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Module2第1单元教案 篇1

  module 1  friends sml易文君-文库范文网

  unit 1 she’s a nice teacher. 知识目标: a) 能听、说、认读下列单词: nice、clever、shy、naughty b) 能听懂、会说下列句型:he’s/she’s a bit/ very … c) 初步了解转折的表达方式:she’s very nice. but she’s a bit shy. 能力目标: 能简单描述周围人的性格特征、个性特点。 情感目标:能用英语向他人介绍某人的性格特征、个性特点,培养学生认真观察、善于观察的好习惯,进一步通过活动使学生热爱英语,培养学生团结友爱、互帮互助的良好习惯。 教学重点:描述性格的形容词汇与句型的学习和运用。 教学难点:描述周围人的性格特征、个性特点。 教具:学图片、单词卡片、单词陀螺、课件。 每人一张人物个性特点调查表。 教学过程 ⅰ热身复习. (3’) ① 问候:t——s ②听唱歌曲《the more we get together.》(学生一边拍手一边唱) ⅱ 呈现新授 (20’) 通过歌曲引出本课的话题 t:this is a song about friends.today we will talk about our friends.let’s see who can describe his\her friends best. and let’s see which group is the best in this class. t:now the first,let’s recdognize panpan’s friends. 课件出示panpan’s的四位朋友do you want to know how does panpan appraise his friends? 播放录音,让学生们回答下列问题 (1)what are their friends names? (2)what is each person’s temperament? 让学生尽可能用英语回答问题. (1)课件出示毛毛的图片 t:who is she? (maomao)what’s she like? ( nice\a bit shy) s: she’s nice. t: yes. and she’s nice. but a bit shy(课件出示单词、教读、拼读单词)nice. a bit shy(板贴图片、板书单词) s: practise in groups.(因为以前曾经接触过,所以由学生来当小老师进行检查) sml易文君-文库范文网

  t: who is nice in our class?(学生通过观察,根据实际情况回答问题,对单词和句子有更深刻的理解) sml易文君-文库范文网

  (2)教师用同的方法出示小勇的图片新授单词clever sml易文君-文库范文网

  (3)教师用同的方法出示鹦鹉的图片新授单词naughty ⅲ课文学习(5’) 1、教师播放录音机,学生边听边用手指出相应的图片。 2、教师再一次播放录音,学生边听边用手指出相应的图片,并跟读。 3、小组表演对话 ⅳ任务运用   1、 guessing game. a. 教师描述学生猜:教师用课件出示4名同学的照片以及一些他们的介绍。教师对其中的一名同学进行简单的描述,让同学猜猜老师描述的是谁。eg:she is a girl.she has long hair .she is a bit shy.she like  swimming.who is she? b学生描述学生猜:教师选择几个班里很有特点的同学,请他们站成一排,请班里另一名同学耳语告诉老师,他(她)将要让大家猜站成一排中的某一同学的名字,然后逐一说出该同学的特点,每说一特点,便问一句“who’s this?”看谁先猜对。 2、教师用课件出示一些笑星,名星的图片, a.t: i have some new friends else.i am sure you like them.let’s say hello to them and try to memorize their appearances. b.学生两人一组进行练习 c.找几组到教师前面表演 3、同位之间合作完成调查表,尝试运用句型:are you …?) 表格设计如下: sml易文君-文库范文网

  naughty sml易文君-文库范文网

  shy sml易文君-文库范文网

  nice sml易文君-文库范文网

  clever sml易文君-文库范文网

  name sml易文君-文库范文网

  s: (展示结果)this is my friend…. he’s/ she’s…. 4.blackboard design ⅴ小结 学说一句谚语:a friends in need is a friend indeed ⅵ作业 试着描述你的家人 板书设计sml易文君-文库范文网

