新目标八年级上 Unit3 教案示例(精选3篇)
新目标八年级上 Unit3 教案示例 篇1
unit 3 what are you doing for vacation教案示例一period 1 学习目标 掌握有关假期生活的动词 假期里自己打算的简单表达 谈论假期要做的事情及可能的情况。 谈论假期时旅游的天气,旅游者以及食物等。 二、学习向导 语言目标 学习策略与思维技巧 重点词汇 what are you doing for vacation? i’m spending time with my friends. when is she going? she’s going on monday / on the 12th / next week. how long is she staying? she’s staying just for four weeks. role playing listening for key words. relaxing, visiting, spending time, babysitting, bike riding, sightseeing, fishing, take walks, rent, how long 语言结构 语言功能 跨学科学习 present progressive as future where, when, how long questions talk about future plans 了解和熟悉北京地理 三.主题思维图及任务型活动 四.教学步骤: step 1: lead in: listen to the tape of section a 2a,2b before listening, two questions are given: what are they doing on vacation? when are they going on vacation? step 2: task one: show one’s own vacation plan. pair work and presentation. brain storm: let students speak out the vacation activities they’d like to do. step 3: task two: travel around. listen to the tape of section b2a,ab. step 4: class work: ask classmates about their vacation plan and fill in a chart. name place weather activities when how long sample: name place weather activities when how long mary hongkong sunny, warm and humid going to the beaches, going to the sea park… next summer two weeks jim … … step 5: task three: venessa’s tour in beijing. imagine you are a tourist guide from … agency. you plan the schedules with you group mates for venessa in beijing. the schedule must contains: where are you going? what are you doing there? what should tourists take with them? where are you leaving from? what time are you leaving? what are you eating? step 6: report: hi, venessa. i’m glad to tell you the agenda. ... step7: homework: write down your schedule and write a letter to her. 教学点评及反思: 一.环节设计思路: 本课以听说为主线,以三个环环相扣,循序渐进的任务展开知识学习。 首先就以课本中的一段对话听力引入,将学生自然带入语言环境,并初步感受到本课的主要话题是谈论假期活动。由此引出本课第一个任务,学生自己谈论各自的假期活动安排,并为第二个任务做了铺垫。学会陈述自己的情况之后,还要交流和了解他人的假期活动,因此,第二个任务接踵而来,学生开始自由调查班级里其他同学的假期活动安排是怎样的。这个任务承上启下,它引出本课的中心任务:即为venessa安排北京之旅的日程。 二.课后反思: 本课在设计上听说结合,相得益彰。首先给学生创造了一个语言环境,让学生自然融入,然后,缓缓导入阶梯状任务链,循序渐进,难度不断加大,但坡度平缓,铺垫充分且扎实,因此学生在完成最后的中心任务时亦不觉吃力,整堂课学生活动充分,教师的引导点到为止,给学生较大的空间发挥和创造。另外,教师在几个任务之间的点评也很及时到位,给学生非常清晰的范例和指示,利于学生明确任务的方向。
新目标八年级上 Unit3 教案示例 篇2
unit 1 how often do you exercise?教案示例一
通过本节课的学习学生能掌握以下基本句型:how often do you brush your teeth? i brush my teeth twice a day. 本节课的总体设计体现了新课程标准中的从学生的学习兴趣、生活体验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径的教学理念。
lead in: let students pay attention to the importance of brushing teeth.
task 1: how often do you brush your teeth?
task 2: how do you protect your teeth?
task 3: who is the best teeth protector?
lead-in 由小实验导入我们应爱护我们的牙齿。
this experiment simulates the protection power of fluoride.
what you’ll need:
1 bottle of fluoride rinse solution (available from your dentist, local dental supply company and some pharmacies)
2 eggs 1 bottle of white vinegar 3 containers
what to do:
pour four inches of fluoride rinse solution into one of the containers and then place an egg in the solution. let it sit for five minutes. remove the egg. pour four inches of vinegar into each of the remaining two containers. put the egg that has been treated with the fluoride into one container of vinegar and the untreated egg in the other container of vinegar.
what will happen:
one egg will start to bubble as the vinegar (an acid) starts to attack the minerals in the egg shell. which egg do you think will start to bubble?
2. 学生仔细的观察试验的结果。通过试验让学生意识到保护牙齿的重要性
3. 由学生brainstorm保护牙齿的正确的方法。并发给学生表格在小组内对小组的成员进行问卷调查。
how often do you brush your teeth?
once a day
two times a day
after each meal
how long do you brush your teeth?
30 seconds
1 minute
2 minutes
longer than 2 minutes
what type of tooth-brush do you use?
i don't know
extra soft-bristled
do you use toothpaste with fluorine?
how often do you eat sweets?
many times a day
twice a day
once a day
once a week
how often do you see your dentist for a preventive check-up?
once in several years
once a year
twice a year
how often do you change your toothbrush?
every 3-4 months
every 6 months
how often do you floss between your teeth?
