
Unit3 Development

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Unit3 Development(精选4篇)4QJ易文君-文库范文网

Unit3 Development 篇1

  unit6   development4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  i. objectives4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  1. story time4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  2. did you know4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  3. additional words4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  4. sing along. p21    my friend4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  ii. process4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  1. revision4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (1) whole class read  u44QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (2) recide the dialogue4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (3) act out the dialogue4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  2. presentation4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (1) p26  story time4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  a. listen to the tape4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  b. explain the story4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  c. read after the tape4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  d. try to act out the dialogue4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (2) p27.  did you know4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  to introduce some great person whom are considered as heroes or heroines.4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (3) p28  additional words4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  a. explain the words4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  b. tell the students. the rules to find out their opposite words.4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (4) p23  sing along : my friend4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  a. teach the new words:4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  kind, honest, funny, hand wording4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  b. listen to the tape4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  c. singina low voice4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  d. sing aloud4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  homework: (国庆长假)4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  1. p19  ex. 24QJ易文君-文库范文网

  2. 活p9  ex.1 ex.24QJ易文君-文库范文网

  3. ④家听u1  单词(名)4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  4. 改正听有作业薄4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  5. 预习u5(词)背u1 u2 u4(名)4QJ易文君-文库范文网




  fun  funny4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  hard + working    hard working4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  sweet 4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  rich 4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  hand + some      hand some4QJ易文君-文库范文网

Unit3 Development 篇2

  unit15     development4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  i. objectives4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  1. story time4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  2. p66  let’s learn together4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  3. activity book4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  4. did you know4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  ii. procedure4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  1. read and recide  u13. u144QJ易文君-文库范文网

  2. sum up4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  what time do you have breakfast?4QJ易文君-文库范文网


  what time is it?4QJ易文君-文库范文网


  3. p66  let’s learn together4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  listen and match the pictures with the clocks4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  4. story time4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (1) look at the pictures4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (2) listen to the tape4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (3) answer the questions4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (4) whole class read the story4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (5) try to act out the story4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  5. p69  did you know4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  6. exercises4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  activity book,  module 5   unit  134QJ易文君-文库范文网

  check the answer one bye one4QJ易文君-文库范文网


  1. 活p394QJ易文君-文库范文网

  2. p39. ex.三   p40  ex.四 五4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  3. 预u16(词)4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  module   6    days  of   the   week4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  i. objectives4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  1. language skill4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (1) can tell what i do every day4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (2) can ask what my friends do and what they don’t do during the week4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  2. language knowledge4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (1) vocabulary:4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  4 skills: football, card, monday, often, sometimes, chess, basketball, swim, game, day, week, sunday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, run, floor, every, go shopping, out, go out, happy, make, watch, housework, homework4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  3 skills: badminton, tennis, table tennis, skip, activity, sweep, do gardening, together4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (2) drills:4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  what day is it today?4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  it’s monday.4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  what do you usually do after school on monday4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  i often play football.4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (3) sub-topic:4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  unit 16: games we play4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  unit 17: the work we do at home4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  unit 18: development4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  3. affect:4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (1) to have fun4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (2) to develop imagination and creativity4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (3) to develop interests and confidence in using english4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  4. learning strategy4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (1) cognitive strategy4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (2) regulating strategy4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (3) communicative resource strategy4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  5. cultural consciousness4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  to raise awareness of the relationships between the names of the planets and the names of the days of the week in english.4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  the link between the names of the solar planets and the days of the week started in egypy very early in the history of civilization4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  ii. difficult points:4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (1) what day is it today?4QJ易文君-文库范文网


  (2) what do you usually do after school on monday?4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  i often…4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (3) do you often…?4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  yes, i / we do.   no, i / we don’t.4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  iii. schedule:  5  long- periods4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  iv. materials4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  textbook, activity book, tapes, teacher’s book, word cards4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  u16  games  we  play4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  i. objectives:4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  1. vocabulary: game, football, basketball, card, monday, often, sometimes, chess, badminton, swim4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  2. drills4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (1) what day is it today?4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  it’s monday4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (2) what do you usually do after school on monday?4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  i often play football4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  ii. procedure4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  1. point to the blackboard. (monday)4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  t: what day is it today?4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  ss: monday4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  t: yes, it’s monday.4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  teach: monday4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  repeat: what day is it today?4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  it’s monday.4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  2. what do you do ?4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  what do you usually do?4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  i often play football.4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  teach: often, play football4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  what do you usually do after school on monday.4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  i often play football with my friends (practice)4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  3. use play basketball, play badminton, play chess, play cards, skip, swim, instead of paly football4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  teach: basketball, card, skip4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  4. listen to the tape, presents the dialogue4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  5. teach: sometimes4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  6. read after the tape4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  7. whole class read the dialogue4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  8. read in groups4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  9. try to recide by key words4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  10. sum up4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (1) read the new words.4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (2) under line the phrases4QJ易文君-文库范文网


