《Water》教案 篇1
chapter 1 water
第一节 reading(1)
一、 课型 阅读课
二、 时间 45分钟
三、 本节与上节相关性分析
四、 本节课教学目标
1. 基本掌握文中四会词语, 理解水循环的过程。
2. 本节所需掌握的单词:liquid, solid, gas, cover, stream, tap, pour, freeze, waste, sound, angry, obey, nod, treatment, travel, pipe, etc.
五、 教学过程
设计意图 教学过程
教师活动/方法 学生活动/学法 条件/手段(在课件中体现)
step1: warming-
lead to the topic “water”
用竞猜谜语的方式,激发学习兴趣,吸引学生注意力,既引出所学课题,又增添了教与学的乐趣 1. greetings.
2. show a riddle to the ss. 1. greetings.
2. compete to give an answer to the riddle.
step 2:
lead-in 通过两张关于地球和火星图片的强烈对比,引导学生认识到水资源的重要性。从现实出发,导入课文主旨---节水。 1. show two pictures.
2. ask ss “which picture is more beautiful and why?”
3. guide ss to realize the importance of water. 1. look at the pictures carefully.
2. answer the question.
3. realize water makes the earth more beautiful. 直观展示法
step 3
pre-task stage:
where is water?
分布 1. 用播放短片和分角色表演的形式,激发兴趣,吸引注意力,既生动地展示出地球表面水分布这个较为理性的话题,又通过设问引导学生意识到地表淡水资源的紧缺,为下一环节作好铺垫。
2. 通过抢答及时反馈学生对水分布的理解。 1. ask ss “where is water on the earth?”
2. play a video about water and ask 4 ss to act it out.
3. guide ss to
know about four forms of water.
4. ask ss some questions to check their understanding. 1. think about the question
2. role-play:
4 students represent ‘salty water, fresh water, solid water and water vapor’.
3. the rest ss appreciate the performance.
4. answer questions about the forms of water.
step 4
task stage:
how does water come?
循环 看---听---读---写,四个步骤循序渐进,环环相扣,使学生不断深化对课文重点内容水循环的理解。
1. show a picture about water recycle and ask ss to arrange some sentences according to the picture.
2. play the recording and ask ss to choose true or false of some statements.
3. ask ss to read the passage aloud and answer questions about it.。
4. ask ss to use key words to complete the water cycle on blackboard. 1. ss observe the picture and arrange the sentences.
2. ss listen to the tape and choose t or f.
3. read aloud the passage and discuss the questions in groups, then answer them in pairs.
4. read the passage again and complete the water cycle.
step 5
post-task stage :
more practice 将课本more practice 中介绍水资源的阅读练习穿插到这里,可以进一步唤起危机感,提高学生的阅读理解技能,并自然过渡到下一个任务:讨论节约用水的办法。 1. guide ss to read the passage by themselves.
2. ask ss to discuss the five statements in groups.
3. ask 5 pairs to give their answers. 1. read the passage.
2. discuss the statements in groups.
3. 5 pairs give their answers. 合作学习法
step 6
巩固复习 give assignments:
1. retell the story.
2. finish the reading exercises in workbook. 1. retell the story.
2. finish the reading exercises in workbook. 巩固练习
板书设计 chapter one water
water cycle:
cloud → stream→ dongjiang river → reservoir
↑ ↓
sea ← sewage plant ← bathroom ← water treatment works
《Water》教案 篇2
unit 13 the properties of water
teaching goals
1. talk about water and the ocean.
2. practice communicative skills.
3. review modal verbs.
4. write an explanation paragraph.
the first period
teaching aims:
1. learn and master the new words and the useful expressions of this part.
2. learn something about water by doing experiment.
3 do some listening.
4. improve the students’ speaking ability by talking.
teaching important points:
1. make the students be free to talk about water.
2. improve the students’ listening ability by listening.
teaching difficult points:
1. how to finish the task of speaking.
2. how to improve the students’ listening ability.
teaching methods:
1. listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.
2. individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.
teaching aids:
1. the multimedia
2. the blackboard
3. an empty glass, a bottle of water and a bottle of vegetable oil
teaching procedures:
step 1 greetings and lead-in
read a short poem and guess its name: a letter from _______. (water)
dear user,
shame to you all, the ignorant,
i am your life
but you seem not to value me
give me all the respect
for in me is eternal life
if you continue abusing me
surely, all forms of life will wither away
have you ever imagined,
life without me?
i tell you, it will be unbearable
think twice
for every drop counts...
qs: 1) what does “dear user” here refer to?