4. 小组内调查并做完报告后,小组内讨论什么是正确保护牙齿的方法, 并选出最讲究牙齿卫生的标兵。
5. 扩展话题:
how often do you cut your hair?
how often do you cut your nails?
how often do you wash your hands?
how often do you wash your hair?
how often do you change your underwear?
how often do your have a body check?
首先由一个小的实验引入本课,这样可以引起学生的兴趣,并能帮助学生意识到保护牙齿的重要性。并能让学生的注意力马上集中到课上来。第二步,通过pair work让学生互相了解彼此的刷牙习惯并比较有什么不同。第三步,让学生小组讨论出什么是保护牙齿的正确方法。 并通过问卷的形式,在小组内评选出保护牙齿的小卫士。
新目标八年级上 Unit3 教案示例 篇3
教案示例一 教学重点和难点: 运用所掌握的语言描述,比较不同地点的特点。 在练习中学习掌握英语比较级和最高级的用法。 课前准备 分配小组,每组五至六人。通过上网或翻阅报刊杂志等方法,确定旅游线路,做出基本的旅游计划。 教学设计: 本节课流程图 学法指导: 1.由于这是一堂新课,在教学中应注意面向全体,发挥学生的主体性,引导学生积极参与,激发学生的求知欲和学习积极性,指导学生积极思维,主动获取知识,养成良好的学习方法。逐步学会独立解决问题。总之要尽可能调动学生的非智力因素促进智力因素的发展。 教法选择: 1.电化教学法 2.课堂讨论法 3.任务型教学法 采用这些方法的目的是为了充分调动学生的学习积极性,使学生变被动学习为主动学习。通过电脑形象的演示,加强印象,提高兴趣,突破难点,提高教学效率,进而增大教学的容量和信息量。充分体现教师为主导,学生为主体的教学原则。 学生过程设计: 教学内容 teaching contents 教师的教学指导 teacher’s instruction 学生的学习活动 students’ activities 导入 lead in 放一段影片介绍意大利。 i went to italy for my vacation last year. it was terrific. it is the most exciting country in europe. 板书或在屏幕上强调 the most exciting。 在介绍时使用比较级和最高级。 各组演示多媒体课件,通过图片,数据向同学们介绍不同地方的特点。简单叙述选择此地点的原因。 讨论1 通过观看同学们收集的资料请同学们进行交流: 见附表1 分组讨论,选出代表,表述自己的观点。 语言学习 1.把各组课件中出现的形容词列出来,各组比赛写出这些词的比较级和最高级。 2.各组讨论形容词比较级和最高级的变化规则。 1.write the comparative and superlative of the words given. 2.talk about the spelling rules. ·add er or est to most words. ·add r or st to words ending in e ·drop y and add ier or iest ·double the final consonant and add er or est. 讨论2 教师指导运用比较级,最高级进行练习。见附表2 分组练习,发表意见。 句型练习 给出model,指导学生练习。 见附表3 1.work in pairs 2. act out. 讨论3 指导学生写出旅游地点选择的理由。 1.阅读范文 2.写作练习 写作指导 展示学生作文,改错,讲解。进一步巩固所学知识。 写作练习,听讲,总结。 附表1 which is the best city to visit for our winter vacation. place 1 place 2 weather price activities distance 附表2 exciting famous beautiful crowded warm cold and foggy dangerouscheap expensive near close far…. important not important 附表3 a: so which place is the best for our winter vocation? b: i like…. it’s …. a: but i think ……. b: i’ve always wanted to visit…. what’s it like in winter? a: …. 范文: harbin is in the north of china. it’s cold in winter. tourists need to wear clothes. it is one of the coldest places in china in winter. there is an ice and snow festival that lasts about six weeks. a hotel room is about 230 yuan a night. it’s cheaper than it is in beijing. i think it is the most beautiful city i’ve ever seen in winter. 课后反思 在教学中通过小组合作、独立思考、个人集团讨论相结合的组织形式给学生一定的时间和空间,营造宽松、和谐的学练气氛,让学生在练习的过程中了解英语比较级和最高级的用法。了解中国甚至是世界各国的风土人情。本堂课的主题引起学生的兴趣。为了激发学生学习兴趣,本节课采用了多媒体和实物投影等多种教学辅助手段,学生通过讨论的形式积极参与课堂学习,激发学生积极主动学习的热情。 在导入时,借助录像片,创设一种真实的、贴近学生生活实际的教学情境,培养学生以英语语言作为第一反映,从而提高学生语言综合运用能力、自主学习和发散思维的能力。 课堂组织形式以小组活动为主,增加每个学生课堂参与的机会和发挥个性特长的机会,在参与中培养学生的合作精神、团队精神以及相互学习、资源共享的意识。在活动中引导学生不断整合已经学过的知识,进一步提高语言的运用能力,即培养学生的记忆、观察、思维、掌握与运用知识的环境
新目标八年级上 Unit3 教案示例