  1. copy the new words, phrasesand  u16 dialogue4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  2. recide u164QJ易文君-文库范文网

  layout   unit  16   games we play4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  what day is it today?4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  it’s monday4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  what do you usually do after school on monday?4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  i often play football with my friends4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  do you often…?4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  no, sometimes…  sometime….4QJ易文君-文库范文网



  play  football          football4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  basketball        basketball4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  chess           chess4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  cards           card4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  badminton       badminton4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  skip 4QJ易文君-文库范文网


Unit3 Development 篇3

  unit3    development4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  i. objective4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  1. story time4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  2. did you know (cultural consciousness)4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  3. review: can i help you?4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  whose is / are… ?   it’s / they’re… ‘s.4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  ii. processes4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  1. leading in 4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (1) scene  1:4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  show some clothes (a shop)4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  ---- can i help you? / what can i do for you ?4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  ---- i’d like to buy….4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  ---- how much…. ?4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  ---- it’s / they’re…4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  ---- ok.  i’ll take…4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  ---- here you are.4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  ---- thank you.4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (2) scene 2  (at a friend’s home)4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  -- hello4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  -- hello4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  -- whose is / are… ?4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  -- it’s / they’re….’s4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (3) dictation forty – soprt, shoe4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  2. presentation4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (1) show some pictures, explain the pictures one bye one.4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (2) repeat the sentences:4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  it’s got…4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  why are you…?4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  what do you mean?4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (3) p12  listen to the tape4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (4) read after the tape twice4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (5) read in groups4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (6) act out the story4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (7) p13 did you know4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  the eskimo woman wears her fur coat in winter in order to keep warm.4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  the japanese woman wears her kimono at ceremonies because it is traditional.4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  the african woman wears her grass skirt, when she is dancing. this is because it is traditional and it keeps her cool.4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  3. practice and development4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (1) 活 p8  ex. 5 (先对个别题指导 → 自做 → 校对)4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (2) 活p7  ex. 3  ex.44QJ易文君-文库范文网


  1. 活 p5  ex.1   p60 – p62  u2单词4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  2. 改正听写4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  3. 听录音读module 1  3次4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  module  1  clothes4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  i. objectives4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  1. review: clothes in english4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  2. can talk about clothes and ask the price of the clothes i want to buy.4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  3. do some exercises.4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  ii. processes4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  1. dictation: (read the words first)4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  sir    madam   bye   pound   whose4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  2. act out  unit 1  in groups4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  3. (1) whole class read unit 24QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (2) ask students to act out u24QJ易文君-文库范文网


  (1) 从苹果权吉找出与a pair of 配对的苹果4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  skirt, dress, shoes, jeans, trousers, blouse, socks, boots4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (2) 把苹果正确分类后,请生按自己的喜好买苹果用上:4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  ---- can i help you ? /  what can i do for you?4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  ---- i’d like to buy…4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  ---- how much….4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  ---- it’s / they’re…4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  ---- i’ll take4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (3) 各生把苹果买回校后,打乱顺序,请他人猜4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  ---- whose is / are….?4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  ---- it’s / they’re…’s.4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  5. 《技》p1.  ex.一 ex.二4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  p3.  ex.一. 二4QJ易文君-文库范文网


  1. 技 p2.  ex. 五. 六4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  p4.  ex. 五. 六4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  2. 听录音,预习unit 4 (词)4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  3. 自学 p14  additional words4QJ易文君-文库范文网

Unit3 Development 篇4

  unit9   development4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  i. objectives4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  1. p38  let’s learn together 24QJ易文君-文库范文网

  2. story time4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  3. did you know4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  4. additional words4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  ii. processes4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  1. warmming up4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (1) review words of jobs4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (2) p39 check fun with language 24QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (3) whole class recide  u84QJ易文君-文库范文网

  2. presentation4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (1) let’s learn together4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  a. practice : (with pictures)4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  what’s  his  job ?    he’s4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  her         she’s4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (in groups → in pairs → feedback)4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  b. what does she do?  she’s…4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  he      he’s..4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  c. what are their jobs?4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  d. whose father is a lawyer?4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  li ping’s father.4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (2) story time4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  a. look at the pictures then ask the students about the robot’s jobs.4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  b. listen to the story. in groups, think of an and of the story and draw it.4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (3) did you know?4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  look at the pictures and write the name of the job under the person.4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  (4) additional words4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  listen to the tape, find out the names for the jobs.  then match the words with the pictures.4QJ易文君-文库范文网


  1. copy p38  let’s learn together 2 (translate)4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  2. p40  ex.24QJ易文君-文库范文网

  3. listen to  u10  (find out the new words)4QJ易文君-文库范文网


  p38 (add)4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  sally’s  brother    zhuang qing’s aunt     li ping’s  faher4QJ易文君-文库范文网

  mike’s  uncle     janet’s   sister        ben’s  cousin4QJ易文君-文库范文网