2) what does it talk to its users?
3) on which planet does it exist? -on the earth, which is also called the water planet.
4) do you know why it is called “the water planet”?
-because about three quarters of the earth is covered by water.
step2: pair work: collect as many words as possible related to water.
how much do you know about water?
is all water fresh or salty?
step3: talk about the properties of water.
1. pair work
t: water is around us and inside us. we can’t go without water.
qs: why is water so important to living things?
can you point out some of its properties or characteristics?
suggested vocabulary:
it's colorless, tasteless, odorless and universal dissolvent.
it feels wet;
it exists in three forms: liquid, solid, gas, and is cycled through the water cycle;
it can absorb a large amount of heat;
it sticks together into beads or drops;
it's part of every living organism on the planet; etc.
2. group work
learn more about water’s properties by doing some simple experiments and learn to describe an experiment.
what property of water does each of the four experiments illustrate?
what causes this phenomenon?
what’s this phenomenon related to?
① experiment 1 shows how air pressure causes a piece of thick paper to cling to an upturned glass of water.
② experiment 2 illustrates how substances with different density behave when placed in the same container.
③ experiment 3 is an example of how water dissolves substances and objects.
④ experiment 4 illustrates some of the differences between salt water and fresh water.
3. t: what other properties of water do you know about?
what causes the following phenomena? can you explain?
①we can get a lot of nutrients by drinking water and having soup.
②wood floats on water while iron sinks.
③the coastal areas are often neither too hot nor too cold.
④why can some living things live at the bottom of the ocean where there is no sunshine?
(if these questions are too difficult) try asking questions about the properties of water and then give answers to them.
step5: homework
1. read the text carefully and find out the detailed information about water properties.
2. think as many examples as possible to illustrate water properties.
the second period
teaching aims:
1. learn and master the some new words and phrases.
2. improve the students’ reading ability.
3. enable the students to realize that it is important to protect the water on our planet.
teaching important points:
1. improve the students’ reading ability.
2. master the following phrases:
all the way, that is, mix with, take advantage of, manage to do
teaching difficult point:
how do we make the students understand the reading passage better.
teaching methods:
1. discussion before reading to make the students interested in what they will learn.
2. fast reading to get a general idea of the text.
3. discussion after reading to make students understand what they’ve learned better.
4. careful reading to get the detailed information in the text.
teaching aids:
1. the multimedia
2. the blackboard
teaching procedures:
step 1 greetings
step 2 revision and lead-in
ask someone to illustrate water properties.
step3: pre-reading
look at the titles in the text below. do not read the whole text. pick out the subject of each paragraph. use the structures below to make six questions related to the subjects.
what is/ are ________?
what does _________ look like?
what are different parts of ______?
what can ________ be compared to?
how does _______ work?
what are some examples of ________?
skim to find the words and phrases which describe the properties of water in the reading text.
scan to find out some basic facts about life in the oceans.
life on earth began in the oceans about three billion years ago;
99% of the living space on earth is in the oceans;
there are about five million (known) species in the oceans;
life in the oceans ranges from tiny plankton to giant whales.
t: yesterday you were required to ask more questions about water’s properties and find out the detailed information about water properties as well. so now let’s have a little quiz about the properties of water.
true of false questions:
1) water is a liquid at room temperature, and it has a relatively high freezing point.
2) the reason why water can dissolve most substances on earth is that water has high heat capacity.
3) like all the other substances, water gets smaller (contract) when it freezes.
4) pure water has a higher freezing point and lighter than salt water.
5) the salinity of the earth’s oceans is about 3.5%.
6) when water freezes, its density increases.
7) other recourses such as oil, gas, gold etc is as precious as a drop of rain.
(tfftt ff)
step4. while-reading
as we all know, charles darwin is famous for his “the origin of species”. (according to his theory of evolution)
qs: 1) was there any life on the earth billions of years ago?
2) if any, what was the original life like at that time?
3) where did it live? -in the deep blue seas.
4) how does the world take its shape, which is quite different from what it used to be, especially those various organisms? -billions of years’ natural selection.
2.it is said that 99% of the living space on earth is in the oceans.
qs: 1) what does this fact result in? -marine life is incredibly rich and varied.
2) can you give some specific numbers or examples?
-there are about five million species in the oceans. they range from the tiniest plants all the way up to giants (e.g. sharks and whales).
3) what does this fact imply? do you agree?
-water is an excellent medium for life.