Module2第1单元教案 篇2

  一、       教学目标 知识目标 1、            能听说、认读本课的七个单词london, capital, about, beautiful, buckingham place, queen. 2、            能朗读本课的对话。 能力目标 1使学生能够在一定的语言情景中用刚学过的语言进行交流。 2培养学生听书读写的综合能力. 3通过调查访问等多种途径了解英国首都伦敦的风土人情、标志建筑等信息。收集相关文字和图片资料。在课堂上进行交流和介绍。 情感目标 促进同学之间沟通与交流。通过同学之间互相表述的能力,加强同学间了解,增进彼此友谊。学会如何与他人相处的人际关系,从而提高学生口语交际能力。 教学重难点 重点:基本能听懂,会说,会读,会写词汇:capital, about ,beautiful ,学会london is the capital of england.  and it’s very big .this is ,,,it’s ,,,的语言结构。. 难点:注意beautiful、buckingham  palace的发音。 . 二、       教学用具 1、            教师自制的关于伦敦的书。 2、            卡片、cai课件、录音机、录音带。 三、       教学过程 ⅰ 热身复习 ① 问候:t——ss ②听唱歌曲 “london bridge is falling down.”(学生一边拍手一边唱) ③ tpr活动复习形容词{教师出示卡片或动作} nice, nice, it’s nice big,big,it’s big. small, small, it’s small. long, long, it’s long. short, short, it’s short. beautiful, beautiful, it’s beautiful ⅱ 呈现 (一) 老师手持一本自制的关于伦敦的书问同学们 t: what’s this? ss: it’s a book. t: yeah, it’s a book. it’s a book about “london”.一本关于伦敦的书。出示单词卡片 a book about london 领读几遍,然后让学生个别回答,并给予表扬。(you are very good at something.  you are very clever. a clever boy or girl.) t: do you know london? ss: yes. t: who can tell me something about london? please put up your hands. s1: 伦敦是英国的首都。 t: yeah, london is the capital of england. (电脑大屏幕出示伦敦的图片,老师指着图片上的文字capital领读。) 学生模仿,并以不同的方式读单词,小组读,个人读等等. t: who knows anything else about london? ss: london is big。 t: yes, london is very big. t: and it is very beautiful.(大屏幕出示beautiful的单词卡片)教授新词beautiful t: please follow me. london is the capital. big and beautiful. (二)大屏幕呈现白金汉宫的图片。 t: oh, what’s this? do you know? it is a palace. it’s buckingham palace. (领读) 用简单的英语向同学们介绍buckingham palace。然后让学生对它进行简单的形容 now let have a travel in buckingham palace. this is buckingham palace square. this is buckingham palace gate. how do you feel about them? s1: it’s very big. s2: it’s very beautiful. 教师通过提问的方式引导教授新词组queen’s house t: yes, it’s very big and very beautiful. but do you know whose house is it? is it amy’s house? ss: no, it isn’t. t: it’s the queen’s house.(课件出示女王的图片,讲解queen.) read after me, please. the queen’s house. the    queen’s house. 出示amy的房子,与queen’s house相比较,再一次强调形容词的恰当使用。 t: now look at the screen. now look at another house and answer my question. (1)            is it big? ss: no, it isn’t. it’s small. (2)            is it beautiful? ss: yes, it is. (3)            is it the queen’s house? ss: no, it isn’t. it’s amy’s house. ⅲ任务运用 a 游戏 传单词 激发学生学习兴趣,操练所学的句子 t: yeah, amy’s house is small, but it’s very beautiful. buckingham palace is big and beautiful, too. now let’s play a game. and let’s see which group is winner?( a game--- pass word 1 it’s buckingham palace. 2 it’s a book of london. 3 it’s the queen’s house. 4 it’s the capital of england.) b 小组活动,在相互的帮助下能够准确的运用本节课所学知识 t: okay, boys and girls. let’s look at the screen again. 图片1: this is england. and this is london. london is the capital of england. it’s very big. 图片2: this is buckingham palace. it’s very big and very beautiful. it’s the queen’s house. 图片3: this is amy’s house. it’s small, but it’s very beautiful. t: now, boys and girls try your best to talk about these pictures with your deskmates. (after a few minutes) who wants to come to the front, to point and say? ⅳ课文学习 1、t: amy and lingling are reading the book about london. let’s see what they are talking about. 2、教师播放录音机,学生边听边用手指出相应的图片。 3、教师再一次播放录音,学生边听边用手指出相应的图片,并跟读。 4、小组表演对话 ⅴ小结  最后以一首自编的的小律诗将本课的内容做简单的归纳 what’s this?        what’s this?  buckingham palace.  buckingham palace.  what’s this?        what’s this?  the queen’s house.  the queen’s house.  what’s this?        what’s this?  amy’s house.        amy’s house.  it’s small, but beautiful.  beautiful, beautiful.  the most beautiful one is the capital. ⅵ作业 1.        自己从网上搜索白金汉宫的资料。 2.        设计一本 a book about yantai.的画册。 板书设计sml易文君-文库范文网

