新标准小学英语第六册Module8教案 篇1
module 8 discussion
unit 1 what do you suggest ?
一、 教学目标:
1. 知识目标:能够认读书写单词:suggest, excited, america, chinese, kind, dragon
2. 能力目标:能运用句型what do you suggest ? what about …? why don’t you …? how about…? 询问以及给别人提出建议。
3. 情感目标:引导孩子们做有爱心的好孩子
二、 课前准备:
1、 单词卡片: dragon , kite , suggest , america , kind , chinese , quickly , excited . 单词卡上有英语和汉语。
2、 课件
3、 课堂练习题一份:两个大题,一、听录音圈出sam建议大明买的礼物,a dragon kite , a chopsticks , a book , a bag , a t-shirt , a football.(这道题是图片加单词)二、课堂活动用书第一题,主要考查学生是否理解课文。
三、 教学步骤:
step one : 问好和分组
1. teacher : hi , boys and girls !
pupils : hi, teacher!
teacher : how are you ,today?
pupils : i’m fine , thank you . and you ?
teacher : i’m fine , too . thank you .
2. 根据班级具体人数,将全班分成三到四个大组,每个大组分成四人一小组。老师要用自己的激情提起课堂气氛,简单说明比赛得分及最后获胜大组奖励。先整顿纪律,首先做端正的大组获得两分,其余大组一分。
step two : warm up
1. first let’s play a game : i say you point. 提前将单词卡片(dragon , kite , suggest , america , kind , chinese , quickly , excited 单词卡上有英语和汉语,便于学生理解,但读的时候不读汉语)贴在教室周围的墙上,老师说单词,学生快速找到单词,指向单词并大声读出。可以做三遍,第一遍可以先慢一点,第二遍加快,第三遍以chant形式同学们拍手齐唱,如: dragon(升调), dragon(降调)。。。
2.memory game (记忆大比拼游戏):课件依次出示图片和单词:a dragon kite , a chopsticks , a book , a bag , a t-shirt , a football.学生边看边说,若碰到学生不会的老师可以领读一下;然后小组读单词并尽力记住它们;单词消失,同学们凭记忆说单词,说出一个可以为他们的大组加上一分,两个加两分。。并且大力表扬主动举手的同学,这里老师要调动起气氛来。x kb
step three : 导入
老师指着课件中的小男孩说:this is my cousin , jack. where is he ?学生看课件中的图片回答 he’s in america.领读并检查一排小火车。
老师接着说:i’m going to go to america in this summer , and i want to take a present for my cousin. what do you suggest ? 这里看学生反映,如果学生忘记了suggest 的意思,就再稍微指着墙上的单词卡领读一下。引导学生看课件的句子给出建议:what about …? why don’t you …? how about…? 老师根据每个建议给出相应的反馈:he’s got a …/ that’s a good idea./ what kind of…/ i agree. thank you .
step four: 课文的处理
1.介绍故事:老师问:do you remember our friend daming and sam?学生yes.课件出示本课主人公,引导说:this is daming , this is sam, and this is ms. smart. 人名空出来让学生说。出示大名打电话的图片老师说:now , daming is one the phone for sam. 看着课件图片边做动作边引导学生明白one the phone 的意思(这里稍微读一下这个短语就行,并一起说一遍daming is one the phone for sam.)。
2.第一遍听。老师说:let’s listen the story and answer : where is daming going to go ? 老师播放cd-rom,学生回答,答对给大组加一分,并表扬。h’s going to go to america.
so he is very excited. 这里看学生反映,do you remember excited ? 如果学生忘记了,就再稍微指着墙上的单词卡领读一下。
and he wants to take a present to his cousin .
3.第二边听。拿出课堂练习题。listen again and find “what does sam suggest?”学生再听,完成第一题,圈出sam 都建议了大明带什么礼物?听完找学生说他的答案,老师用课件出示正确答案,a dragon kite , a chopsticks还是对举手回答问题的同学大力表扬,加分鼓励。
4. books open, listen ,repeat and underline “what does daming think of sam’s suggest ?”老师可以用汉语适当引导。学生听、读并划线,然后看课件每一条找同学说。
5. listen and repeat again , 让学生注意红色的单词,也就是本课重点单词dragon , kite , suggest , america , kind , chinese , quickly , excited。
step five : 当堂检测,学生是否明白课文,做当堂检测第二题。 做完每个小题找同学说答案,随时表扬加分。
step six : 拓展, 用家有儿女要来学校为情景,让学生通过扮演刘星等角色,运用所学句型提建议。
看课件说: look , who are they ?引导学生说:they are xiadonghai, liuxing , xiaxue and xiayu. 老师:they are going to go to our school. they want to give a present for the pupils . 引导学生在小组分别扮演夏东海、小雨、小雪、刘星用所学句型询问和给出建议,老师先和四个同学做示范:
teacher : i want to take a present for the pupils, what do you suggest ?