4) why do you agree that water is an excellent medium for life? (based on common knowledge)
water is a liquid at room temperature and has a relatively high freezing point;
all living creatures need food to survive, but on many occasions the nutrients become available to living things only when they are dissolved by water.
3.so we know that one of water’s properties is its dissolvability(溶解性).
qs: 1) do you know what gives water such a unique property?
-the chemical structure of water.
2) what does the water molecule look like?
-a water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. the two hydrogen atoms are bonded to one oxygen atom to form a 'v' shape. the two hydrogen atoms form a polar molecule, that is, one with a slightly positive end and one with a slightly negative end.
3) can you give some other examples which are also resulted from water’s unique chemical structure?
-plants can pull water up their roots via a capillary(毛细管) process;
-we can get a lot of nutrients by drinking soup.
that’s water’s another property-dissolvability.
4. since water is such a universal solvent, it can dissolve just about anything including many gases and solids. as a result, there is sea water.
qs: 1) do you know the salinity of the earth’s oceans? -about 3.5%.
2) what does it mean?
3) have you ever noticed such a phenomenon that in winter water in some containers or small rivers often freezes while that in seas not? can you explain it?
-the salinity of sea water can affect the freezing point of water. sea water has a lower a freezing point, so even when the temperature of sea water falls below 0℃, sea water is still liquid.
5. however, no matter whether it is sea water or pure water, “wood floats on water while iron sinks” always works. how do you explain that? what property of water is this?
-if a substance has a lower density than water does, it will float on water; otherwise, it will sink.
qs: 1) what is density? and what’s the density of pure water?
-density is the relationship between mass and volume and is measured in kilos per cubic meter (kg/m3). the density of water is 1,000kg/m3.
2) does it also go for the phenomenon that ice looks larger than water of equal mass?
-yes. water’s density decreases when it turns to ice, so its volume increases.
3) does all the water in the same river or ocean have equal density? tell your reasons.
—no. changes in salinity and temperature affect water’s density. cold water of high salinity usually is most dense and will tend to sink to the bottom of the ocean.
6. qs: 1) what do different densities in the ocean result in?
-dense water sinks and less dense water is pushed to the surface. thus water in the ocean is always moving.
2) what phenomena can this result help us explain? please give examples. (if necessary, give students some hints such as showing a picture etc.)
ocean motion helps move nutrients around and adds energy to the marine ecosystems.
different marine creatures live in different levels of the ocean. (because of the foods they need, sunshine etc.)
7. read following statement and think what conclusion you can draw? or what property does it refer to?
it is said that a man of 60kg loses about 1l water through breath and skin evaporation (皮肤蒸发) every day. in other words, 539kcal heat is released in these two ways. if so much heat were kept in human body, it would raise body temperature by 9℃. can you imagine the result?
-water has a relatively high heat capacity and can accommodate the climate automatically. it can absorb and release a lot of heat without big changes in its temperature, thus creating a stable environment.
8. here are some more familiar phenomena.
what property of water is each of them related to?
the coastal areas are often neither too hot nor too cold. (water’s high heat capacity)
ice floats on water. (density)
when the sea water in a container is evaporated (蒸发), there will be some salt left. (dissolvability)
irrigate in winter can help raise the soil temperature. (water’s high heat capacity)
people swimming in the dead sea float; they can even read a paper while lying on their back in the water. (salinity and density)
step5 language points
e.g. the company will provide food and drink for them.
2. have an opportunity to do something
e.g. i had no opportunity to discuss the problem with her yesterday.
3.a variety of
e.g. he left for a variety of reasons.
there are a variety of patterns for you to choose from.
4. contribute to
e.g. his work has contributed to our understanding of this difficult subject.
step6. homework
try to think as many examples as possible to show that water is made use of to bring benefit to human beings.
《Water》教案 篇3
module 1 the natural
unit 3 sea water and rain water
一、分析(unit analysis)
(一)地位(unit position)
1 6b 中已出现了use water to do sth.,本单元介绍了此句型的另为一种表达方式:use water for doing sth., 教师可以从 use…to do.. 引出 use … for doing用法。教师让学生用身边的例子和生活经验,导入此句型。,鼓励用此句型进行操练。
2 本单元出现了 if… will… 的复合句,要加强操练。学生对复合句的用法不很熟练,应设计各种情景,强化此句型的操练,以达到熟练运用。
3 作为情感态度发展的目标,教师要对学生进行节约能源的教育。
(二)重点(unit points)
1 关键词:
without, teeth, shower, wash, dish, nothing, nowhere
2 功能:
熟练掌握use sth. for doing sth. / we use water for showering. / we use water for cooking.