Module2第1单元教案 篇3

  知识目标: a) 能听、说、认读下列单词:cool little cuteb) 能听懂、会说下列句型:he’s/she’s a bit/ very …能力目标: 能简单描述周围人的性格特征、个性特点。情感目标:能用英语向他人介绍某人的性格特征、个性特点,培养学生认真观察、善于观察的好习惯,进一步通过活动使学生热爱英语,培养学生团结友爱、互帮互助的良好习惯。教学重点:描述性格的形容词汇与句型的学习和运用。教学难点:描述周围人的性格特征、个性特点。教学准备:教师:教学图片、单词卡片、单词陀螺、课件。学生:每人一张人物个性特点调查表。家人的照片教学过程:ⅰ热身复习. (3’)① 问候:t——ss②听唱歌曲 “we’re friends.”(学生一边拍手一边唱)you and me, me and you.        you are my friend, i’m your friend.        me and you, you and me.        i’m your friend, you’re my friend.③ tpr活动复习形容表演小chant “ there is a little girl”.there is a little girl. and she has a little curl. and when she is good. she is very, very good. and when she is bad. she is very, very bad.ⅱ 呈现新授 (20’)1、cute、 cool、littlet: you have so many friends. today, i’ll take some new friends to you. do you know them?t: (课件出示小燕子的图片)who’s this?s: xiao yanzi.t: what’s xiao yanzi like?s: she’s naughty.t: yes. and she’s cute.(课件出示单词、教读、拼读单词)cute.(板贴图片、板书单词)s: practise in groups.(因为以前曾经接触过,所以由学生来当小老师进行检查)t: xiao yanzi is cute.(学生模仿,然后根据班中同学的性格特征、个性特点进行造句。)教师用同的方法出示明星周杰伦的图片教授单词coolt: (课件出示单词、教读、拼读单词)cool (板贴图片、板书单词)s: one group: one by one. t: zhou jielun  is cool. (学生模仿,然后根据班中同学的性格特征、个性特点进行造句。)t: let’s watch the cartoon. (课件:白雪公主的动画短片。)  who are they?s: 小矮人t: what are they like?s;littlet: (课件出示单词、教读、拼读单词)little (板贴图片、板书单词)s: two by two. t: this is my little sister. (学生模仿,然后出示自己家人的照片,模仿说句子)ⅲ课文学习(5’)1、教师播放录音机,学生边听边用手指出相应的图片。2、教师再一次播放录音,学生边听边用手指出相应的图片,并跟读。3、小组表演对话ⅳ任务运用1、(利用单词陀螺复习:cool little cute,单词陀螺快速旋转,由学生快速说出陀螺上的单词。)2、guessing game.(教师利用单词卡片复习单词:将单词卡片背向学生藏起来,请学生来猜:藏起来的单词是哪一个。)3、look and say.t: ok, i have many pictures. on the pictures, there are many people. tell me: “how do you think about them?”.(课件展示蓝猫、唐老鸭、柯南、蜡笔小新、樱桃小丸子、该班部分学生、任课教师的图片,请学生根据自己的观察说出他们的个性特点。)ⅴ小结4、学生自由介绍自己的家人(向全班同学展示课前准备好的照片)this is my …. he’s/she’s a bit/ veryⅵ作业1、            对你的同桌谈一谈你的家人2、            和你的同桌一起表演课文对话板书设计:sml易文君-文库范文网