学生1:what about a book?
teacher : they are got a book.
学生1: why don’t you give them a ball?
teacher : that’a a good idea. what kind of ball?
学生1:how about a football?
teacher : yes , a football. thank you .
老师示范结束,学生在四人小组完成对话,老师在学生小组活动的时候,随时指导一下对知识还不熟悉的个别学生。最后是小组展示,并给小组所在大组得分。x kb 1.c om
step seven: 应用
step eight: 情感教育
you are all lovely pupils , and we are all frends all over the world , we should love and help each other , then we will have a better tomorrow !
四、家庭作业: 课后征求朋友的意见,给你最爱人送一份小礼物。
module 8 discussion
unit 1 what do you suggest ?
i want to take a present for the pupils。
what do you suggest ?
what about a book? they are got a book.
why don’t you give them a ball? that’a a good idea. what kind of ball?
how about a football? yes , a football. thank you .
unit 2 line a is longer
四、 教学目标:xk b1 .co m
4. 知识目标:能够认读书写单词:same , circle ,
5. 能力目标:能运用句型line a is longer. is line a the same as line b?i think so. i don’t think so.通过事物的比较发表自己的看法。
6. 字母组合: ll , ng , nk 在单词中的发音。
五、 课前准备:
4、 单词卡片(宝藏图): tell , till , long , sing , english , angry , think , sink . 单词卡单词按照划线部分发音相同的为一个颜色。提前卷好了,用一根细线系住。
5、 课件
6、 课堂活动用书第三题。
六、 教学步骤:
step one : warm-up review unit 1
2. 和学生说今天的比赛很特别,回答问题积极而且好的同学,不但能给大组加分,还能获得宝藏图一份。
step three : 导入
1.同学们比赛,老师引导学生快速读一遍课文,看谁读的又快又好,学生在读的时候,老师观察学生,读完后老师找出以为读得快的学生,邀请学生到台前,表扬说:i think he is quick . 再找另一个读得更快的学生请他到台前,说:but she is quicker . 老师马上问问题看学生是否理解:who is quick ? who is quicker ? 学生回答,这里谁答对了奖励一张宝藏图,共送出去两张。
2.再邀请两位学生,he is tall, but she is taller. 看板书,老师指一下简单领读单词。she is short , but he is shorter. 看板书,老师指一下简单领读单词。问:who is taller ? who is shorter ?学生回答...is taller/shorter.老师用: i think so. 或i don’t think so. 来发表自己的观点。再找两个长得一样高的学生问:who is taller ? who is shorter ? 学生可能会说不出来,老师引导说:he is the same as she.看板书,老师领读并检查小火车,这里谁答对了奖励一张宝藏图,共送出去三张。
step four: 课文的处理
1.课件展示,先出示一条线a,老师问:what is it ? 学生: line。老师: yes , it’s line a . 再出示一条b,老师问:which is longer?学生答:line b is longer. 老师问:which is shorter?学生答:line a is shorter.老师试着问:is line a longer? / shorter? / the same as line b? 并且出示课件。学生回答,老师问:do you think so?引导学生用i think so. i don’t think so.发表自己的观点。每个问题学生回答出来则给他的大组加一分。
2. 课件展示,先出示一个圈a,老师问:what is it ? 学生: circle。老师: yes , it’s circle a . 再出示一个圈b,老师问:which is bigger?学生答:circle b is bigger. 老师问:which is smaller?学生答:circle a is smaller.老师试着问:is circle a bigger? / smaller? / the same as circle b? 并且出示课件。学生回答,老师问:do you think so?引导学生用i think so. i don’t think so.发表自己的观点。每个问题学生回答出来则给他的大组加一分,并且表扬。
3.学生做的很好及时表扬,并出示课件问what can you see ? 根据学生反映,如果学生说出来vase , 则大力表扬并引导can you see a vase ? 简单讲解vase,并拿起课本让学生只给老师看。如果学生说出来head , 则大力表扬并引导can you see two heads ? 简单讲解head,并拿起课本让学生只给老师看. 学生回答,老师问:do you think so?引导学生用i think so. i don’t think so.发表自己的观点。这里谁答对了奖励一张宝藏图,共送出去5张。
5. boos open listen and repeat , then read in small groups , 每幅图find a pupil 领读,这里领读的小老师各奖励一张宝藏图,共送出去8张。
step five : 当堂检测,学生是否明白两个事物作比较,做活动用书第三题。
step six : review .复习今天的重点知识,看板书齐读一遍。
step seven: 字母组合: ll , ng , nk 在单词中的发音。
将手里拿宝藏的学生请到台前,打开他们的宝藏,拿相同颜色单词的两个同学站在一起,listen and repeat , 感知字母组合的发音,老师引导着总结出来,板书领读一下。
step right :chant ,listen and learn ,listen together, 加动作拍手齐唱 ,最后可以找表演得好的同学到台前表演。
四、家庭作业: 完成活动用书第一题,和第五题。
module 8 discussion
unit 2 line a is longer
line longer
circle shorter
vase bigger
head smaller
the same as
新标准小学英语第六册Module8教案 篇2
module 4 library
unit 1 where are the books about computers,please?