if… will…复合句的掌握,结合阅读的材料进行操练。
3 语法点:
⑴ if 引导的状语从句主句的谓语动词是一般将来时态,从句的谓语动词是一般现在时态。
⑵ use for doing sth. we can save water by doing sth. for,by 介词后跟动名词。
二、教学设计(teaching designs)
这部分讲水的用途,在6b中已经讲解过此部分的内容,在本单元中用了新的句型讲水的用途,教师可以以旧带新,可以先就水的重要性展开话题,然后阅读课文,操练句型:if…will…,最后做class project: the use of water. 应用句型:we use water for doing sth.
把学生学习英语的成果用小报或是别的形式予以展示,可以很好的调动学生学习英语的兴趣,使他们学习英语有了成就感。班级里要留出一定的空间把小组的class project 展示出来。 1.教师可由关于水的重要性的问题引入:where does water come from? why do animals and plants need water? how long can we live without water?
3.播放录音,阅读文章。向学生介绍句型: if there is no rain, what will happen? 学生回答:if there is no rain, there will be no water to drink. if表示可能性和条件。
4.学生分成小组讨论如果没有水的情况,用句型:if… will…讨论结束后,小组派代表讲述小组的讨论结果。
5.继续讨论水的用途,介绍新句型:we use water for doing sth. 学生回答:we use water for brushing our teeth. we use water for showering. 并操练此句型的用法。
6.小组活动。完成p17页上的表格; 然后小组讨论关于水的用途的更多的信息,可分成:at home, at school, at work 三部分进行讨论;小组最后请代表汇报讨论的结果。对于学生讨论的结果,小组可以做成小报,在班级里予以展示。
《Water》教案 篇4
牛津英语(深圳版)8a chapter 1 water教案
chapter 1 water period one
知识目标:(1)学生了解水的来源。(2)学生了解水的有关知识。(3)学生学习新词汇。(4) 了解一般过去时和过去进行时的用法。
1. 通过粗略地看课文,学生了解水的来源。
2. 通过课文,掌握一般过去时。
pre-task preparation
1.ask students how much they know about water. ask them to finish exercise a on page 2.
keys: a c a c c
2. ask the students to finish exercise b1 on page 2.
3. ask the students to tell something about water. (free talk)
suggested topic
where does the water at home come from?
what can we use water to do?
the importance of water
while-task procedure
1. new words and expressions
froze---stopped moving because of surprise
wasting---using more of something than you should
obeyed---did according to instructions
cleaned up---made something clean
in the first place---in the beginning
valuable---of great value
2. other phrases and sentence
pour into look around drop…into carry…to water treatment works sewage plant pump…into remember not to do sth. shake one’s head
it is + adj. for sb. to do sth.
3. ask the students to finish exercise b1 on page 2 and think about exercise b2 on the same page.
4. 一般过去时
句式 结构 举例
肯定式 主语+动词过去式+其它 they had a good time yesterday.
否定式 主语+did not(didn’t)+动词原形+其它 they didn’t watch tv last night.
一般疑问句 did+主语+动词原形+其它?
肯定回答:yes,主语+did. 否定回答:no, 主语+didn’t. did they have a meeting two days ago?
yes, they did. / no, they didn’t.
特殊疑问句 特殊疑问句+did+主语+动词原形+其它? what time did you finish your homework?
5. 一般过去时的用法:
表示过去某个特定时间发生的动作或存在的状态 he suddenly felt ill yesterday.
表示过去经常发生的动作或存在的状态 i wrote home once a week at college.
表示过去连续发生的一系列动作 the students went up early in the morning, did morning exercises and then read english aloud in the open air.
review new words and expressions
chapter 1 water period two
1. 通过精读课文,学生掌握词汇和句型。
2. 通过课文,掌握一般过去时。
3. 学生讨论水的重要性以及如何节约用水
pre-task preparation
1. review words and expressions.
2. ask the student to match the words with expressions.
nodded---moved one’s head up and down
traveled---went from one place to another
until---up to the point in time
pump---push water, air, etc. by machine
pollute---make air, water, etc. dirty
3. 比较remember to do sth.和remember doing sth.以及其它的词组搭配
remember to do sth.
记得要做某事(还没做过) remember doing sth.
forget to do sth.
忘记做某事(还没做过) forget doing sth.
stop to do sth.
