库范文网

  section 2.  while you readqLx易文君-文库范文网

  1.read the passage quickly and find the main idea.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  2.read it again and put the missing sentences into the correct places in the reading. (3a)qLx易文君-文库范文网

  3.read it carefully and find out the language points.qLx易文君-文库范文网


  (1). afford sth/to do sth                负担得起qLx易文君-文库范文网

  he couldn’t afford to pay for his child’s education.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  (2)..cause a lot of trouble (for sb.)   引起很多麻烦qLx易文君-文库范文网

  (3). get into trouble with the police  陷入警察手里qLx易文君-文库范文网

  (4). be patient with sb               对…有耐心qLx易文君-文库范文网

  (5). finally=in the end=at last               最后qLx易文君-文库范文网

  (6). make a decision on sth/doing sth   决定做某事qLx易文君-文库范文网

  =make up one’s mind to do sth=decide to do sthqLx易文君-文库范文网

  (7). it’s necessary to do sth         必须做某事qLx易文君-文库范文网

  (8). to one’s surprise              使某人吃惊qLx易文君-文库范文网

  be surprised at sth              吃惊于…qLx易文君-文库范文网

  to my surprise, a phone call changed his life.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  (9). even though=even if (+让步状语从句)   即使qLx易文君-文库范文网

  even though he is eighty, he looks young and healthy.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  (10). no longer=not...any longer      不再(延续性)qLx易文君-文库范文网

  no more=not…any more       不再(短暂性)qLx易文君-文库范文网

  (11). take pride in=feel/be proud of    为…而自豪qLx易文君-文库范文网

  i take pride in being a chinese.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  i am/feel proud of being a chinese.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  (12). pay attention to sth/the grammar   注意语法qLx易文君-文库范文网



  section 3.  after you readqLx易文君-文库范文网


  section 4.  go for it!qLx易文君-文库范文网

  discuss it in group and finish the chart.qLx易文君-文库范文网



  1.我过去怕黑。 qLx易文君-文库范文网


  2.i go to sleep with my bedroom light on.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  _____________________________________________ qLx易文君-文库范文网

  3.i used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends. qLx易文君-文库范文网


  4. 我几乎没有时间去听音乐会. (hardly ever)qLx易文君-文库范文网





  grown-ups are always telling kids what to do. do you listen to them? usually, they know what is best for you, but sometimes they can be wrong.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  so, china has a special law to keep people under 18 safe. it is called the underage protection law(《未成年人保护法》).qLx易文君-文库范文网

  teachers can punish (惩罚) bad students, but they can not just do anything they like. if a teacher tries to get you out of class, you can go to the headmaster and tell him you have the right to stay in school.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  school buildings and playgrounds must also be safe for children. if the things you use in p. e. class are unsafe, the school must fix them or get new ones, according to the underage protection law.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  do you know anyone who can’t go to school because their parents aren’t willing to pay for it? this is also against the law, which says parents must pay for their kids’ education.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  kids have a right to privacy (隐私) under the law, which says parents and teachers can’t read children’s own letters .qLx易文君-文库范文网

  the law also protects children’s health. it says there should be no smoking in schools and other places where many teenagers go.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  have you ever wondered (想知道) why tickets for parks and museums are cheaper for students? it’s also because of the underage protection law. it says that kids need to have lots of chances to learn.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  1. the underage protection law keeps _____ safe.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  a. all the people        b. only people under 16qLx易文君-文库范文网

  c. people under 18      d. kids and womenqLx易文君-文库范文网

  2. the underage protection law protects your right ______.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  a. when a teacher tries to kick you out of classqLx易文君-文库范文网

  b. when the things you use in p. e. class are unsafeqLx易文君-文库范文网

  c. when your parents don’t’ allow you to go to schoolqLx易文君-文库范文网

  d. all of the aboveqLx易文君-文库范文网

  3. who can read children’s own letters?qLx易文君-文库范文网

  a. children’s parents.      b. children’s teachers.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  c. children’s friends.      d. children themselves.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  4. why are tickets for parks and museums cheaper for students?qLx易文君-文库范文网

  a. because few students like to go to those places.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  b. because students have no money to buy tickets.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  c. because the underage protection law says students have the right.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  d. because students don’t need to have lots of chances to learn.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  5. how many rights does the underage protection law say in theqLx易文君-文库范文网


  a. three.      b. six.      c. five.      d. seven.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  v. 作业布置qLx易文君-文库范文网

  1、 完成《同步》。    2、units 3 1a-2c , 听音。qLx易文君-文库范文网

I used to be afraid of the dark教案 篇3

  unit 2 i used to be afraid of the dark.qLx易文君-文库范文网


  period five  qLx易文君-文库范文网


  ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母(汉语)提示,补全单词qLx易文君-文库范文网

  1. her pet hamster’s __________(死) made her feel very sad. qLx易文君-文库范文网

  2. martin’s mother couldn’t a_______ to pay for his education.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  3. the boy ___________(制造) a lot of trouble for his family.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  4. enid is a good teacher. she is very p_______ with her pupils.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  5. don’t w_______ money on the clothes you don’t need, please.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  ⅱ. 词组翻译qLx易文君-文库范文网