1. 听懂会说单词: library, find, cd-rom, bring, use, card, easy.
2. 能熟练应用句型: where are the books about computers, please?
please bring back the book in two week’s time.
1、听懂会说单词library, find, cd-rom, bring, use, card, easy.
2、学习并应用句型 where are the books about computers, please?
please bring back the book in two week’s time.
三、教具:多媒体课件, cd-rom, tape recorder
step 1:warm up
1. greetings.
2. sing the song: where did you go?
3. guessing game:
①playground: you can play football or basketball there.
② television: you can watch some interesting programmes in it.
③bookshop: you can buy lots of books there.
④library: you can borrow or read books there. 出示新词 library
step2 presenting and drilling
1)show the topic: module 4 library unit 1 where are the books about computers, please?
2) new words:
1) t:(课件) look , what’s this ? ss : it’s a library.
t: yes. it’s a library.
2) learn other words in the same way: library card, cd-rom,shelf
t: i want to make an e-card for my friend.(学习新词e-card)i need a book about e-cards. where can i find it ?
ss:in the library.
t(课件): “yes, i can find a book about animals in the library.what do we need when we borrow books from the library?”
ss: “a library card.”
t:“look, this is my library card. i will use it to borrow a book from the library.” (学习单词use)have you got a library card,too?can i have your library card, please?
t: thank you.i’ll bring it back later on.(学习 bring back)
3) guessing game:let’s play a game .it’s easy for you.(学习新词easy)
where are the books about anmimals?
where are the books about fruits?
where are the books about trees?
where are the books about toys?
where are the books about clothes?
where are the books about music?
4)小组合作missing game.s1: where are the books about ……?they are ……
step 3. text
1) listen and point, then answer the questions about the dialogue.
2) listen, point and repeat.
step 4: 课本剧表演
step 5:homework
1. listen and follow the tape 5 times.
2. read and copy the new words.
unit2 where can you find out about animals?
1.理解并掌握几个词语:train information,timetatble,words,dictionary,weather,newspaper
2.重要句型:where can you find out about animals?
you can find out about in\on .
3. 学会辨别几个音标发音。
where can you find out about animals?
you can find out about in\on .
三、教学难点: 几个元音的发音与辨别
step 1 warm up
1. greetings
2.say the poem
step 2 presentation
1.t:i’m going to go to america next week.this is the first time for me to go to america.and i want to find out some information about america.can you help me?(学习新单词information)课件出示需要查询的信息
⑴t:i want to know the plane information.where can i find out about it?(学生提示:on the computer)
t:yes, i can find out about the plane information on the computer.because there are lots of timetable on the computer.(课件出示学习新词timetable)
⑵t:where can i find out about the weather in america?(学习新词newspaper)
⑶where can i find out about american food?
⑷my english is poor.where can i find out about english words?(学习新词words/dictionary)
2.group work:my penfriend is going to visit me from england this weekend.he know little about china .now he is in trouble.can you help him?(ss can get help from the tape比一比,看哪组提供的途径多为胜)
where can he find out about train information?
where can he find out about roads?
where can he find out about chinese food?
where can he find out about chinese words?
where can he find out about games?
where can he find out about toys?
where can he find out about animals?
where can he find out about chinese books
step 3 practice
1. listen to the tape,read the text
2.listen and choose找出划线字母发音不同的单词
step 4 homework
listen and read the text for at least 3 times