
Unit 4 Review and check 第一课时

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Unit 4 Review and check 第一课时(精选3篇)uuv易文君-文库范文网

Unit 4 Review and check 第一课时 篇1

  unit5 review and check 第一课时  uuv易文君-文库范文网

  教材类型:牛津版    所属学科:英语>>5b(五下) uuv易文君-文库范文网

  教案内容: uuv易文君-文库范文网

  一.教学目标及重难点. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  1.复习及巩固动词与副词的搭配. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  2.复习问句:does he/she…?yes, he /she does. no, he/she doesn’t. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  二.教具准备:挂图,图片。 uuv易文君-文库范文网

  三.教学内容及过程. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  step 1.revision uuv易文君-文库范文网

  1. greetings uuv易文君-文库范文网

  2. free talk uuv易文君-文库范文网

  1).do you have any hobbies? uuv易文君-文库范文网

  2).do you like…? uuv易文君-文库范文网

  3).does he/she…? uuv易文君-文库范文网

  4).what does he/she usually do…? uuv易文君-文库范文网

  3. answer quickly uuv易文君-文库范文网

  the way: 当一个学生说出动词时,另一个学生快速的说出相应的副词. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  step 2.look,read and write. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  1. show the pictures (1-4) and answer questions. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  1).what does the girl/boy do? uuv易文君-文库范文网

  2)do he/she…? uuv易文君-文库范文网

  2. read the sentences and fill in the blank. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  3. check the answers. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  4. show the pictures (5-8) and answer questions. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  1).does miss li like keeping goldfish? uuv易文君-文库范文网

  2).does mr black like making model ships? uuv易文君-文库范文网

  3).does mrs brown like cooking? uuv易文君-文库范文网

  4).does mr green like collecting stamps? uuv易文君-文库范文网

  step 3.look and write. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  1. show the pictures of part b. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  2. talk about the pictures. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  3. divide 8 groups and make dialogues uuv易文君-文库范文网

  4. check out. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  step 4 consolidation uuv易文君-文库范文网

  assign homework: finish part a and b. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  read it and recite it.uuv易文君-文库范文网

Unit 4 Review and check 第一课时 篇2

  unit 4 review and check第一课时uuv易文君-文库范文网



  一.free talk:uuv易文君-文库范文网

  what day is it today?uuv易文君-文库范文网

  what date is it today?uuv易文君-文库范文网

  when’s the teachers’ day?uuv易文君-文库范文网

  what would you like as a birthday present?uuv易文君-文库范文网






  unit 1uuv易文君-文库范文网

  public sings          a lot of questions        different things      on the wall  stay away fromuuv易文君-文库范文网

  公共标志            许多问题                不一样的东西      在墙上      远离uuv易文君-文库范文网

  walk on the grass       make noise      no smoking       no littering      no parkinguuv易文君-文库范文网

  在草地上走           制造噪音      禁止吸烟         禁止乱扔垃圾    禁止停车uuv易文君-文库范文网

  keep off            keep quite       take a walk       look arounduuv易文君-文库范文网

  使不接近        保持安静        散步            向四周看uuv易文君-文库范文网

  pick up           come up to       point touuv易文君-文库范文网

  捡起             走向            指向uuv易文君-文库范文网

  unit 2uuv易文君-文库范文网

  ben’s birthday    go home    on the 18th of october    a birthday presentuuv易文君-文库范文网

  ben的生日          回家           在10月18日             一个生日礼物uuv易文君-文库范文网

  a vcd of japanese cartoons    the fifth of april    take off    blow outuuv易文君-文库范文网

  一盘日本卡通vcd                4月5日             脱下          吹灭uuv易文君-文库范文网

  unit 3uuv易文君-文库范文网

  the running race   look for  a moment ago  just now   on the ground  uuv易文君-文库范文网

  赛跑比赛           寻找       刚才          刚才         在地上uuv易文君-文库范文网

  a pair of glasses   a roll of filmuuv易文君-文库范文网

  一副眼镜           一卷胶卷uuv易文君-文库范文网



Unit 4 Review and check 第一课时 篇3

  一、教学目标: uuv易文君-文库范文网

  1、通过复习,能够正确完成a look, match and say; b look, read and respond; c look, read and write uuv易文君-文库范文网

  2、正确完成练习册上的听力a listen and judge  b listen and match uuv易文君-文库范文网

  二、教学重点、难点: uuv易文君-文库范文网

  1、通过复习,能够正确完成a look, match and say; b look, read and respond; c look, read and write uuv易文君-文库范文网

  2、正确完成练习册上的听力a listen and judge  b listen and match uuv易文君-文库范文网

  三、教具准备:录音机、磁带 uuv易文君-文库范文网


  step 1 look, match and say uuv易文君-文库范文网

  t:  look at the pictures and match the letters a-d with the correct bubbles. then say the dialogues uuv易文君-文库范文网

  ss:look at the pictures carefully and match uuv易文君-文库范文网

  t:try to describe the pictures and summarize it uuv易文君-文库范文网

  answer: 1 bdac   2 dbac   3 adcb   4 bdca uuv易文君-文库范文网

  step 2 look, read and respond uuv易文君-文库范文网

  t: look at the pictures, read the sentences and respond. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  ss: look and do. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  t: ask some students to respond. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  answer: uuv易文君-文库范文网

  1.don’t throw it to him. throw it to me. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  2.don’t pass it to her. pass it to him. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  3.it means ‘do not touch’. (it means you shouldn’t touch it.) uuv易文君-文库范文网

  4.it’s on the 25th of november. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  5.yes, please. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  6.i’d like a cd walkman. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  7.it’s in the corner. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  8.they’re next to the bag. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  step 3 look, read and write uuv易文君-文库范文网

  t: look at the pictures. then read and complete the dialogues. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  ss: look and do. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  t: ask some students to read the dialogues. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  answer: uuv易文君-文库范文网

  1.sign, means, can, shouldn’t  2. pass, don’t   3. what, camera, roll of film, no uuv易文君-文库范文网

  4. no, when’s, december, would you like, diary uuv易文君-文库范文网

  step 4 listen and judge uuv易文君-文库范文网

  1) look at the pictures and talk about them. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  2) listen and judge. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  3) check up the answers. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  answer: uuv易文君-文库范文网

  1.l  2. l  3. j  4. l  5. l  6. j uuv易文君-文库范文网

  step 5 listen and match uuv易文君-文库范文网

  1)guess where the things are now. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  2)listen and match. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  3)check up the answers. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  answer: uuv易文君-文库范文网

  a. 1  b. 5  c. 6  g. 2  i. 4  j. 3 uuv易文君-文库范文网

  作业布置: uuv易文君-文库范文网

  1.review unit 1—unit 3 uuv易文君-文库范文网

  2.wb: part c—e. uuv易文君-文库范文网

  unit 4 review and check 第一课时 来自第一范文网。 uuv易文君-文库范文网