  1. 最后 __________________ 2. 作出决定 _______________         qLx易文君-文库范文网

  3. 令某人惊奇的是 ___________________   4. 即使 ____________________qLx易文君-文库范文网

  5. 不再 ________________  6. 对…感到自豪 __________________qLx易文君-文库范文网

  7. 对---注意__________________ 8. 放弃  _________________qLx易文君-文库范文网

  ⅲ. 根据所给的汉语提示完成句子qLx易文君-文库范文网

  1. 近来与母亲的一个对话改变了他的生活。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  a __________________________ his mother changed her life.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  2. 他母亲尽可能的照顾好他。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  his mother ____________ him _________________ she could.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  3. 马丁有必要与他母亲谈谈。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  it was ______________ martin ______________ his mother.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  4. 马丁有必要与他母亲谈谈。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  it was ______________ martin ______________ his mother.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  能力提升  qLx易文君-文库范文网

  ⅳ. 完形填空qLx易文君-文库范文网

  one hot night last july when our new baby wouldn’t or couldn’t sleep, i   1   everything i could think of: a warm bottle, songs, gentle rocking. nothing would make him go to sleep. guessing that i had a long   2   ahead of me, i brought a portable tv into his room, thinking that watching the late movie was the best way to qLx易文君-文库范文网


  ★even thoughqLx易文君-文库范文网

  even though(even if) 从属连词,意为:“即使,即令……也……;”引导让步状语从句。even if的从句中含有强烈的假定性,even though则多以从句之内容为前提。例如:qLx易文君-文库范文网

  even if i have to sell my house, i'll keep my business.即使我卖掉房子,我还是要继续我的事业。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  ★ take pride of  take pride of=be proud of 以...自豪qLx易文君-文库范文网

  i take great pride in my work.qLx易文君-文库范文网


  you should take more pride in your appearance.你应该多注意一点仪表。qLx易文君-文库范文网

  kill off the  3  until early morning. to my  4  , as soon as the tv lit up, the baby  5   right now and his little eyes were fixed brightly on the screen. not to waste a chance for  6   , i then walked out of the room quietly,  7  him to watch mickey mouse. my wife and i heard  8  of the baby that night, and the next morning when i went into his room, i   9   him still watching tv  10  . qLx易文君-文库范文网

  (   )1. a. took  b. made  c. tried  d. learnedqLx易文君-文库范文网

  (   )2. a. morning  b. afternoon  c. evening  d. nightqLx易文君-文库范文网

  (   )3. a. hours  b. films  c. days  d. booksqLx易文君-文库范文网

  (   )4. a. joy  b. happiness  c. surprise  d. angerqLx易文君-文库范文网

  (   )5. a. sat  b. slept  c. stayed  d. quietedqLx易文君-文库范文网

  (   )6. a. work  b. study  c. sleep  d. playqLx易文君-文库范文网

  (   )7. a. asking  b. leaving  c. letting  d. allowingqLx易文君-文库范文网

  (   )8. a. anything  b. something  c. nothing  d. everythingqLx易文君-文库范文网

  (   )9. a. heard  b. found  c. felt  d. watchedqLx易文君-文库范文网

  (   )10. a. him  b. he   c. himself  d. hisqLx易文君-文库范文网


  ⅴ. 1.【09 福州】qLx易文君-文库范文网

  她不害怕在公共场合讲话。(be afraid of, in public)qLx易文君-文库范文网

  2. 【09 苏州】qLx易文君-文库范文网

  i _________ a lot but i don’t play very often now.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  a. use to play tennis   b. was used to play tennisqLx易文君-文库范文网

  c. am used to play tennis   d. used to play tennisqLx易文君-文库范文网

  3. 【07 兰州】qLx易文君-文库范文网

  he used to ______ in the sun, but now he is used to _____ at night.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  a. read, read  b. reading, read  c. read, reading  d. reading, readingqLx易文君-文库范文网

  4. 【08 河南】qLx易文君-文库范文网

  mrs green _______ go to hospital, but now she is in good health.qLx易文君-文库范文网

  a. has to  b. needs to  c. used to  d. ought toqLx易文君-文库范文网

  5. 【08 广州】qLx易文君-文库范文网

  at the meeting mr. king didn’t say a word from beginning to end, _____?  qLx易文君-文库范文网

  a. didn’t mr king  b. did he  c. did mr king  d. didn’t heqLx易文君-文库范文网


  ★  in the end & at the end of & by the end ofqLx易文君-文库范文网

  at the end of意为“在……结束时、在……的尽头”,可用以指时间或处所,强调一段时间的结束点或某段路程的终止处,例如:qLx易文君-文库范文网

  our school held a sports meeting at the end of last year.qLx易文君-文库范文网


  by the end of意为“到……末为止”,后可跟过去时间与过去完成时连用,也可跟将来时间,而与将来时连用。例如:qLx易文君-文库范文网

  by the end of last term we had learned five english songs.qLx易文君-文库范文网


  in the end意为“最终、最后”与at last 或者finally同义。例如:qLx易文君-文库范文网

  in the end they caught the thief.qLx易文君-文库范文网