停下来做某事 stop doing sth.
while-task procedure
1. ask the students to finish exercise d on page 5.
2. ask the students to answer the questions in exercise e and then make a dialogue.
why did daisy freeze?
why was the voice angry?
why did daisy nod her head?
why did the water go to a treatment works?
why did the water say, ‘ i’ll go back into the sea again.’?
why did the water say, ‘…like liquid gold.’?
why did daisy’s brother say, ‘sometimes you’re really strange, daisy.’?
3. ask students to discuss the importance of water and how to save water.
suggested sentences
we can save water by doing sth.
we can save water by not doing sth.
post-task activities
additional exercises
ask students to tell where water comes from.
chapter 1 water period three
1. 通过听力练习,学生掌握图片排序的技巧。
2. 在听力过程中,学生做好适当的笔记。
3. 根据文字内容,给图片排序。
pre-task preparation
1. ask students to pay attention to the following things before listening to the tape.
to put the pictures in the right order, you need to
look at the pictures before you listen, and think about their content.
pay attention to the details in the pictures, and try to listen for these details.
listen for key words such as verbs and adjectives, and write them down.
2. ask students to look at the pictures and try to guess the meaning of each picture.
while-task procedure
ask students to listen to the tape for the first time and try to take down some
《Water》教案 篇5
module 1 the natural
unit 3 sea water and rain water
一、分析(unit analysis)
(一)地位(unit position)
have you ever seen…? 的句型在6a,6b中都已出现,但作为知识难点,教师在学习过程中还要再复现与强调。
(二)重点(unit points)
1 关键词:
关于海洋生物的介绍:a coral reef, seaweed, dolphin, shark, intelligent.
2 功能:
3 语法点:
use for doing sth. we can save water by doing sth. for,by 介词后跟动名词。二、教学设计(teaching designs)
1 从杂志,网络上收集海洋生物的照片。问学生海洋生物的名字,可以用brain-storm
2 播放录音,让学生阅读文章。也可以在巩固海洋生物的基础上把p14-p15的阅读语
3 教师就文章内容设计提出一些问题,或是复述课文等活动,巩固复习阅读内容。
where do we find water? what can we find in the ocean? how can we get drinking water from sea water?
4 小组竞赛, 可以提高学生学习英语的兴趣,问题见:p15。 也可以收集其他多个问题与材料,进行全班检测与反馈。
《Water》教案 篇6
教学目标:1、帮助学生了解look and learn中的词组。
2、通过listen and say的情景对话,让学生开展听录音朗读、问答等活动,帮助学生掌握核心句型。
写:正确书写本单元的核心句型:we use water to wash our hands.
说:用how do we use water?询问水的用途;
用we use water to简单介绍水的用途。
教学重难点:词汇:use, clothes, farmer, useful, grow crops, put out fires.
句型:we use water to wash our hands.
stepi : pre-task preparations
1、 利用谜语引出主题water。教师说谜语,让学生猜教师描述的是什么。
it has no color
it is everywhere around us
it is in the river
it is in the sea
we use it to wash our hands
we are thirsty, we can drink it
what is it?
stepii: presentation
1、 提问where does water come from?并出示一些跟水有关的图片,如水龙头、井、湖、海、河流等,与学生讨论。
it comes from the sea.
it comes from the tap.
it comes from the rain.
it comes from the lake.
2、 与学生讨论水的用途,导入核心句型及单词use和useful。
t: water is everywhere around us. water is very important. it is very useful. (write useful water on the blackboard)we use water to do a lot of things, we use water to wash our hands.
s: use, u-s-e, we use water to wash our hands.
t: water is very useful. u-s-e-f-u-l, useful.
s: water is very useful. u-s-e-f-u-l, useful.
3、 出示look and learn的图片,并提问学生水的用途。
t:(show the picture for put out fires)look at this picture. the firemen is using water to put out fires.
s: put out fires.
t: what do farmers use water for?(show the picture for grow crops)
s: they use water to grow crops.
4、 学生结对讨论how do we use water?将学生的答案出示在黑板上。
5、 播放课文listen and say的录音,学生先跟读,然后分角色朗读课文,并完成课本75页的练习。
complete the sentences.
1 water comes from the sea,
the rain and the tap .
2 we use water to wash our hands,
wash vegetables, wash clothes,
grow crops, and put out fires.
6、 板书
wash hands.
wash clothes.
we use water to cook food.
wash vegetables
put out fires.
grow crops.